In this category, you will find a wide array of lifestyle article topics. From health, wellness, mental health to tips for self-care.  The articles in this category are meant for travel nurses to utilize in their personal lives.  Reading about the industry and tips is great. However, sometimes you need to step away from the career and look for your personal life and lifestyle.  You will find those here!

Check back often as we publish fresh content Monday through Friday.  What you are looking for maybe in the works.  If you have ideas for content or would like to see articles on a specific topic, click here to email our content department.  If you would like to submit an article, you can do so by clicking here.

Themed Street Art at Home and Abroad
One of the interesting things that I found early on in my travels is that there are many places throughout the US that have Themed Street art around the town. ...
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Free Things to do in New York City
Ever wonder what to do in New York City? You can find fun, inexpensive and free things to do in New York City. Are you a beer drinker?  How about a ...
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Embarking on a Health Journey: Connections Made on the Road
The following is the second in a series of posts documenting the path of two Graduate nurses embarking on an unconventional Health Journey… This second article discusses connections made on ...
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Colon Cancer Awareness Month: Resources and Information
March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. In support, The Gypsy Nurse has put together some resources with information. Below you will find this list of Colon/Colorectal Cancer Resources. According to Excluding ...
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My Cervical Cancer Journey – Guest Post by Kelly Creager
In recognition of Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, I sent out multiple requests to bloggers to find someone that would provide a personal story about this disease. Kelly responded and has ...
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Nurse Travel with A Spouse: The Original Self-Proclaimed Tag Along
I know that many travel nurses travel with a spouse or significant other and began wondering what it was like for those that tag along. There isn’t really any support ...
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Cervical Health Awareness Month
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month.  In support, The Gypsy Nurse will feature several articles throughout January in an attempt to raise awareness. Cervical Health Awareness: According to the CDC: ...
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Nursing Care Plan: Whinorrhea
Whinorrhea As with any disorder or disease process, a Nursing Care plan is essential.  When caring for patients and co-workers with a diagnosis of whinorrhea, it’s imperative to have specific ...
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