February 12, 2019



4 Hints You May Be Asked to Extend Your Assignment

This article provided by: Onestaff Medical4 Hints You May Be Asked to Extend Your Assignment

The average travel assignment spans 13 weeks. Throughout your career you’ll have instances where those 13 weeks go by in a flash. You’ll be sad to see certain assignments go and you may even wish you could stay on awhile longer. Here are some hints that you may be asked to extend your travel assignment.

Sometimes it’s possible.

A travel assignment extension can be requested for many reasons, and if you’re in a position or facility you love, being asked to stay on can be welcome news. But are there any hints such a request could be coming? There could be, especially if the following keep happening to you.

4 Hints You May Be Asked to Extend Your Travel Assignment

  1. Your co-workers are impressed with your abilities.
  2. Your facility employs many temps or travelers.
  3. Your facility inquires about where you’re headed after this assignment.
  4. You hear from your travel staffing agency.

Your co-workers are impressed with your abilities.

You want to stand out, to be more than just another cog in the machine, and boy is it satisfying when your co-workers see you in the same light. Hearing it from them is a pretty darn good spirit boost to boot. Standing out as being impressive in your role gets around the floor and beyond, and that word of mouth is always good for you.

The facility employs many temps or travelers.

For some facilities, this business model simply makes sense. Perhaps the area services a large seasonal population or it is having trouble making new direct hires. Whatever the reason, a company focused on hiring travelers is more apt to extend the role of one whose performance they appreciate.

Your facility inquires about where you’re headed after this assignment.

This one can depend sometimes on who asks, and your gut should tell you whether the question is simple idle chat or if there’s something behind it. If you are asked about your future plans, it could very well be because they’d like your calendar to be open, so you can stay with them. Be honest and watch their reaction. It could tell you all you need to know.

You hear from your travel staffing agency.

OK, we confess, by the time you hear from us, the jig is up. And you’ll know you have an opportunity to extend your stay. If your facility would like to offer you an extended stay, they will formally reach out to your staffing agency to discuss a new contract. Such an agreement is entirely up to you of course. So, if you’ve enjoyed your stay, feel free to sign along the dotted line. Your facility will be happy to have you once again.

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