By Focus Staff

August 8, 2018



3 Ways to Save Money on Housing

This is a sponsored post by: Focus Staff

Working as a travel healthcare professional allows you to make plenty of money. Of course, as a wise man once said, “mo’ money, mo’ problems.” If you aren’t careful with your finances, you also run the risk of spending lots of money. Housing is sure to be one of your biggest expenses. Fortunately, there are ways to cut down on your housing costs. Interested? Here are three ways to save money on housing as a travel healthcare professional.

1. Share the expense

The “shared economy” is the newest thing. From Uber to AirBnb, people are offering up their cars/houses and rooms these days.  Some websites that facilitate this are (,,,,, industry and community Facebook groups, and even for social networking.)

Sometimes getting a hotel/motel for the first week or two and then discussing options with colleagues at your new facility is the best way to find awesome deals and potential roommate situations.

2. Take advantage of sites designed specifically for traveling healthcare providers searching for a place to stay.

Several websites, such as, put you in direct contact with property owners who are offering affordable housing options for traveling nurses. In addition to getting a great price that includes utilities, you can rest assured that the property is in a safe neighborhood and fully furnished. There are entire homes for rent and single rooms, which may be ideal if you are traveling on your own and don’t plan to have frequent visitors. As a bonus, you’ll save even more money by renting a room. is another site worth visiting. If you aren’t sold on renting an entire home or staying with someone else, visit sites geared toward business professionals who often travel for extended periods of time. For example, reports they can save you as much as 60% off public hotel rates.

3. Take advantage of loyalty programs and corporate discounts.

Most hotels offer some loyalty program for repeat guests, which is definitely something you’ll want to look into as a travel healthcare professional. The more you stay, the more points you accrue, which can be redeemed for free or discounted vacation nights. Bahamas, Cancun, Paris? Who knows where travel points can take you. In some cases, you may be able to redeem points for gift cards to various restaurants and stores. Although this may not save you money specifically on housing, it will help out other parts of your budget.

A Bonus Tip

There is one other option you may want to consider. If you prefer to take assignments in more rural areas where housing options are limited, you may want to invest in a camper. Campgrounds are usually more accessible. Yes, you’ll have the upfront cost associated with purchasing a camper, as well as the maintenance costs, but you’ll never have to worry about looking for a place to stay. Even better, you won’t have to concern yourself with packing because you’ll already have everything you need. Super bonus tip – you can roast marshmallows and make s’mores in the evening. Who doesn’t like marshmallows and s’mores? Win, win, win.

Finally, don’t forget to find out if the company you work for offers a housing stipend. Even if they don’t, it never hurts to ask. You’re an awesome talent so they might make an exception. 

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab