By Amber Kendra

June 18, 2020



Anxiety and Stress with Drastic Changes in the Travel Market

“What I seek is seeking me. When I run after what I think I want, my days are a fury of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me and without pain. From this, I understand what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me.”

I often think of this quote from Rumi during times of stress. The last few months have been difficult for so many due to drastic changes in the travel market and facility cancellations. One reason I chose to become a nurse was stability. I never imagined a time when nursing jobs would be difficult to find, yet this is our reality now.

Travel Nursing is Unpredictable

Travel nursing had been unpredictable well before the pandemic, and this unpredictability is, in part, what drew many nurses to travel in the first place. Stress and anxiety are inevitable in times of uncertainty, but how one handles these emotions will determine his or her journey. It is easy to get caught up in negative thoughts; however, it is crucial to keep a positive mindset while trusting the process. Navigating, through the most difficult times, allows for personal growth and new opportunities. Obtaining a contract is possible, and the process will be less chaotic if you follow this advice.

Develop a routine

Develop a routine by doing something every day that makes you happy. I personally drink a glass of warm water with lemon when I wake up. It is a simple act that I look forward to every day. This act allows me to sit with my thoughts and set an intention for the day. Creating consistency through a daily routine will help balance the chaos of the world. Allow yourself to
focus your efforts on the things you can control, and this will reduce anxiety in the things you

Manifest your destiny.

Crazy things happen when you believe. Focus your thoughts towards a positive outcome and develop a plan. Ask yourself, “What is it that I really want?” Focus your energy on achieving that goal. Develop a list of activities you would like to complete: improve your resume, update your reference list, ensure that all of your certifications are current, apply for state licensing if needed, and complete agency onboarding. Be ready to submit the moment a position is posted.

Be Flexible.

Accept that your future plan may be very different compared to what you currently imagine. You may have to travel to a city that is not ideal or take a position in a specialty you’ve never considered. As long as you feel comfortable in your abilities to be successful and safe, it will be beneficial to think outside traditional work environments. Discuss your skill level with your recruiter and determine every potential option. Work as a team and be confident in his or her abilities. Believe in your recruiter and be supportive. Understand that everyone is struggling to keep their job and that maintaining a healthy relationship will benefit both parties.

Keep an open mind.

Have faith that everything in life happens for a reason, even if you don’t
understand it at the moment. Humans naturally want to control their environment, and letting go of that control is both incredibly difficult and scary. Acknowledging the fear can create growth and allow you to consider options outside of your comfort zone. View a career change as an exciting opportunity to open doors for a future you had not previously considered.
We rarely have any control over the events that take place around us. What we can control is our attitude and effort. The future is uncertain. Instead of waiting for things to return to normal, accept that this may be the new normal, and adapt to survive.

The travel nursing world and travel market are always changing, but not nearly as drastically as we have seen recently. We hope this advice has been helpful. Do you have any tips or advice for anxiety and stress during the time of change in the travel market? Comment them below.

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