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The Gypsy Nurse is the largest and most active online resource and community for travel nurses. We are proud to be a resource for travel nurses and are dedicated to providing powerful tools, information, and social connectivity with complete transparency to our members. We offer thousands of profound articles for travel nurses, and our website has free online tools to connect nurses from around the U.S. Many use our website and social media for the 500,000+ followers from our social platforms. These are just some reasons why we’re today’s #1 travel nursing community.
Tips for Flying with Pets
Traveling to a new city is common for a travel nurse, but traveling with a pet is nerve racking. Pets can respond differently when flying and it can be very ...
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Top 10 Travel Safety Tips
Safety is of great concern to travel nurses.  Here are my Top 10 Travel Safety Tips. Please note that this list is not all-inclusive.  Most generally, if you exercise common sense ...
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Strength Training for Healthy Bodies
The following is a Guest Post via Elizabeth Scala Healthy bodies for everyone! Today I write about a topic I really enjoy: Strength Training As a travel nurse, it may ...
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Why Nurses Eat Their Young! – A Nurse Perspective
The following is a Guest Post via Erica MacDonald After reading The Gypsy Nurse’s Post Nurses ‘Eat Their Young?’, I wondered if anyone had a different opinion than me on ...
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Top 5 Can’t-Miss Sites in Boston
Your travel nurse stint in Beantown Boston has a curious beginning to the affectionate nickname “Beantown.” Stories date back to the early Pilgrims and Puritans of Massachusetts also strictly observed ...
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Violence in the Workplace: A nurses perspective
Violence in the workplace is not tolerated. Most professions will protect their workers from workplace violence.  Nursing, however, is very different.  How can you be protected from the violence that ...
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Cloud Storage for the Travel Nurse
How Living in the Cloud Can Save Time and Your Sanity The Following on cloud storage is a Guest Article via The Nerdy Nurse. To some, terms like “the cloud” ...
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Disability Insurance- What Every Travel Nurse Needs to Know
Guest post by: Kyle Richert, Lifetime Financial Growth, LLC “The $3-9 million or more you’ll likely earn over the course of your medical career is surely an asset worth insuring…” Most people know ...
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Travel Nursing: 6 Reasons It’s The Most Underrated Job in Healthcare
Guest post by Sandy Getzky: Television is filled with shows about the medical profession. But more often than not, it focuses on the doctors. If you think about it, you’d ...
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