By Titan Medical

April 6, 2023



A Growing Trend Among Healthcare Travelers

Titan Medical Group provided this article.

We are beginning to see a growing trend among travel healthcare professionals; here are a couple of reasons explaining why travelers are viewed as an asset to the hospitals and facilities they are contracted with.

Healthcare Travelers

Reasons Healthcare Travelers are Assets

Good for difficult positions to fill.

Considering rural areas, it can be hard for hospitals and facilities to find full-time healthcare professionals when the population is lower, and there are not enough people in need of jobs. When travel nurses can cover a wide variety of specialties, it makes it favorable for hospitals and facilities to hire them on a contract basis.

Another reason hospitals and facilities turn to travelers is due to nurse-patient ratios. This could be from both high censuses as well as easing the workload by contracting in travel nurses to help prevent permanent employees from becoming burnt out in their careers. Travelers can often bring a sense of relief to the workplace, which hospitals, facilities, and their permanent employees appreciate.

Cost-effective for hospitals and facilities

healthcare traveler

Cost plays an effect as travel nurses are employed through an agency, not the hospital or facility with which they will be contracted. This makes it more affordable to the hospitals and facilities as they will not be spending extra dollars on benefits such as healthcare, paid time off, training, etc. This is because contracted employees will receive their benefits from the agency through which they are hired.

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 19% growth in travel registered nurse jobs by 2022. This stat could increase a bit more when factoring in the addition of other traveling positions, such as Surgical Techs and LPNs. Also, it is important to recognize the growing trend in the allied healthcare division; Radiology, oncology, laboratory, and respiratory travel assignments have become more popular among healthcare professionals.

Healthcare Travelers fill temporary gaps.

healthcare traveler

Typically, on contract for 13 weeks, travel healthcare professionals can see flexibility among hospitals and facilities. Travelers can sometimes have their contracts extended or renewed at the request of the facility they are at.  This is extremely convenient for hospitals and facilities seeking support during a high census, covering employees out of work for extended periods and filling gaps while facilities look for full-time employees.


Recognizing the need for healthcare travelers in hospitals and facilities, Titan Medical Group would like to help find you your next traveling assignment. To learn more, call us at 866.332.9600 today!

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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