By Nadine Westwood

August 6, 2023



Building and Maintaining Relationships as a Traveling Nurse

As a traveling nurse, building and maintaining relationships can often be a challenge due to the constant change in work environments and patient demographics. But forming strong bonds with patients, their families, and your fellow team members is crucial in promoting effective communication and efficient teamwork within the healthcare setting, no matter where you are. 

In this guide, we’ll explore various strategies that could help you build connections with others more seamlessly while enhancing your nursing experience throughout your evolving journey.

Relationships as a Traveling Nurse

12 Effective Ways for Traveling Nurses to Stay Connected

Becoming a traveling nurse is exciting, but you may need some help building relationships. Let’s dive into these essential tips for establishing lasting rapport as a thriving traveling nurse!

1. Communicate Effectively

Clear and open communication is crucial in any relationship. Make it a habit to express your thoughts and concerns openly with your patients, their family members, and your colleagues. For example, forging bonds with patients requires asking questions about their needs. 

2. Be Approachable

As a healthcare professional, maintaining a friendly demeanor is essential in building relationships with others. Always demonstrate a warm smile when meeting someone new at work, greet everyone respectfully, and make sure to listen attentively when they are speaking.

3. Offer Support

Be compassionate and empathetic towards patients and their families during challenging times by offering comfort or moral support when needed. This can also help nurture strong relationships among the staff as you extend your support to fellow friends and team members.

Relationships as a Traveling Nurse

4. Take the Initiative

Don’t simply wait for friendships or bonds to happen—actively engage with colleagues on lunch breaks or at social events after work hours. When you make an effort to initiate conversation or ask for opinions and advice from others, you’ll show that you truly value their company.

5. Embrace Flexibility

Traveling nurses encounter different environments frequently, and adapting to them quickly can contribute significantly to building good working relationships. Remain open-minded and willing to learn new ways of handling situations from others around you to build honest connections.

6. Share Your Knowledge

By sharing valuable information or tips that could benefit other people at work, like efficient techniques for specific hospital procedures, you will establish yourself as an invaluable team player. You can also build plenty of relationships outside of work through similar methods. 

7. Network Professionally

Attend conferences related to nursing professions whenever possible. This allows you to meet professionals in similar roles who can share insights into their experiences from various locations around the country. They can also help you find friends with something in common. 

8. Show Appreciation

Don’t forget to express gratitude towards your colleagues, friends, patients, and their families. Take the time to say thank you or congratulate someone on achieving a personal milestone. Small gestures like these can go a long way in building and maintaining relationships.

Relationships as a Traveling Nurse

9. Seek Feedback

Assess your performance by asking for constructive feedback from patients, coworkers, or even your friends if they’re with you. This helps you improve professionally, and fosters trust, demonstrating your commitment to providing quality patient care.

10. Engage in Team-Building Activities

Participate in any organized team-building events or outings with your fellow nurses when possible. Engaging in fun activities together can build camaraderie and bring people closer together outside the work environment.

11. Stay Connected

Even after moving on to another assignment, make an effort to stay in touch with former patients and colleagues by exchanging contact information before you leave. You can exchange phone numbers, emails, or social media platforms. Use a contact method that works best for you.

12. Cultivate Your Personal Brand

As you interact with others and develop relationships along the way, always be mindful of how you present yourself professionally. By having a strong personal brand that is centered around positivity and compassion, building relationships becomes an easier task for any nurse.

In Conclusion… 

Building and maintaining relationships as a traveling nurse is integral to your professional success and overall well-being. By embracing the 12 tips shared in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating strong connections with patients, families, and colleagues alike.

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab