December 20, 2018



Maintaining Your Exercise Routine as a Travel Nurse

This article is sponsored by ONESTAFF Medical

Exercise Routine as a Travel Nurse

Life as a traveling healthcare professional can keep you consistently moving. That’s good in several ways but it can make your exercise routine as a Travel Nurse difficult to maintain. This can be  particularly difficult if your routine is built on a network of things you’re used to at home.

Recreating your home routine can be accomplished. Doing so is easier than you think. Like your travel career in general, adding your exercise routine to your new location requires a little extra planning. Here’s our advice on how you can move forward with your fitness goals, so you don’t miss a step … or sprint … or cycle.

Do a little research

You probably already did a fair amount of research before choosing your travel location, so now it’s time to do a little more based on your exercise routine as a Travel Nurse. For example, if you use a fitness center, do they have fitness centers of the same type in your new area? If you bike, what are the bike trails like where you’re going? Yoga? Classes available near you? Look at your options and travel with a plan in place. For example, if you’ve always dreamed of working out like “Awhnold” at the famous “Muscle Beach,” right off the boardwalk in Venice Beach, CA, check out our current California openings here.

Pack with your exercise routine in mind

Just as you pack what you’ll need to be successful in your role, so too should you pack what you’ll need to be successful in your exercise routine as a Travel Nurse. Workout clothes, your running shoes, even some free weights if you have the space. If bike riding is your thing, now’s the time to research bike rental options in your new area. If you can fit it, take it. If you can’t, find it there.

Complement your exercise with a healthy diet

When you’re new to an area, it’s easy to eat for convenience and that’s not always the healthiest choice. Social tools like Yelp can help you find restaurants in your new area offering healthy fare and it’s a good idea to lock down the location of a couple of these before you arrive to ward off any fast food desperation.

Find a workout buddy

Your health and fitness are important to you and, chances are, it’s important to some of your new coworkers as well. Don’t be afraid to network during your shifts to learn more about how people exercise in this area and to maybe even find a workout buddy. Having a fitness partner can keep you on task and ensure you don’t slack off, even while enjoying an amazing travel experience.

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab