By The Gypsy Nurse

June 12, 2015



CA License Delays: Continues To Be A Hurdle For Travel Nurses

CA License delay update:

CA is still experiencing extreme delays in licensing for RN’s. I’ve attempted contact with them to no avail to obtain additional information for you – the potential CA RN candidate – to move this process forward in a more expedient manner. If/When I receive any additional information, I will update you.

In the meantime, some of our Facebook Network Group members have suggested some of the following to help those experiencing issues or with questions on how to proceed with CA license delays.

Cali License Tips:

Kristen Bowles @ TaleMed gives some tips on “How to get a CA license in 7-8 weeks”:

1. Print out the application

2. Do NURSYS verification online

3. Have colleges send official transcripts directly to CA BON

4. Have 2 sets of hard fingerprints done at local police station (they have the same that CA requires and sends out) . Send in 2 sets because California BON sometimes reject a set.

5. Have a passport picture taken at CVS

6. Send in application , passport picture , both sets of fingerprints and check all together

7. Register for Breeze

Anonymous Member From post dated 01/09/2015:

Temporary license received in 2 weeks total time following these steps:

1. Print out California licensure by endorsement pages and fill it out.

2. Order All sealed Student Transcripts to yourself (overnighted) or to the BON at the following address:

BON 1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 150

Sacremento, Ca 95834

3. Go to verify licensure ($30) at (it does not have to be your original state of licensure, if they do not participate in Nursys)

4. Obtain 2 by 2 photo for application. Attach to application where indicated on all 4 sides with clear tape. (Costco, Walmart, Sams club)

5. We called to inform them we were on our way. 1-800-838-6828

6. We arrived and turned in the application, (and transcripts if you have them) paid the fees for temporary and whole licensure ($150). Obtained the fingerprint card (FD258)

7. Go to the UPS store the BON indicated (1 mile away) and have prints scanned ($75)

8. Return the fingerprint card to BON office retrieve email address from person at window for a reference. 

If you want some personal assistance, Steven Swan @ Valley Healthcare Staffing offers the following:

“We are happy to walk your application to the window and through the process. Our office is two blocks away and the license will take 2-3 weeks TOPS. We go to the window 2+ times per week and check status in person. You don’t have to work for us – it’s a service we offer and are happy to help.”
Steve Swan
Valley Healthcare
(916) 505-7744

Contact the CA Board of Nursing

Physical Address

Board of Registered Nursing
1747 North Market Boulevard, Suite 150
Sacramento, CA 95834

Mailing Address

Board of Registered Nursing
P.O. Box 944210
Sacramento, CA 94244-2100

Phone Numbers

Main Phone: (916) 322-3350

Hearing impaired individuals can call our TDD number: (800) 326-2297

 If you have any additional tips for our CA applicants, please let us know in the comments!

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