By Lirika Hart

June 8, 2022



Handling the Road Stress and Fatigue as a Travel Nurse

Working as a traveling nurse can be exciting and rewarding. However, while it might seem like a working vacation, it comes with its own share of stress and can be quite tiring. New destinations present a task of adjusting to a number of changes: from the environment, culture, bosses, colleagues, and more, which can be challenging. In addition, working irregular schedules and long hours can leave you fatigued. If you are to be your best and perform your job well, it is important to give your well-being the attention it deserves amidst the demands of the job. Here are some tips that you can try to help you handle the stress and fatigue that comes with the job.

Get enough rest

With irregular and long schedules, it can be hard to find adequate time to rest. However, ensure that you use every opportunity that you get to rest and recharge. Being in a new place comes with the pressure of wanting to go out, meet new friends, and socialize. However, you need to be careful not to do this at the expense of your rest. Learn to say no to such commitments outside work, and use the time to rest and restore. In addition, ensure that you get enough sleep every day. If it proves impossible, 20 minutes of power naps during your breaks can go a long way in relieving excess sleep. 

Use technology to your advantage.

Technology has become instrumental in our day-to-day lives, making life and work easier. You can leverage technology to alleviate some of the challenges that being a traveling nurse presents. For instance, medical apps can put important clinical information at your fingertips, saving you the stress of carrying books around. In addition, mapping sites can make it easy to find your way around new places. You can use them to find restaurants, libraries, and tourist sites, among other places, so you don’t have to stress asking other people for directions. Another great way technology can be of rescue is when you encounter the challenge of the language barrier. You can use video remote interpretation to interpret conversations with friends, colleagues, and other people who speak a different language.

Lead a healthy life

Taking care of your health plays a key role in getting rid of stress. It becomes easy to respond to stressful situations in life when you are whole. Besides, some healthy habits lead to happiness, helping your mind to relax and unwind. Here are some healthy habits that you can adopt in your life in addition to resting and getting enough sleep:

  • Regular exercise –Jogging, walking, practicing yoga, hiking, and swimming are ways that you can incorporate physical exercise into your busy schedule
  • Eating healthy meals – Minimize take-outs and prep your meals at home whenever you can
  • Stay hydrated – Keep a bottle of water handy to ensure that you are taking enough water throughout the day
  • Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeinated drinks

Stay connected

Having people that you can turn to when things get tough is very important in curbing symptoms of stress. Just offloading your mental burdens to a listening ear can be rejuvenating. That is why it is important to have people who can provide emotional support whenever you need it. Make an effort to stay connected to your family even when working away from home. Thankfully, technology has made it so easy to communicate with loved ones regardless of where they are. In addition, foster meaningful connections with the people that you work with. People who share the same challenges as you can be instrumental in giving hope and motivating you when you feel like giving up.

Use the time to explore the world

One of the major perks of working as a traveling nurse is the opportunity to travel the world. Make sure that you are using this rare chance to explore the world and learn about different people and cultures. Instead of hanging around at home when you are not working, find interesting places that you can visit. Use the opportunity to interact with the local people and try new foods. Learning how different people live fosters a sense of gratitude and improves your outlook in life, which is important in enhancing your mental health.


Stress and fatigue are a part of every job, traveling nurses included. However, finding ways to handle it ensures that it doesn’t take a toll on your health. In addition, it helps ensure that you stay in the best condition to perform optimally in your job. For these reasons, ensure that you are living healthily and getting enough rest. In addition, find ways that technology can help stay connected and use the opportunity to explore the world. Such small steps go a long way.

We hope you found this article on handling road stress and fatigue as a travel nurse helpful. Are there anyways you handle stress and fatigue as a travel nurse that we didn’t mention? Comment them below.

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If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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