By The Gypsy Nurse

April 27, 2018



Arbor Day Guide For Traveling Nurses

Guest Post By: Jamison Czarnecki

Arbor Day

Whether you feel established in the area you are temporarily working, or you’ve accepted a contract position in a place with no familiarity, this article will show you how to celebrate Arbor Day like a local. Arbor Day is the best day of the year to refocus your appreciation for trees and give back! Created by J. Sterling Morton in 1872, originally to promote planting trees, there are now a variety of accepted ways to share in the fun regardless of where you are living.

Learn About The Local Trees!

One of the easiest ways to celebrate on the go is to just take some time during a break and find out some of the trees around your new home. For example, you could Google “Native Trees In Northern California.” You will find a variety of trees you have probably seen around, but never knew what they were, like Redwoods, Sequoias, and the intricate Manzanita tree.

Join An Arbor Day Celebration!

There is no better way to familiarize yourself with the community than to attend a local Arbor Day event. Many events happen all over the world and involve small celebrations like a non-profit planting a tree or a municipality organizing a large festival attracting hundreds of people. Check the date, however, because Arbor Day is celebrated on different days across the world

Plant A Tree!

Even if you can’t find a local celebration to join, you can always do a small celebration yourself or with a few co-workers. Planting a tree on your own is extremely easy. You can purchase a tree from a local nursery but be sure to ask for a native one. There are many places that will allow you to plant your newly purchased native tree, just make sure to ask the property owner’s permission. Be cautious to plant the right tree in the right place taking notice of sunlight, power lines, and who will take care of the tree after you plant it. Almost all purchased trees come with information on which conditions it will do best in, so don’t let that scare you! When planting a tree, make sure you put mulch around the top of it in a bowl shape to allow water to funnel into the roots. You will feel much happier knowing that you directly helped clean the air around you, beautify your new community, and increase the value of the area.

Fund The Forest!

Ok, so getting a little dirt on your shoes isn’t your thing and the end of your shift has left you mentally exhausted, again… You can still participate anywhere you are by donating some of your hard day’s pay to an organization that celebrates Arbor Day every day! There are many organizations across the world that work passionately to lessen the impact of deforestation and our loss of trees across the world. It is estimated that 70% of all plants and animals live in our forests but are at risk of going extinct from the loss of trees. Some of the most highly respected non-profits around tree conservation are Arbor Day Foundation, Trees For The Future, Amazon Conservation Association, and Pachamama Alliance. There may even be a local nonprofit near you that you can support. While donating to a national organization will not help you familiarize yourself in your new community, it will help definitely support it indirectly. It’s a quick and convenient way to take part in Arbor Day for those of us with even the busiest commitments and still want to do our part.

Just Do Something!

Whichever action you take, make sure to have fun doing it. Arbor Day is a CELEBRATION of trees! It’s an opportunity to reflect on your days learning how to climb a branch or realize that NOW is a great time if you’ve never tried that. Take a moment to read a book, watch “The Lorax,” or even just take your break outside and look at the trees. Trees do so much for us every day, Arbor day is the day to do something for them.

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