By The Gypsy Nurse

October 21, 2017



A Travel Nurse on Assignment In An RV

I recently published a 3-part Series on Travel Nurse Housing Options. The option that I am least familiar with is RV Travel.

Travel Nursing in an RV isn’t my specialty (actually, I know nothing at all about it and won’t pretend to).

I consulted with long-time RV traveler Karen B.  Karen has provided the following article to help clear a few things up when taking an assignment as a Travel Nurse in your RV.

Karen is a solo female traveler and has been a Travel Nurse since 2000.  She has worked on approximately 24 assignments in WA, OR, CA, NV, and NM.  Karen has traveled exclusively via RV since 2005.  Karen works in L&D and NICU II.
On Assignment In My RV
Karen B., RN

Travel Nursing in an RV

travel nursing in an RV

“The RV lifestyle is a fabulous way for me to make some extra $$$ and to live in the comfort of my own things. I am a solo female Travel Nurse (in her 60s) who has been traveling in her RV for the past 10 years. Before that, I took the housing my company provided and found that I had to haul half my house with me anyway. I like sharp knives, good pots and pans, coffee makers, towels, bedding, etc. Well, you get the picture. I had a Chevy Tahoe at the time, and it was always FULL of all the “must-haves” I needed. I had a perfect RV parked at home but hadn’t really thought about using it for travel. It just seemed so much easier to take the housing provided.

Well, after a couple of not-so-great housing mishaps, I decided to hit the road in my RV. It has been the perfect solution for me. There are advantages and disadvantages to this lifestyle. For me, the good outweighs the bad in a big way.

Let’s talk about some of the advantages first.

I keep my motor home packed with everything I need except my scrubs, electronics, and food. So, no more packing and unpacking. I travel with a small dog, so I never have to pay a pet deposit. I take the company stipend, which pays for my RV spot with money left for my motor-home expenses, monthly payment, insurance, gas fund, slush fund, etc. RV spaces are rented for different prices in different areas. Some spaces include everything, and others require you to pay for electricity. Where I am now, I pay $500.00 a month, which includes electricity, cable, and wifi. Of course, sewer and water are standard. Hooking up your RV when you get to your location is usually very easy. Plug in your electric, cable (if you have it), and water, and connect your sewer hose, and you are all set up. Sometimes, you need to level your rig, and that can be done either with jacks or special leveling blocks under the tires.

travel nursing in an RV

Independence is another huge advantage. IF my assignment is canceled by either the hospital, company or myself, there are no huge paybacks. Most housing is secured for 3 months by companies, and if your assignment ends for whatever reason, you are often liable for reimbursement to the company for the balance.


RV Parks can be difficult to find, depending on where your assignment is located. In the bigger, busier cities, it seems the RV parks are further out of town and can be very expensive. Not impossible to find. Just depends on how far you are willing to commute. Some RV parks do not take monthly residents, although I haven’t really had a problem with that aspect. Some that do take monthly residents have a lot of undesirable people in them, in my opinion, so finding the right RV park can take some research. Most of it depends on how well-run the RV park is and if they have specific rules for monthly residents.

Another aspect is weather dependent. An RV is a “tin box,” so you must be prepared for very hot or very cold weather. Some RV’s are labeled “4 Season” and have Thermopane windows, heated bays where your water and connections are located, and extra insulation. I personally choose to remain in a milder climate during the winter and away from the desert in the summer.

During my time off, I have a “beach house, mountain cabin, or desert-dwelling.” I can also spend time visiting areas along the way to or from my assignment that interest me for a few days. I have a “sticks and bricks” house, so definitely have a tax home and am eligible for the tax-free perks.

The interest on an RV loan is also deductible on your income tax as a second home, which is another plus for me.

travel nursing in an RV

Gas prices tend to influence my choice of assignments. I am not going to drive across the USA for a 3-month assignment because the reimbursement doesn’t even begin to cover my costs. If the assignment is for 6 months, I might consider it. But who is going to take a 6-month assignment? Not me. I might stay somewhere for 6 months, but I wouldn’t know that until I was there for a while. So, for me, if I wanted to go on assignment a long distance away, I would probably take the company housing.

There is maintenance on an RV, just like on a home or automobile. I put some of my stipends away for those incidentals. And yes, I have had incidentals. The hot water heater and air conditioner needed repair, but I had the money in my slush fund for the repair (so it does happen).

There are many types and styles of RV’s. Class A, B, B+, C, trailers, fifth wheels, van conversions, and campers. There are lots of websites out there to help you decide what would work for you and what you can afford.”

I just want to take a minute to thank Karen for the informative article.  Are you considering travel nursing in an RV?  What questions do you have?  Have you previously traveled via RV and would like to contribute to The Gypsy Nurse?  Get in touch!  The success of The Gypsy Nurse depends on contributions like the above from Karen.  I don’t profess to ‘know everything,’ but I am determined to find the information and provide it to you here.  Help me Help Others by contributing!

Please share your thoughts on travel nursing in an RV, questions, and comments below.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab