By GHR Travel Nursing

February 20, 2020



Homesick as a Travel Nurse? Here’s What to Do.

This article provided by: GHR Travel Nursing

As a travel nurse, you are undoubtedly aware of the many perks that your career provides, not to mention the excitement and adventure that comes along with it. However, there are times when you may feel a bit homesick. This feeling is not uncommon, especially if it is your first assignment or if you have not traveled in some time.

Good news is, there are ways to cope with homesickness as a travel nurse. In many cases, you will welcome your new assignment and your new friends in no time at all. Here are a few ways to make the most of your job while kicking homesickness to the side.

Put Technology to Work

Technology is making it easy for you as a travel nurse to stay in touch with your loved ones and friends. FaceTime and Skype are making face-to-face communication up close and personal. And apps like Marco Polo offer you the option of recording a video chat that your family can watch at a time that works for them. This option is particularly helpful if you work odd shifts or have friends in different time zones.

Of course, a simple phone call is always a good option. There is nothing like hearing the sound of the voices of your loved ones and catching up. And don’t forget about texting and emails. With modern technology, keeping up with family is easier than ever before. There are multiple options for you to keep in touch with those back home, so pick one that works best for you.

Connect with Your New Colleagues

Probably one of the best perks for you on a travel assignment is the opportunity to make new friends. Although breaking the ice may be difficult at times, try to embrace the new environment and invite a co-worker to coffee or dinner. Doing something outside of work is an ideal way to foster friendships. Do not be surprised if you end up making a few long-lasting friendships along the way.

Bring Part of Home with You

A great way to prevent homesickness is by bringing part of your permanent home along with you. It takes little effort to create a feeling of comfort and familiarity in your new home while combating feelings of depression and anxiety. A favorite blanket or pillow and meaningful photos can put a smile on your face.

Also, many travel companies offer pet-friendly assignments, so you may want to consider bringing your dog, cat or other pet along with you. Pets love you no matter what the circumstances, and there is nothing better than coming home to a familiar face when you are in a strange town.

At the end of the day, travel nursing is truly an amazing and one-of-a-kind career. Don’t let homesickness stop you from fully embracing your assignment. If you are on the hunt for your next adventure, check out the opportunities available now at GHR Travel Nursing.

We hope these tips for avoid getting homesick as a travel nurse helps you along your way. Do you have tips for fighting being homesick while on assignment? Comment them below.

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