By Kevin Devoto

September 18, 2020



Fun Tips for Travel Nursing

If you are a nurse looking to try something new and exciting, you should consider travel nursing! Travel nursing is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. As a Registered Nurse, you work with a travel nurse staffing agency that sends you out to travel to different hospitals that are lacking in resources and need extra nurses for certain periods of time. Contracts typically last around thirteen weeks and then you move on to another spot.

This provides an opportunity for nurses to continue the work they love while also seeing new places and meeting new people. With this interesting job comes unique circumstances, and you may find yourself looking for some help in figuring out how to best utilize those circumstances. Here are a few fun tips for anyone looking into travel nursing.

Take The Long Way

If you get a contract to work somewhere abroad, you can look for a fun way to get there. For example, if you know you will be working in Bermuda, you can make your way to that location on fun Bermuda cruises. This can help you settle into your travel routine while also giving you the mental legroom to switch from being at your home and in your home city to moving around. You can also engage in fun activities while on your cruise that can help you reduce any new job jitters. Sightseeing your way to your new job’s location could prove to be a fantastic way to get there!

Do As the Locals Do

Wherever you get assigned it is good to remember that people live there permanently. You are a tourist in their town. So, you should be respectful of that privilege. When locals see that respect, they typically will feel safe sharing neat spots around town with you that you may not have found on your own. The best local restaurants, hiking spots, surfing spots, and more are not going to be relinquished to just anyone and you must take this knowledge with respect and not overshare it on social media. Although it may seem annoying not to be able to share the knowledge of the sweet spots, you will find that your experiences are richer and help destress you from the potentially stressful nature of nursing as a job.

Create a Capsule Wardrobe

Capsule wardrobes are an interesting and clever way to have an easy to travel wardrobe that is versatile, classy, and can fit into one suitcase. As you begin your travel nursing journey you will find that less is more when it comes to packing. On your days off when you do not want to wear your work scrubs, you will not want to be rifling through your suitcase or hotel room drawers to find the best outfit. Instead, you can pick from a combination of a few well made, durable, versatile, and cute options for the weather and activities you have laid out ahead of you. Dressing to impress is easier when you have a few key pieces that all work together and fit you perfectly. This would be a great tip to put your travel nursing salary towards. Many people have discovered that investing in a few highly-priced items will benefit you in the long run as opposed to buying and replacing cheaper clothes.

Don’t Leave Your Furry Friend Behind

If you have a dog or a cat or another pet who you think is the only thing keeping you at home, then fear no more. Your furry friend can travel with you to your destination. Think of how much fun they will have exploring the streets of a new city by your side on your days off work. Your pet can also help you feel more comfortable as you adjust to the new life of travel nursing.

Travel nursing is currently blowing up as people realize they can travel, make money, and help people. It is a really cool way to meet new people and explore new places. You will certainly never be bored!

We hope you found these travel nursing tips helpful. Do you have any travel nursing tips to share? Comment them below.

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab