By The Gypsy Nurse

November 8, 2012



Nursing Care Plan: Whinorrhea


As with any disorder or disease process, a Nursing Care plan is essential.  When caring for patients and co-workers with a diagnosis of whinorrhea, it’s imperative to have specific nursing interventions in place to prevent the spread or outbreak of whinorrhea.

Nursing Diagnosis:

Whinorrhea the state of the frequency of whining. More than 3 times (per shift) for patients and more than 4 times for co-workers.  Whining can be intermittent or consistent.  In patients, whining can be centered around comfort, timeliness, or a myriad of other items.

In co-workers, whining is primarily centered around the work environment, co-workers, patients, or home life.

  • Deficient Fluid Volume (thirst) is related to excessive fluid loss through oral disruptions.
  • Acute anxiety related to whinorrhea
  • Deficient Knowledge about the condition, prognosis, and treatment needs related to limited exposure information, misinterpretation of information, and/or cognitive limitations.

Nursing Interventions

  • Assess for the ‘root’ of the whining.
  • Remove the ‘root’ problem (if possible)
  • Provide appropriate distractions for yourself or the person suffering from Whinorrhea
  • Bring earplugs or headphones to work.
  • Change the subject by asking the whiner what’s going well.
  • If you’re stuck listening to a whiner, retreat mentally and imagine yourself in a peaceful setting you enjoy.
  • Ask the whiner what he or she intends to do about the problem (co-worker) or find out what you can do for the whiner (patient)


If your interventions didn’t prove effective: Pray for the Serenity to “Change the things that can be changed and accept the things that cannot be changed.”
Have you suffered from Whinorrhea?  How did you manage to get out of it or change your mindset?  Comment them below.

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