By TNAA- Travel Nurse Across America

April 22, 2022



3 Qualities of a Great Travel Nurse Recruiter

TNAA Healthcare provided this article.

Your relationship with your recruiter is arguably the most important relationship you’ll have in your travel nurse career. And for some agencies, it’s the only connection point you’ll have with that company. You’re putting a large part of your life in their hands, so you’ll want to make sure you and your recruiter mesh well together. Here are three qualities you’ll find in great recruiters who focus on building relationships instead of just adding another traveler to the list.

Qualities of a Great Travel Nurse Recruiter:

1.   Excellent Listener

Your recruiter should be asking questions and wanting to know about you upfront. Tell them why you wanted to become a nurse, what you enjoy about it, and why you wanted to start traveling. Once your recruiter gets to know you a bit, they should be plotting how to get you closer to hitting the personal and professional goals that you hope to achieve through this new career.

2.   Knowledgeable Guide

On the Travel Nurse Process

If you’re preparing for your first assignment with a company, your recruiter will need to thoroughly walk you through each step to ensure you get everything completed before your first day of work. A great recruiter will make sure you understand your options, from the assignments you want to apply for to your benefits, housing, and insurance choices. If they don’t have the answer to a question you have, they should at least know how to get you in touch with the right person for the problem.

On the Travel Nurse Market

The travel nurse market is constantly fluctuating. A specialty in demand one month can see a dramatic drop in need the next month. Your recruiter should be educated on the current state of the market, which will help them be a transparent communicator. When they see changes in the market, they should coach you on how to be flexible and adaptable within your current position or start pulling new assignments that would fit you better.

3.   Personable

Last but certainly not least, your recruiter should be personable. Talking with people is a big part of their daily job, and that’s not a task everyone can handle! Great recruiters genuinely enjoy talking with their nurses and helping them land the best assignments. Do a little digging on the recruiter you want to work with to see if they make a good fit for you. One way to find out more about them is by looking up reviews or seeing if they have an agency bio.

Your relationship with your recruiter is one that helps launch your career as a travel nurse. Take your time and do your research to find the recruiter you can trust as you pursue a career that moves you.

We hope this article on the 3 qualities of a great travel nurse recruiter helps you on your travel nurse journey. Do you have any other qualities you should look for in a recruiter? Comment them below.

Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. Do you need housing for an upcoming travel nurse assignment? Click here to search our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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