By Cross Country Nurses

April 14, 2020



Childcare Resources for Travel Nurses: How Can the Nation Protect Those Who Protect Us?

This article provided by Cross Country Healthcare.

The whole world is aware that our healthcare providers — doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and more – are currently on the front lines of the fight for our very survival against COVID-19. But while they confront an unprecedented healthcare crisis that demands more of their time and energy with each passing day, who is watching their children? In an ever-changing reality that has seen schools and childcare facilities close nationwide, what are the options for healthcare provider parents when it comes to childcare resources?

The issue being addressed locally

In large part, this issue is so far being addressed exclusively at the local level, with various cities, states and healthcare systems struggling to find ways to support healthcare providers who are sacrificing their time and energy like never before. Colorado, Governor Jared Polis announced emergency childcare for frontline coronavirus workers, where approximately 80,000 emergency workers have at least one child under the age of eight. In Minnesota, a group of medical students created a program to help doctors, nurses and other hospital workers with childcare, grocery shopping, and pet care.

Free Childcare for Healthcare Workers

A number of states, including Colorado, Minnesota, and Vermont, are offering free childcare to healthcare workers and others on the frontlines of the fight against the deadly coronavirus, while other states like Michigan and Maryland, offer similar programs for a fee. In the city and county of San Francisco, which are currently under a Shelter in Place Order, healthcare workers received official invitations to register for childcare through the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families. In New York City, the education department has opened 100 sites across the city to offer childcare to healthcare workers.

School, Daycare Closures Increase Staffing Demand at Hospitals

Hospitals Numerous hospital systems across the United States offer childcare programs for their employees, however, with the volume they are now facing due to the current coronavirus crisis, they are desperately seeking creative ways to address increasing demand. In addition, many hospitals and healthcare facilities are looking to temporary staffing agencies to cover shifts of healthcare workers who simply have no other option than to stay at home with their children. One Colorado-based hospital system is preparing for as much as 20 percent of its regular healthcare staff being unable to work because of childcare issues at some point during the coronavirus outbreak.

We hope you find these tips for childcare resources helpful. Have you found any recently? Comment them below.

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