This article was provided by Travel Nurse Across America.
The travel nursing industry is fast-moving, especially in the job market era of COVID-19. Many jobs are filling as quickly as they post online. If you are coming to the end of our current assignment, this can add unwanted stress. That is why finding an agency that can get you on assignment as quickly as you need to be is important. Keep reading to see if the agency you are working with offers these helpful tips.
Picking an Agency That Gets You on Assignment Quicker
Easy Onboarding

Onboarding can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are working with more than one agency or if you are just starting. Even if you apply with your resume through a job board, it is likely that the agency still needs to create a profile for you. Additionally, most agencies will require a skills checklist to be completed.
Look for an agency that helps you with the onboarding process. Many will have someone available to assist you in filling out that information for your assignment. Believe it or not, it helps to have a dedicated person take the time to enter information with you because it ensures accuracy and speeds up the process.
It is easy to wonder why it is not as simple as emailing your resume and being done. When an agency submits your profile to a facility, they have had one or more people working behind the scenes to make your profile shine. This is why having an updated profile is a crucial step in finding your dream travel nurse assignment.
Beyond having a recruiter that you click with, finding a job quickly relies on having a knowledgeable recruiter. We have all heard the nightmare stories of being blind submitted to a job you did not know about, but imagine trusting your recruiter so much that you permitted them to submit you the second a job posted because you trust they have your best interests in mind.
A knowledgeable recruiter may have years of experience, or they may just be extra attentive. They will know traveler-friendly hospitals, as well as which facilities offer the fastest interviews. Just make sure you communicate with them what your goals are in finding an assignment.
Support Offered by Agency
There is nothing wrong with only having one contact at an agency if that is your preference. Like having a recruiter who knows facility facts, it benefits you as a traveler to support resources who know the areas. Your recruiter is only one person. If they have a team helping ensure your licenses are applied for and up-to-date, and credentials and references are verified, you can be on the road with confidence. They may even have specialists to help you find housing in the area, including vetting the locations before you pay deposits.
Number of Jobs
Job numbers can easily make you feel tricked. Hopefully, by now, you’ve read enough reviews to know if an agency lists accurate assignments on their site or not. Whether you use the agency’s website directly or the job search function on, most jobs are updated in real-time.
Does that mean the risk of calling in only to find out the position you had been looking at has been filled is obsolete? No. Jobs are moving quickly, and agencies are working with facilities to interview faster than ever.
Nevertheless, a higher number of jobs increases your chances of finding an assignment.