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The Gypsy Nurse is the largest and most active online resource and community for travel nurses. We are proud to be a resource for travel nurses and are dedicated to providing powerful tools, information, and social connectivity with complete transparency to our members. We offer thousands of profound articles for travel nurses, and our website has free online tools to connect nurses from around the U.S. Many use our website and social media for the 500,000+ followers from our social platforms. These are just some reasons why we’re today’s #1 travel nursing community.
Ask A Travel Nurse: Travel Nurse Pay?
Gypsy, What is the average Travel Nurse Pay? Thanks! Anonymous, RN Thank you for reading The Gypsy Nurse. You have taken the first step on your journey to becoming A ...
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Ask A Travel Nurse: Choosing a Travel Nurse Company?
Gypsy, What travel companies have you had the most success with … and the least? Any recommendations? Thank you, CardiacRN CardiacRN, Thank you for reading GypsyNurse and contacting me.  Choosing ...
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Ask A Travel Nurse: New Travel Nurse Positions
Gypsy, I’m a brand new traveler and seeking my first contract.  I’m having a hard time securing a position. I’ve been submitted to several but nothing is coming through.  Is ...
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Travel Nurse Housing: How to Choose the Right RV
Karen Bell has provided the following information. Karen is a solo female traveler and has been a Travel Nurse since 2000.  She has worked approximately 24 assignments in WA, OR, ...
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Making New Friends in a New Town
Travel Nurse Across America® provided this article Tips to social success as a travel nurse So you are on your latest adventure as a travel nurse…you landed the ideal job ...
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What is ICE? Travel Nurses get informed!
What is ICE? ICE is a concept that was originally conceived by British paramedic Bob Brotchie in may 2005. ICE stands for In Case of Emergency. ICE is a cell ...
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Diagnosis: Burnout
Burnout: burn·out/ˈbərnˌout/ The reduction of a fuel or substance to nothing through use or combustion. Physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. Causes, incidence, and risk factors of ...
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Non-Traditional Nursing Careers: What Is Travel Nursing?
Not all nurses work in a hospital or clinic setting.  There are many Non-Traditional Nursing Careers to choose from.  Travel Nursing is one of them! Travel Nurses are nurses that ...
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Nurse Travel with A Spouse or “Tag-A-Long”
I know that many travel nurses travel with a spouse or significant other and began wondering what it was like for those that tag along. There isn’t really any support ...
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