By trustaff

March 8, 2018



How to Resolve Issues With Your Recruiter

This article was provided by trustaff.

The relationship between a nurse and their recruiter is essential for a great experience during your travel nursing career. But every relationship isn’t perfect—you might experience some growing pains now and then it can be hard enough to address issues with the people closest to you, so how can you go about addressing your concerns with your recruiter? We’ve put together some tips that can help!


When you’re approaching such a tender subject, it might be difficult to communicate your honest thoughts and feelings. It’s pretty easy to get caught up in thinking about what the other person might be feeling. Take a few minutes to write it all down.

Make a list of the issues you are having or the concerns that are frustrating you. Add in what you are looking for in a great recruiter. Do you need someone that has a similar personality? Or someone that is easily reachable? The list will help you approach the subject with your agency and communicate what you need clearly.

If you’re not exactly sure why you’re not gelling, ask yourself these questions to help get you started:

  • Are your personalities just not clicking?
  • Do they communicate enough with you?
  • Do you feel like they have your back?
  • Are they providing you with all the details you need?
  • Do you feel like they are listening to you?
  • Are they considering your priorities?
  • Have they taken the time to break down the contract with you?
  • Are they checking in on you regularly?


Next, send an email to your recruiter and get a specific time and date on their calendar. Scheduling out the call ahead of time gives you much needed, uninterrupted time to really talk through all your concerns and work out a system that works for both of you. The last thing you want is to get all ready for this not-so-easy conversation and not have enough time to really talk it out.


Speaking to your current recruiter about your concerns is beneficial for both of you. The conversation gives your recruiter the opportunity to learn how they can help serve you better. Every nurse is different and so is every recruiter. If you’re not getting what you need from the recruiter you have, the best way to get there is by letting them know and allowing them the opportunity to try and do better.

Some recruiters are more experienced than others and may not have nailed down how to really develop a relationship with their nurses yet. This conversation could be a great experience for them to learn how they can improve and make sure their nurses are getting the travel experience they deserve. By communicating openly about what you want and need, you are creating a stronger relationship that will be mutually beneficial for you both.


Immediately after your phone conversation, follow up with an email to your recruiter that summarizes what you two just talked about. Outline the conversation and any agreements that you two came to during the call. The email will create documentation that you tried to address your concerns with the recruiter and can help hold them accountable down the road.


After you’ve addressed your concerns and you are still aren’t getting what you need from your recruiter, it may be time to request someone new. Any agency you’re working with will be happy to help you find a recruiter within their company that is a better fit for your needs. Give the agency a call and request to speak with a recruiting supervisor. They can help match you with someone that best fits your needs.

When you hop on that first phone call with a new recruiter, go through that list you made in step one. They should know:

1. Your expectations: What does your recruiter need to do to gain your trust? How often do you want updates? What information do you need from them to be successful?

2. Your priorities. What means the most to you in a travel nursing career? What is important to you? Are you looking for some interesting locations? Do you need experience or training in a specific field?

3. Your preferences. Where do you want to go? What type of facility are you looking for? What size of city?

4. Your non-negotiables. Do you need a job in a specific town because your spouse is being transferred? Do you need pet-friendly accommodations? Think through what you can’t live without and let your recruiter know.

When you break it down for them in detail, you can develop a relationship with your recruiter that will be infinitely more beneficial to you both.

Every agency wants their nurses to have great travel experience and if you’re not, they will do everything they can to help you get there. Express your concerns as best as you can and you won’t regret it.

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