By Medical Edge Recruitment

May 18, 2022



Balancing the Wheels of Motherhood as a Travel Nurse

Medical Edge Recruitment provided this article.

Written by: Grace Williams, Administrative Coordinator, Medical Edge Recruitment

What better to way to benchmark Mother’s Day this year than by paying tribute to our all-around boss moms, our Travel Nurses! We salute every mother who has been balancing the wheels of motherhood and traveling as a nurse. You are a true hero of society. We salute you for every time you’ve had to trade in a pacifier, a soccer game, or a dance recital for scrubs. Your journey is unmatched and is truly impactful to the world. You have trailblazed the world through one of the biggest crises it has ever seen, the pandemic. It was your unwavering dedication as a mom and travel nurse that allowed a plethora of hospitals to be staffed during the pandemic. On behalf of children, husbands, and patients everywhere, we thank you!

Did you know that recent statistics released by the US Labor Department show an average of 4,883 mothers are employed with children under three (3) years old? Travel nurses are appropriately represented within that average. This is straightforward immaculate; it is no secret that women have bulldozed the ideologies of gender roles. It is no secret that women have quite frankly kicked through the glass ceiling into the workforce and earned their seats at the table. We salute all Travel Nurse moms for conquering the odds. Equally remarkable is your role as the balancer. Sociologists describe this role as the second shift. After the scrubs come off, there’s homework to complete, a dinner to prepare, an awesome idea your kid had, and now they want to show everyone! You are an amazing balancer.

Just like the repairman balancing the wheels of a car. When the wheels of a car are slightly off-balanced, it can cause several issues and challenges. Usually, when someone takes their car to the repair shop, they’d say to the repairman, can you balance the wheels? It is an act that distributes air evenly on all the wheels of the car to ensure a smooth, safe journey for the driver of the day. Just like the repairman, our Travel Nurse moms have been balancing the wheels of the car of their lives to ensure smooth sailing for their trip in the journey of their life.

Just like everything else, there may be challenges:

  • The challenge to maintain a work-life balance. Some days you’re crushing it, everyone is on time, accomplishing every single goal, tripling it as chef, housekeeper, and everyone is gleaming rainbow smiles. And some days, you’re ordering takeout for every possible meal while struggling to bring everyone together with not-so-rainbow smiles. Either way is fine; remember to show yourself the same grace you so often give to others!
  • The challenge to find time for yourself while being the best boss, mom, and Travel Nurse. Selfcare is not always the first item on your checklist.
  • The challenge between your zeal for work and your motherly duties. There is always a background tussle between what a mother wants to do and what she must do.

All in all, you have overcome those challenges because you are here today. Remember to plan, organize and schedule time for self-care. Remember that your personal dreams, values, and ambitions are as important as balancing the wheels of motherhood and being a travel nurse. Remember that, on your way to your next travel nurse adventure that, you are doing an awesome job! You have managed to keep a healthy career going while doubling as a nurturer and a provider for your children.

Just like how the driver of a car must pull over to check his wheels if they feel off-balance, it’s okay to stop and pull over. Reevaluate, regroup and air up your tires to go again! This may look like taking a day off, hiring help, or even tending to your needs emotionally. Remember to rest and pull over if you need to do so.

So, thank you!

Thank you to all the Travel Nurse moms who have dedicated their lives to a prestigious profession. It not only displays your courage, but it is also exemplary for a younger generation of women determined to rise as both a travel nurse and a boss mom.

Medical Edge Recruitment is the premier travel nursing recruitment agency specializing in providing top talent to clients in the healthcare industry. We connect clinical and allied providers to their ideal opportunities, focusing on building long-lasting relationships through honesty and transparency. In travel nursing, bigger does not always mean better. While we have an extensive network of job opportunities, our experienced team is dedicated to making a personalized provider experience a priority. There are a lot of moving parts in getting set up for a new assignment, but we take care of all the details along the way. Adventure awaits; let Medical Edge Recruitment show you where to go next!

We hope you enjoyed this article on balancing the wheels of motherhood as a travel nurse; how do you balance motherhood and travel nursing? Comment your travel nurse/motherhood tips below.

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If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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