In this category, you will find a wide array of lifestyle article topics. From health, wellness, mental health to tips for self-care.  The articles in this category are meant for travel nurses to utilize in their personal lives.  Reading about the industry and tips is great. However, sometimes you need to step away from the career and look for your personal life and lifestyle.  You will find those here!

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A Discussion on Self-Compassion with Trish Hart, MBA
Self-Compassion: You, Too, Deserve Tender Treatment with Trish Hart, MBA from Elite Learning Experiences on Vimeo. It has been said that caring for others requires caring for oneself. Self-compassion is ...
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How To Leave A Stressful Nursing Shift Behind
This article was provided by AMN Healthcare. Perhaps now more than ever, whether you’re a travel nurse or a perm nurse, you’ve been stressed during and after a nursing shift. ...
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Tips to Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle as a Travel Nurse
Travel nursing has many perks and challenges. And staying healthy while on the road is one of the most important of them. As a nurse, you can choose to work ...
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3 Ways to Minimize Health Risks as a Traveling Nurse
With staying healthy at the forefront of everyone’s minds these days, the idea of getting back to normal is equally omnipresent. While this simply can’t happen just yet, staying safe ...
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Summer Sun Tips for Travel Nurses
This article was provided by Titan Medical Group. Whether you’re at the lake, on a boat, or hiking the mountains this summer while having fun in the sun, be sure ...
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Nurses Need Nutrition Too: 10 Snacks That Pack Power
Nursing is a very demanding profession. It’s physical, mental, emotional, everything wrapped into one. Days can be long, situations are very difficult. So it makes perfect sense that nurses need ...
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Taking Care of Your Mental Health as a Traveling Nurse
As healthcare workers, we take care of others all day long.  We chose this career path because we enjoy making other people happy and are generally compassionate individuals. However, we ...
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Don’t Get on the Road without These Items
Travel safer on every trip. It seems so natural to throw your stuff in your car and go. But according to AAA, about 33% of all motorists encounter a roadside ...
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5 Superfoods to Boost a Healthy Diet
The name ‘superfood’ does not mean that you get all the nutrients in one bite. Rather, it is an indication that the bite packs so many nutrients that you might ...
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