By Amber Pickler

October 24, 2021



Tales from the Road: Scary Travel Nurse Stories

Haunted Hospitals? Stories of hospitals being haunted or having strange things happen in them have been around for years. As travel nurses, you have more opportunities to experience these. Our Gypsy Nurse Facebook group frequently has posts from people that experience these things. We have put together some of our favorites scary travel nurse stories!

Scary Travel Nurse Stories:

An old TB Hospital.. the perfect source for scary stories

scary travel nurse stories

Stories of old TB Hospitals (also known as sanatorias) being haunted have been around for years. TB Hospitals became common in the United States in the early 20th century. It is really no wonder that these hospitals have become known for having strange things happening in them. This is most likely because of the number of deaths from the disease.

The disappearing surgeon

Tales from the Road: Scary Travel Nurse Stories

Surgeons spend many hours a day in operating rooms, so it is no wonder the surgeon stays where he is familiar. Many areas of hospitals tend to be creepy during the night. The OR, which is typically not open in the middle of the night, is one of those places.. add to seeing this, now it is probably the creepiest part of this hospital.

Hospice floor turned loft..

scary travel nurse stories

While not all patients who stay in inpatient hospice facilities pass away while there, hospice facilities experience many deaths. So, it is no wonder people may experience some strange things in these facilities after re-purposing for other uses.

The little girl in a red dress..

Tales from the Road: Scary Travel Nurse Stories

Little kids are often seen playing or entering rooms in pediatric hospitals or on pediatric floors. Perhaps they aren’t done playing yet.

Flying surgical instruments..and whispering names

Tales from the Road: Scary Travel Nurse Stories

Because of their age, older hospitals are most often the source of these stories. More people died of communicable diseases and infections in the past due to the lack of medicine that we have today. This may be a cause of these strange things happening.

90 year old’s mother..

scary travel nurse stories

Older patients and patients who are dying often see loved ones that have passed.. this may or may not be the cause here. Either way.. super spooky!

Random call lights

Tales from the Road: Scary Travel Nurse Stories

Random call lights going off with no patients in the room are popular among stories of haunted hospitals or hospitals having strange things happening in them.

The little boy that runs the halls

Tales from the Road: Scary Travel Nurse Stories

Another child running and playing. What sticks out is that some of the staff actually has seen this. Most stories you hear only involve other patients seeing the child or children.

Do you have a scary story from your time as a travel nurse? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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