Are you thinking about taking the leap into a career as a travel nurse? Are you just starting out in travel nursing? These articles are written just for you. Veteran travel nurses, there may be something in here for you as well.

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Travel Nursing Challenges: “Where Do I Find That Dr’s Number?”
Travel Nursing Challenges There are many travel nursing challenges; leaving new friends behind, negotiating contracts, finding housing, etc.  One of the most frustrating for me is figuring out which physician ...
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Talking Travel Nurse Taxes: The Regional Traveler
Talking Travel Nurse Taxes – The Regional Traveler:  What Happens When You Return Home Frequently During Assignments Written prior to tax reform 2017. Watch for future articles. Many travelers take ...
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Ask A Travel Nurse: How do I avoid Pet Quarantine in Hawaii?
Gypsy, What does it take for a travel nurse to take a pet to Hawaii?  I’ve heard so many different stories, I don’t know what to believe? Can I avoid ...
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Nursing Care Plan: Whinorrhea
Whinorrhea As with any disorder or disease process, a Nursing Care plan is essential.  When caring for patients and co-workers with a diagnosis of whinorrhea, it’s imperative to have specific ...
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