By trustaff

September 16, 2021



Tips for Securing Housing in a College Town

This article was provided by trustaff.

With the return of in-person classes and fall college football season, many times, finding somewhere to stay for your assignment can be tough. We asked our trustaff housing pros for top tips to make sure you secure housing for those busy college town falls.

Housing in a college town:

Look and book EARLY!

Booking well ahead of time is key during the fall football seasons. In the big towns, rooms or houses book up for random weekends for games – meaning finding a full-length stay can be tricky. If your assignment is in a college town or at a university hospital, it is always a good idea to check housing as soon as you accept! When looking – make sure the room is available for the continuous amount of time! and

Most seasoned travelers know about these sites and if you’re new – make note! These options usually offer fully furnished rooms or even full apartments and houses for you to take advantage of. This is probably the most preferred site to find housing as it allows you to have the most “home-y” feel while on assignment. And like stated in tip #1 – find these early! They’re not likely to be available for long with the fall season and many other travelers trying to look. (Maybe even find a new traveler roomie to split with!)

Student Apartment/House Sublets!

A great option is to check out some sublet options on campus Facebook groups or sites. Many students get housing for the full year but possibly only need it for one semester. A sublet is when you take over part of a lease for when the original lessee isn’t using the space. As a traveler who may only be in an area for 3-6 months and a student who only needs half of a year’s worth of housing – this seems like the perfect match!  A few points to watch out for when subletting: you could also be responsible for utility costs, it may or may not come furnished, and timelines for when you need to be in or out.

Check with the Facility’s HR or Breakroom for housing lists

Many facilities are very travel-friendly, and it’s highly likely they have a listing somewhere of owners who rent to travelers, extended stays that offer discounts, or maybe staff nurses that offer rooms to rent. During your interview, it’s always a good idea to ask if this is something they have available or to offer. Even if they don’t have a list of this sort, maybe they have suggestions on housing in general. It never hurts to touch all of your bases when in your interview.

Like always, check when your company’s housing department as they usually have resources, suggestions, or options for you!  They’re there to assist you with any housing needs you may have to make sure your assignment goes as smooth as possible. While on assignment, make sure to take full advantage of living in a college town and enjoy the fall football season.

We hope you found these tips for securing housing in a college town helpful. Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. If you still need housing for your assignment click here to view our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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