Travel nursing is a great opportunity to see the world while doing the job you love. But, what do you do if you have a family? Find many great articles on how to make it work and tips for traveling with a family.
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A Stronger Heart Built by Strong Relationships
As a travelling nurse, getting your individual fitness and exercise going is important for cardiovascular health, but that’s not all.  To build a stronger heart, I’d like to highlight another ...
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A Traveling Family
The following is a Guest Post via Jenn Many of us wonder what it’s like to travel with Family.  I can’t tell you how many times a staff co-worker will ...
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From a Travel Nurse Husband
The Following is a Guest Article by Jay Lane Originally published: April 2014 This life we are still getting used to. A life of seemingly endless conversations. Meaningful exchanges of ...
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Travel Nursing as a Single Parent
Guest Post by: Kathy Timbs. Traveling as a Single Parent When I first thought of traveling as a single parent, I had to take into consideration my 14-year-old. How was ...
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Adventures in Travel Nursing
 I like to quote famous people in my writings. For this article, I’d like to cite a famous author, Hunter S Thompson, who once said, “Buy the ticket, take the ...
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Nurse Travel with A Spouse or “Tag-A-Long”
I know that many travel nurses travel with a spouse or significant other and began wondering what it was like for those that tag along. There isn’t really any support ...
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Why My Wife is a Travel Nurse
This article was provided by Travel Nurse Across America®. Becoming a travel nurse family My wife and I got together when she was still in nursing school. When she decided ...
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The Riddle of the Toy
My wife wears the scrubs in the family. She’s been a travel nurse for about a year. Our three-year-old son and I like to tag along. She’s the rock band, ...
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Travel Nursing: Thoughts from a Traveling Child
The following is a Guest Post via Kalen Weldon Travel nursing to me when I was a child was something I didn’t really understand. I just knew my mom worked ...
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