By AB Staffing Solutions

January 13, 2022



New Year, New Travel Nurse Agency: When is it Time to Change Travel Nursing Agencies?

AB Staffing Solutions provided this article.

New Year, new travel nurse agency?

It’s a new year—time to keep what is working in your life and an opportunity to change what isn’t working. If your travel nursing agency isn’t working the way you had hoped, it’s a great time to consider other options. Talking to your recruiter, exploring other agencies, and thinking about what is good or bad about your current agency will help you make the best decision.

When is it time to change travel nursing agencies?

Before jumping agencies, make a list of what you like and dislike about your current agency.

  • What was the onboarding process like?
  • What type of assistance do they offer for housing?
  • What do you need for yourself and your family and/or pets?
  • Is the agency meeting your needs in terms of career goals?
  • Are there options for different placements?

As you answer these questions, it will become clear whether it is time to change travel nursing agencies. Here are some ideas to help you decide when it’s time to change or even just add a new travel nurse agency to your mix of options.

Problems with your recruiter.

How responsive is your recruiter? Are you being ghosted, or are they available to help you? If they’re stringing you along or, worse, not responding to you, it is time to ask for another recruiter. Most recruiters pride themselves on not only attracting new travelers but on retaining their existing travelers too. This means being available whenever you need them. Whether it’s a question about housing, a new contract, or listening to your concerns, our recruiters find answers and solutions for you.

Communication issues.

Is the agency disorganized or unclear when they communicate with you? This could be a sign of a larger organizational problem. You deserve a certain level of service, and if you’re not getting it, it might be time to look elsewhere. Some agencies have all departments under one roof, so you can easily work with your recruiter, credentialer, and even the payroll department to get questions answered quickly. Agencies that offer this tend to have an advantage when it comes to communication with their travelers.

Job Opportunities.

Many travelers have specific career goals in mind. Some want to expand their area of expertise, while others want to gain experience in a new area. Still, there are others who want to work in different geographic locations as they slow their career. If the agency doesn’t have the job opportunities that align with your goals, talk to them. If you’re still not satisfied, it might be time to explore other options.

Referral or Recommendation.

Changing travel nursing agencies may be as simple as being referred to another agency, like AB Staffing, by a relative or colleague. Make sure to do research to ensure that the recommended agency has what you desire, including job opportunities. There might not be anything particularly negative about your current agency. However, you might have a friend or family member who works for another agency that they highly recommend.

It’s okay to work with more than one agency.

Many of our travelers are in communication with two or three agencies at a time. This gives them, and you, more options in location, positions, and even pay. Recruiters are aware of this and don’t ever take it personally. They understand that if you can find your desired location, shift, or pay elsewhere, then you should take the contract that’s best for you.

General unhappiness with your current agency.

As when you work at a medical facility, working with an agency requires you to be professional and levelheaded, even when frustrated. Express your concerns, and let them try to change, but if that doesn’t happen, it’s time to find a new travel nurse agency.

Changing travel nursing agencies shouldn’t be a decision to make likely. Take time to communicate with your current agency. Think about your career goals and family needs. Talk to other travelers and see what their experiences have been with different agencies to make the decision that is best for you.

We hope you found this article helpful. Are you a travel nurse who has changed travel nursing agencies? Do you have any advice for your fellow travel nurses for changing travel nurse agencies? Comment any advice below.

Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. Need housing for an upcoming travel nurse assignment? Click here to search our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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