By Amber Pickler

March 21, 2022



Tips for Working a 60 hours a Week Contract

Since the pandemic started, there has been an influx of crisis-type contracts with less conventional hours. One of those being contracts that have more hours required per week. How do you handle that many hours a week of work, though? Members of our Facebook group have asked for tips and advice for working a contract with so many hours. We have put together some tips to help get you through these 60 hours a week contracts.

Get rest- Stick to a sleep schedule

This tip may seem crazy, but working that many hours you need to make sure you get plenty of rest. It can be easy to come back to your housing and try to unwind and spend time awake, but you may regret not going to sleep and getting the rest your body needs. A sleep schedule is critical. According to The Mayo Clinic, sticking to a sleep schedule of no more than 8 hours and being consistent is important. The number of hours of sleep you can get based on the number of hours you are working may not be 8 hours. However, if you can go to sleep and get up consistently at the same time will help you feel rested.

Eat a healthy diet-Meal Prep

While junk food may seem like an easy route to take with working so many hours, the carbs and sugars that come with those types of food can make you feel sluggish. Meal prepping on your day off or when you have a little downtime will help keep the temptation of fast food or junk food down. There are many easy methods for meal prepping for travel nurses with not a lot of time. A crockpot or InstantPot can make cooking a lot easier. For these types of meal prep, you can easily combine all the needed ingredients into zip lock bags and store them in the refrigerator until you are ready to make the meal. Then it will be as easy as dumping them into the crockpot or InstantPot.

Healthy Snacks

Healthy snacks will help you make it through your long shifts. There are many options for healthy snacks; it really will depend on your taste. Some healthy snacks that will help curb your cravings during your long work hours could include; trail mix, jerky, Greek yogurt, almonds, peanut butter and apples, string cheese, or fresh veggies and fruit. 

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated during your shift will help keep you going. According to Healthline, “If you don’t stay hydrated, your physical performance can suffer.”  While you may not look at working your shift as “physical performance,” it very much is. You are on your feet and moving for 12+ hours each day. Staying hydrated will make your shift easier to complete, and you won’t feel as sluggish, as dehydration can affect your energy level and brain function. While you may not get the total 8-8oz servings of water recommended, it is important to drink water during your shift. 

These are just a few tips to help you get through your 60 hours a week contract. Many of our Facebook group members said they work, eat, sleep and repeat. Knowing that, in the end, they were making very good money. So, if you keep that in mind, it may make the days and hours go a little easier. We hope you found these tips for working a 60 hour a week contract helpful. Have you worked a 60 hour a week contract? Do you have any tips to share with those considering a 60 hour a week contract? Comment them below.

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If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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