By Accountable HealthCare Staffing

March 5, 2019



“Pearls of Wisdom” For Your First Travel Assignment

This article provided by: Accountable Healthcare Staffing

first travel nurse assignment

Welcome to the exciting, adventurous world of travel nursing!  Travel nursing provides a unique opportunity for career growth by seeing how other facilities provide care.  As a travel nurse you can focus on taking care of your patients and learning from new experiences while visiting fun and exciting areas of the country.

 “Pearls of Wisdom” for your first travel assignment:


  • Organize all your documents and keep them in a file for future use, including;
    • Immunization/titer records.
    • Licenses – if you want to go to a different state from where you are licensed, your recruiter can provide you with up to date licensing information about each state. For additional information you can contact that state’s Board of Nursing directly.
    • Specialty certifications: BLS, ACLS, NRP, TNCC etc.
    • Current Health Statement.

Pick a place

  • pick a place you’re familiar with for your first travel assignment, one with friends or family close by. It will help calm your nerves while on your first travel assignment.

Do your own research

  • Before signing your contract as a first-time travel nurse, research which travel nurse company you want to work with.  Think about where you want to work.  Ask other travelers their opinion. Write a list of what is important/what you’re looking for on your first travel assignment.

Take care of your home logistics

Pack Smart

  • Your assignment is for 13 weeks, take that into consideration as you are packing.

Decide on Housing

Do a dry run before starting your first assignment

  • Practice your first day.  Check to see if commuting/traffic is an issue and the length of time you need to arrive on the unit on time.  Find out where to park and how to get to your assigned unit. Is there a parking cost, if so how much?

First Day

  • Be prepared to make a good impression on your first day, it sets up your entire assignment.  Arrive early, be cordial and professional.
  • Most facilities provide orientation for travel nurses to their systems and some time on the unit. To help you for the next few weeks after that orientation, enroll a nurse you work with to be your “mentor.” This way you know who to go to for questions, it will save you a lot of time.

Be flexible

  • As a new traveler, be flexible to location, setting and facility. You may not always be able to get your preferred position immediately because there may not be a need. Being flexible will set you up to be working as soon as possible.   Be patient and work closely with your recruiter, that perfect position will come.

Stay connected with your recruiter

  • Your recruiter will be with you every step of the way answering questions and guiding you through the process.  Your recruiter will support you throughout your assignment. Call them whenever you have a concern, issue or question.  They are here to support you and help you have a successful travel assignment.
  • Are you traveling with pets?  Let your recruiter know so they can help support you with anything that might come up.  Does your pet need to see their vet before traveling with you?  Are their immunizations up to date?

Think about your next assignment.

  • 13 weeks goes by quickly. It’s never too soon to start talking with your recruiter about what’s next after this assignment. Do you want to extend, or do you want a new assignment?

You’re off and running on the next exciting phase of your career! 

If you are a New Travel Nurse,

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab