By Lirika Hart

June 2, 2020



4 Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship

A healthy relationship is fulfilling and provides a safe refuge when faced with life’s discouragements. You feel at home in a relationship where you have a meaningful emotional connection, respectful and honest communication, and still, feel independent to maintain your interests and external relations. However, building and maintaining a healthy relationship requires time, effort, and commitment. If you are wondering how to build a healthy relationship, the following tips will be helpful.

1. Practice good communication

Good communication is a key ingredient for a healthy relationship. How you communicate determines the level of emotional connection you will have in the relationship. In addition, poor communication can easily bring a disconnect that can cause stress and eventually resentment. Good communication, however, comprises different aspects such as the following.

  • Be a good listener

There is a difference between listening and hearing, which most people don’t know. When you hear what the other person is saying, you fail to pick the emotions, voice intonations, and body language that he or she is expressing. That is where the real meaning of what they are saying lies. Be a good listener so you can pick the non-verbal cues that are being passed across.

  • Hit the nail on the head

When you speak, talk about what you want directly without assuming that your partner is a mind reader. You might think that he or she understood what you wanted, but you could be throwing them into more confusion.

2. Make your time together meaningful.

Most relationships become stale over time because people allow life obligations to come between them, limiting the time they have for each other. However, if you want to maintain healthy communication, it is paramount that you intentionally create time for each other. Do not assume that a quick text or email to your partner can have the same feeling as telling it to him or her face to face. No matter how busy you become, consider doing the following.

  • Be fun and playful

During your time together, create beautiful memories by including fun and playful things in the things that you do. Reserve a table at the restaurant where you first met and surprise her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Get a little more creative and order a personalized photo pendant necklace with a picture of both of you or a loving message.

A personalized photo pendant necklace will always remind your significant other about your love at any time of the day.

  • Do fun things together.

Do things you love doing together like walks, biking, or watching a movie. You can also challenge yourself to new things such as signing up for baking or dancing classes together.

3. Understand that life is about giving and taking

Relationships are about taking and giving; you can’t expect to get everything you want while you give nothing to your partner. For a relationship to thrive, it is important that you understand what each of you needs so you can create an atmosphere of compromise. This is especially important in solving conflicts and choosing the fights to engage in. For healthy conflict solutions;

  • Fight fairly

We all have something to say in an argument, and we often feel it is the right thing. However, it makes a big difference when you eliminate a must-win attitude and give your partner time to express his sentiments as well.

  • Do not attack or blame

Refrain from attacking the other person, blaming, and bringing up their past mistakes. Instead, use respectful and kind words in your fights.

  • Step out if it’s too hot

It is impossible to solve conflicts when you are angry. It is always wise to step out for your nerves to calm down to avoid doing something you would regret later.

  • Be open-minded

Always fight for your relationship; when you do this, you will be more willing to forgive and more open-minded to find a compromise.

4. Maintain healthy boundaries

Before your relationship started, each of you had a life of his or her own going on. If you want to have a healthy relationship, do not expect your partner to ditch his other relations, and just be with you. His family, friends, and colleagues make an important part of his life, and so does yours. For your relationship to be healthy, respect, and trust each other’s relations and give each additional time to build and maintain those relationships.


Building and maintaining a healthy relationship is important for your general well-being, making it necessary to have one. The nature of your relationship will influence your attitude towards life and will determine the energy that you give to the world. Use the above tips to build a healthy relationship that will be fulfilling and happy.

Are you a travel nurse who has some advice for other travel nurses on having a healthy relationship? Comment them below. Also, if you would like to read other travel nurses’ stories of love on the road here are a few great articles.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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