By Titan Medical

February 12, 2021



Heart-Healthy Foods to Keep you Healthy

This article was provided by Titan Medical.

Each year hundreds and thousands of people lose their life due to heart disease. This Valentine’s Day, focus on your heart and keeping yourself healthy! Here are some heart-healthy food tips that’ll keep both your tummy and heart happy!

Heart-Healthy Foods

heart-healthy food

1) Whole Grains

Whole grains are another great heart-healthy food. Grains are made up of three important parts that contain an abundance of nutrients: bran, endosperm, and germ. High nutrient grains include oats, whole wheat, quinoa, rye, and brown rice.

An analysis of 45 studies showed eating more than three servings of grain a day significantly lowered the risk of heart disease by nearly 22%.

heart-healthy food

2) Berries

Berries such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are filled with heart-healthy nutrients. They are rich in antioxidants that protect against stress and inflammation, leading to heart disease development. Making berries a perfect heart-healthy food.

Berries serve as a great compliment to whole grain breakfast cereal or a low-calorie dessert. Take advantage of these multi-purpose, healthy sweet treats that are great alone or paired with other dishes!

heart-healthy food

3) Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants such as flavonoids, which boosts heart health. Making this the perfect heart-healthy food. Eating dark chocolate can lower your risk of coronary heart disease and reduce the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries.

It is important to watch the calories, and sugar amount in the chocolate you consume as that can take away from some of the heart-healthy benefits.

heart-healthy food

4) Fish

Tuna, salmon, and sardines are just a few of the fishes filled with omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial to heart-health.

Those who eat fatty fish multiple times a week for an extended period see their blood pressure decrease and lower cholesterol levels. If you are not one to eat fish, you can take a fish oil supplement that is high in omega-3 fatty acids and will give your body the nutrients it needs. Fish is an all-around great heart-healthy food.

5)  Leafy Greens & Vegetables 

Eating plenty of Kale and Spinach will fill your body with lots of vitamins and antioxidants. They are also known to lower blood pressure with the help of dietary nitrates.

Another vegetable high in antioxidants are tomatoes. Tomatoes lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol and help eliminate plaque built up in arteries preventing heart disease and stroke.

We hope you found this list of heart-healthy food helpful. Are there any other heart-healthy foods you have found that you think should be on our list? Comment them below.

By movemofitness

October 8, 2018



A Stronger Heart Built by Strong Relationships

As a travelling nurse, getting your individual fitness and exercise going is important for cardiovascular health, but that’s not all.  To build a stronger heart, I’d like to highlight another essential principle instead of just regular exercise and fitness – building real relationships.

Often people assume that keeping your body healthy and preventing cardiovascular disease can be achieved solely through fitness and exercise, good eating and positive behavior change.

Indeed, as a travelling nurse, I can understand how even finding time to exercise on your own and eat well in a new home is a challenge in itself.  But the goal of a stronger heart and even stronger body can’t be fully achieved without building good and real relationships with those that can keep you happy, motivated and healthy for a lifetime.  For example, building a positive relationship with a family member, friend and even co-worker can mean having another workout buddy at the gym or another jogging partner on the weekends.  Having them at your side, building a healthier life with you will strengthen your heart physically and emotionally.

I know this can be hard especially for travelling nurses whose profession involves moving around to different locations.  However, don’t let this be an obstacle.

Nowadays, there a numerous ways to stay connected and involved in people’s lives without the convenience of physical proximity (i.e. Skype, G-chatting, Facebook, Face-time and of course the classic – phone calling).  Human beings are, for the most part, social in nature and therefore health and happiness often happens between people rather than in isolation. Why try to build a healthier and happier heart alone?  In addition to exercise and eating well, try building on positive relationships to create a life of wellness that is well supported and enduring.

As a travel nurse, what tips do you have to build or maintain strong relationships?  How do you maintain the relationships you have with family, friends, and co-workers?  Please share in the comments.

By The Gypsy Nurse

March 7, 2013



Colon Cancer Awareness Month: Resources and Information

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. In support, The Gypsy Nurse has put together some resources with information. Below you will find this list of Colon/Colorectal Cancer Resources.

According to

Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. The American Cancer Society’s estimates for the number of colorectal cancer cases in the United States for 2020 are:

  • 104,610 new cases of colon cancer
  • 43,340 new cases of rectal cancer

They also state that “In the United States, colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men and in women, and the second most common cause of cancer deaths when men and women are combined. It’s expected to cause about 53,200 deaths during 2020.”

This is not an all-inclusive listing; just a little something to help you get started.

Resources and Organizations:


Colon Cancer Prevention Project

Fight Colorectal Cancer

Awareness Forums:


Cancer Survivors Network

Health Boards


Chris 4 Life

Adventures in Colon Cancer

The Stolen Colon

What’s Up Your Butt?

If there are other resources that you use or know about and would like to recommend, please list them in the comments!