In this category, you will find a wide array of lifestyle article topics. From health, wellness, mental health to tips for self-care.  The articles in this category are meant for travel nurses to utilize in their personal lives.  Reading about the industry and tips is great. However, sometimes you need to step away from the career and look for your personal life and lifestyle.  You will find those here!

Check back often as we publish fresh content Monday through Friday.  What you are looking for maybe in the works.  If you have ideas for content or would like to see articles on a specific topic, click here to email our content department.  If you would like to submit an article, you can do so by clicking here.

6 Fun Ways to Spend Quality Time with Family for Traveling Nurses
Leaving your family for work is sometimes inevitable, particularly if you are a traveling nurse. Being away from your loved ones for prolonged periods can cause stress, anxiety, and sadness ...
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Travel Nurses and PTSD: The Effects COVID Has Had on Travel Nurses
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a Facebook post about COVID nurses experiencing PTSD. I shared it with the travel nurse forum, and it really resonated with many of ...
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5 Relaxing Activities for Travel Nurses that Are Beneficial for Physical and Mental Health
Being a traveling nurse, although fun and fulfilling, can sometimes become a tad bit overwhelming. With everything that comes with this type of job, one can easily become stressed and ...
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5 Important Things You Should Do to Make the Most of Your Vacation
You have two options when you take a vacation, either locally or abroad: You can make either vacation the entire time or just travel from location A to B and ...
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How Travel Nurses Can Take Care of Their Teeth
Being a travel nurse is a very enjoyable profession but also a demanding one. Being on the move constantly can be a great learning experience, in addition to being a ...
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How Nurses Can Stay Optimistic During the Pandemic
This article was provided by TheraEx Staffing Service. Nursing can be stressful, especially in the midst of a global pandemic. As a nurse in 2021, it’s even more important than ...
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7 Easy Self-Care Tips for Travel Nurses
Nurses spend so much time caring for their patients’ health that it is often easy to neglect their own health. A stressful job combined with long, unpredictable hours and being ...
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Making Long-Distance Relationships Work as a Travel Nurse
This article was provided by Health Providers Choice. Long-distance relationships tend to get a bad rap. Often, this occurs because we’ve been part of a failed one! However, not all long-distance ...
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The Travel Nurse’s Guide to a Money Plan When You’re Starting Out
Hey travel nurses. So many conversations I have are with nurses that are 10 years or less from the start of their nursing careers. They come to me because they ...
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