By The Gypsy Nurse

June 7, 2017



The Long Distance Relationship Survival Kit For Travel Nurses

This article is sponsored by Travel Nurse Across America®


10 Helpful Hints to Stay Connected

Hey Gypsies! As a travel nurse, you’ve embarked on a very exciting career, and it probably keeps you on the move most of the time. That’s exactly what attracts professionals to travel nursing—the variety of assignments, new places, new people, new patients. However, it can be challenging to maintain those important relationships when there are so many miles between you. As adventurous as “new” can seem, we still require stability and the people who are familiar to us, trusted, and part of an important support system. If not for these relationships, often the ability to cope and perform, even celebrate, might be much more difficult.

So how can you protect these cherished relationships during your time as a travel RN? It is possible to survive a long-distance relationship. Whether it is with family, friends, or a budding romance, there are ways to help make the miles less painful for everyone involved.  Probably the biggest change for today’s travel nurses is the amazing technology at your fingertips. You can instantaneously share a photo, video, or any moment that’s happening to you with someone via text or email.

Video calls were once something out of a futuristic film and only found in million-dollar corporate offices are now affordable and available to the general public. What’s more, one of the greatest tools is your heart, your emotions, and the ability to stay compassionate and empathetic as a Travel RN while you are apart—that costs nothing but a little time and determination. Here are some helpful hints and tips to keep your long-distance relationship healthy and happy whether you are 100 or 1,000 miles apart.

Here are 10 ways Gypsy Nurses find to stay connected:

1.) Acknowledge your emotions

There will be tough days when you really miss someone. That is the sad truth, but accepting your emotions will help better manage the relationship in general. Don’t keep your feelings bottled up. If you are having a bad day, then cry, scream in your pillow, punch the sofa cushion, whatever helps you release some of that frustration.

2.) Keep some normalcy

Whenever possible, keep things as normal as they were when you were together. These can be very simple—say good morning and goodnight every day. If you can’t call, then text, or send an email. If you are accustomed to starting and ending your day with each other, try to keep up the routine.

3.) Talk

This might seem obvious, but the key is to talk about a wide range of things. Don’t reserve your conversations for big news, heavy topics, or critical decision-making. Be sure you also talk about the little things that are part of your lives. Mixing in the weather, a funny joke, or current events can keep things interesting.

4.) Do things together

Just because you are not in the same room doesn’t mean you can’t share experiences. Play an online game together, watch a TV show or movie while on the phone, or explore a website in sync.

5.) Visit virtually

Today’s technology gives you many options to video conference and talk “face to face.” You can use Facetime or Skype and many other apps you can search online.

6.) Set expectations

This sounds like it could get complicated, but depending on the situation, you should gauge reasonable expectations for the long-distance relationship. Agree upon things such as frequency of visits, convenient calling times, social plans, and dating “rules.”

7.) Be honest

Don’t try to keep everything to yourself. You depended on this relationship for support and comfort before the physical separation, so you should be able to rely on it now. Share when you are lonely, sad, and happy. This will help all parties stay open about feelings and rely on that special connection regardless of location.

8.) Send it snail mail

It still brings a smile when the mailbox has something other than bills and junk mail. Send a postcard, a framed photo of yourself, some selfies the old fashion way.

9.) Enjoy your alone time

Try to take advantage of “you” time for some unexpected cheer. Eat the things only you like, go to places that interest you, watch your favorite movies, and make your own schedule when possible—take a nap, go to bed early, sleep in.

10.) Be supportive

Long-distance is tough on all parties. Be supportive and understanding on all fronts. Don’t keep score or try to win the contest of who has it harder.

We hope these help those Gypsies Nurses out there to stay connected to their significant others!

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab