By Uniti Med

July 10, 2024



Creating a Mini Vacation No Matter Where You Are

Uniti Med provided this article.

In the fast-paced world of travel healthcare, taking time to unwind and relax is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. As a healthcare professional working in the travel industry, you may find yourself in different cities and towns, often with little time to plan elaborate vacations. But who says you need to travel far to enjoy a break? With a bit of creativity and planning, you can create a refreshing mini vacation no matter where you are. Here are some tips and ideas to help you create a mini vacation and make the most of your downtime, especially as we move into the second half of summer.

Tips for creating a mini vacation:

mini vacation

Embrace the Local Scenery

Even if you’re far from home, there’s always beauty to be found in the local surroundings. Seek out nearby parks and picnic areas where you can enjoy the end-of-summer sunshine. Here are some ways to make the most of your time outdoors:

  • Nature Walks and Hikes: Explore local trails and nature reserves. Walking amidst greenery can be incredibly rejuvenating and offers a great way to get some exercise while unwinding.
  • Picnics in the Park: Pack a simple picnic with your favorite snacks, a good book, or some music. Find a scenic spot in a local park and spend a few hours relaxing.
  • Outdoor Yoga or Meditation: Many parks offer quiet spots perfect for a yoga session or some meditation. Connecting with nature can help you reset and recharge.

Indulge in Local Culture

Every city and town has its unique charm. Take some time to discover the local culture and attractions. Here are a few ideas:

mini vacation
  • Visit Local Museums or Art Galleries: Many places have museums or galleries that offer a glimpse into the local history and culture. These can be fascinating and provide a relaxing way to spend an afternoon.
  • Check Out Farmers’ Markets: Farmers’ markets are a great way to explore local produce and crafts. Plus, they offer a wonderful opportunity to support local vendors and enjoy fresh, seasonal foods.
  • Explore Historical Sites: Look up historical landmarks or sites in the area. These spots often have interesting stories and beautiful architecture to admire.

Unwind with Simple Pleasures

Sometimes, the best way to relax is to keep things simple. Here are some easy ways to enjoy your time off:

  • Read a Book or Watch a Movie: Find a cozy spot and dive into a good book or catch up on your favorite movies or TV shows. It’s a simple pleasure that can provide a much-needed escape.
  • Try a New Hobby: Whether it’s painting, knitting, or photography, trying a new hobby can be a great way to relax and express your creativity.
  • Treat Yourself to a Spa Day: Pamper yourself with a DIY spa day. A hot bath, some scented candles, and a face mask can do wonders for your stress levels.

Connect with Loved Ones

If you’re away from home, staying connected with loved ones can make a big difference. Here are some ways to stay in touch:

  • Video Calls: Schedule regular video calls with family and friends. Seeing familiar faces and sharing your experiences can be incredibly comforting.
  • Write Letters or Postcards: There’s something special about receiving a handwritten letter or postcard. Take a few moments to write to loved ones and share your thoughts and adventures.

Scheduling Time for Yourself

As we move into the second half of summer, it’s essential to schedule some time for yourself. A mini vacation is all about taking moments to relax and recharge, no matter how busy life gets. Whether you’re exploring a new park, indulging in a local treat, or simply enjoying some quiet time, these small breaks can make a big difference in your overall well-being. So, the next time you find yourself with some free time, use these tips to create your own mini vacation, no matter where you are.

We hope you found these tips for creating a mini vacation, no matter where you are, helpful. Do you have any tips for creating a mini vacation as a travel healthcare worker? Comment them below.

Find Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment with Our Job Board!

Are you on the hunt for your next travel nurse gig? Look no further than our job board! Click here to explore all our current opportunities.

Discover the Perfect Housing for Your Next Assignment

Need somewhere to stay on your next travel nurse assignment? We’ve got you covered. Check out our housing page to find your ideal home away from home. Click here to start your search.

By Uniti Med

January 30, 2023



Taking Time Off Between Travel Assignments

Uniti Med provided this article.

One of the main reasons healthcare professionals decide to start a travel career is just that – to travel. A travel career gives you the opportunity to work anywhere, including some of those bucket-list locations you’ve always wanted to visit. For 13 weeks, you can immerse yourself in the culture of any area of the country and make more money while doing it! But what about in-between those assignments? What are some things you can do while you wait to start your next contract? 

Maybe you’ve worked 10 assignments in a row and want to take some time off. One of the incredible aspects of travel healthcare is that once your contract ends, you’re free to take off as much time as you’d like. With the extra compensation that comes with these positions, there’s so much you can do with your extra time (and money!). Here are a few suggestions: 

1. Travel Abroad 

You’ve already got the travel bug, and everyone has an international destination they’ve always wanted to go to. Take some time off in-between assignments to go there! Do you have a dream of backpacking through Europe? Take a month or so off before your next job starts, and check that off your list. For Uniti Med travel nurse, Avi went to not just one but several countries in her month-long hiatus. She flew to Dubai, Thailand, Singapore, and India before taking a new travel contract back in the states. Whether you want to take a few weeks or a few months off in-between assignments, you can use that time to get out of the country and experience new cultures and customs to make yourself even more well-traveled and well-rounded. 

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Uniti Med Travel Nurse Avi on one of her international trips! 

2. Visit Family and Friends 

If you want to stay within the country, you might take some time off to go back home and spend time with friends and family. As a healthcare traveler, many of your assignments are likely not close to home. This is your chance to go back and spend some quality time with your loved ones. Skip those midwestern winter visits and schedule some time off during the warmer months. Plan extra time off for a family wedding, or give that new mom in your life a visit. Some travelers work locally and can visit their loved ones as much as they’d like, but for those who are on the opposite side of the country and haven’t been able to make the time to go back home, this is the perfect opportunity to do it. 

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Uniti Med Travel Nurse Carissa, with family 

3. Stay and plan for your next adventure 

While with this option, you’re not exactly taking time “off” from work, you are taking some time to relax and regroup before jumping into a new assignment.  

There are plenty of reasons to stay at your current assignment for a little longer. Let’s say you’ve just finished an assignment and fell in love with it. You love your job, the place you’re staying, the people you’ve met, and all the unique spots in the town you’ve been staying in. You’re not ready to leave yet. You can always extend at your current facility until you figure out what you want to do next. 13 weeks can pass faster than you think, and there’s a chance you haven’t gotten to do or see everything you wanted. Maybe there’s a day trip you’ve been wanting to make or a brewery you’ve always wanted to try. Extending gives you time to do those things before you pack up and head on to the next place. 

Extending can also give you the time to get the licenses needed for that dream location you’ve been working towards. Maybe you’re planning an assignment with your travel bestie. Extending can buy you time while you wait until you’re both ready to take the plunge. 

No matter the reason you’re extending, it can give you a little “break” from the hustle of travel healthcare. 

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Uniti Traveler, Ciera 

A travel career offers many benefits, but one of the best is flexibility. A staff job only gives you so many vacation days; a travel career can give you as much time off as you want to do whatever you please. When your next assignment ends, consider treating yourself to some personal time before you make your next move. And when you do, make sure to document the whole thing so you can look back on your adventures. 

The Gypsy Nurse job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Sadie Brooks

August 1, 2022



Why Family Vacation Is a Must in a Travel Nurse’s Life

Being a travel nurse is an amazing career. It offers many perks like competitive pay, the ability to travel and explore new places, help people all around the world, etc. You might be on the road a lot of the time. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t travel with your family. Going on a special vacation with your spouse and kids is a special adventure that allows you true travel enjoyment without having to think about your work. It’s crucial to take short breaks throughout the year and use at least some of them for a family vacation with your family.

job board

Here’s exactly why family vacations are a must for a travel nurse:

Battling stress

It’s not hard to see why traveling as a nurse is stressful. It includes moving every few months, getting used to new apartments, new environments, and new colleagues with new job duties. Even the most extroverted of people can feel a bit overwhelmed with all the new stimuli and people surrounding them. Plus, a nurse’s career is stressful in itself because it involves dealing with people, their health, and even death. But, a family vacation is a great way to battle all that stress. It’s great to meet with your family, get plenty of love from them and relax without having to think about your work.

It fuels your body and mind.

Every nurse knows the importance of keeping your body and mind healthy and strong. Self-care is the key to being a good parent, a good spouse, and a good nurse. Why? Well, as a travel nurse on an assignment, you’re on your feet most of the day, helping your patients and taking care of other people. Being under stress and physically exhausted can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other health conditions, so taking a vacation is necessary. When vacationing with your family, you can have a lot of fun, learn and teach new things, and occupy your mind with other things besides your work. It’s a great way to prevent burnout and stay not only a great nurse but also a great spouse and parent.

It can improve your bond with family.

As a travel nurse, you don’t get a lot of opportunities to spend time with your family. While no distance can sever the bond with your loved ones, it can certainly feel much better to spend time with them and reconnect. Kids love to spend quality time with their parents, and what better way to spend time than to travel. Provide your family with a great adventure that helps them have fun, learn new things and get some closeness with your loved ones.

And don’t think you have to spend every second with your kids on vacation. If you’re traveling with in-laws to Miami, you can leave the kids with them (or hire a babysitter) and have a romantic evening with your spouse. Organize a great evening in a seafood restaurant in Miami for your spouse and enjoy tasty food in a beautiful setting. A day outing for a sea-front lunch with kids can also be a fun way to catch some sun, recharge, and have plenty of laughs.

It will make you a better nurse.

Vacations are 100% necessary for good performance, both at work and at home as a family person. Nurses that are happy and rested are better at their job. They can offer better support to their patients, be there to fulfill their needs, and stay sharp to make the right decision at the right time. Chronic stress won’t help your career—it causes depression and anxiety, which stops you from performing at a level you desire. A vacation with your family will reduce your stress, improve your mental health and ensure you’re fresh and sharp when you come back home.

It creates memories for life.

Your kids won’t stay kids for a long time, so make sure to spend their youth together. Every chance you get should be aimed at your family, with a side of self-care. Traveling with your loved ones will give you plenty of chances to watch your kids grow, develop and laugh. You’ll get to teach them many new things, experience various situations together, and share some tasty meals. And don’t forget to take plenty of photos together on your vacation. These are memories that you’ll cherish forever, and you won’t feel guilty that you’re traveling and spending time apart from your family.

Every travel nurse should vacation with their family every chance possible. It’s great for your physical and mental health, your family life, your romantic relationship, and your career—do it whenever you can!

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

By Krishma Patel

January 14, 2022



10 Things to Do Before Leaving for a Vacation

Familiar with the feeling of ‘Am I forgetting something?’ before you pick up your bags and leave your home for a vacation? Luckily, you are not alone. Even as a seasoned travel nurse, you may feel like you are forgetting something while packing. While taking time off is a great way to relax, leaving your home, pets, and routine uncared for is not easy.

Fret not. We have got the ultimate checklist up our sleeve which consists of 10 things you need to take care of before leaving home to make sure you can rest easy while you are away.

1. Contact House and Pet Sitters

You don’t want to come back to a messy house or, even worse – a catastrophe! So, contact a trustworthy house watcher, whether it’s a professional house sitter, a neighbor, or a friend. Also, look for a caretaker for your furry pooch if you have one.

Make sure you give them a list of instructions like water the plants, feed the dog, stay alert for any suspicious activity, and a little bit of general maintenance.

2. Manage Your Period

It is not the most comfortable feeling for women to travel during their period. Fortunately, there are many ways to manage your periods for vacation.

For instance, if you want to delay your period for vacation, consider medication like norethisterone. It is usually prescribed to be taken thrice a day, starting 3 or 4 days before you expect your period to begin. Your period should arrive 2-3 days after you stop taking the medication.

For any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

3. Place ‘Stop’ Orders

Place ‘stop’ orders on regular deliveries or services, for example, milk, newspaper, postal mail, housecleaning, etc. And make alternate arrangements for things you want to continue, like landscaping.

4. Manage Your Cash Flow and Bill Payments

Hit the local ATM to withdraw sufficient cash if traveling within the country. Contact a foreign exchange company to obtain the country’s currency you are traveling to for international travel. Also, check how you can use cash or a card once you land overseas.

5. Plan The First and Last Day Logistics

Usually, the first and the last day involves a lot of travel, documentation, and checking in, so prepare well in advance for a seamless transition.

On the last day of your trip, ensure that you have packed everything back. Keep your travel tickets handy. Book a taxi in advance and make sure you have arrangements for house keys, car keys, cash, and food on arriving back home

6. Pack All Electronics Carefully

A mobile phone has become the most essential item to pack while traveling as everything can be stored on your smartphone.

You may need to consider other electronic items: your earphones, charger, smartwatch, and camera.

7. Take Your Medicines and Essential Cosmetics Along

Pack all your routine medication and a first aid box. For example, the medicine norethisterone tablet for delaying your period for vacation, painkiller, antacid, antiallergic, etc.

Carry all your essential cosmetics like sunscreen, face cleanser, lip balm, treatment creams prescribed by your dermatologist, etc.

8. Check The Weather Forecast

Weather changes may affect your travel plans greatly. So, keep a tab on the weather forecast through news or the internet and carry weather-proof items accordingly. For example, an umbrella if it’s going to be raining, wool clothes if you are going somewhere cold, and so on.

9. Amp Up Your Home Security System

Activate your security system to keep burglars away. Today, security systems are advanced enough to keep a tab on your house through your smartphone device even when you are traveling.

Lock up all the windows and doors to prevent your house from peepers.

10. Gather Important Travel Documents

While most things have gone digital today, some physical documents are always required. Keep an original as well as photocopy of your passport, visa, ID proof, permits, licenses, travel insurance, etc., safe and handy.

We hope you found these 10 things to do before leaving for vacation helpful. Is there anything you do before leaving for vacation that we didn’t list? Comment them below.

Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. Do you need housing for your next assignment? Click here to search our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Go Healthcare Staffing

October 1, 2021



When Should I Take Time Off as a Travel Nurse?

This article was provided by Go Healthcare.

This is a question that is asked over and over.  The best time to take time off?  There is no best time, BUT as a travel nurse, one must understand they are supplemental staff to the Full-time staff why the whole industry was created due to Full-time staff shortages.  But we are in a pandemic, so here are some ideas.

In between contracts or extensions. 

This is the best time if you need a week to take a breather and get recharged.  Nurses are being asked to work longer, and in more difficult environments, so it is okay to say you need some time for yourself.

Work with your manager for scheduling

If you feel burnt out or tired, work with them to see if you could get a week where your schedule may allow for a long weekend or a four-day weekend where you would have a Friday and/or a Monday off.  Sometimes you just need a few days….

Not holidays but around the holidays. 

Meaning supplemental staff is usually asked to work the holidays due to the Full-time staff wanting to take holidays.  Hence there is usually a solid bump for that day or bonus.  So if you work with your manager, you can schedule sometime around and still get the benefit of higher pay.

Just like any profession, there is never a good time one feels to take a breather. 

Just know work will be there. But understand the pandemic will end in time, and rates will come back down, so if there is a time to work and actually work as many hours as you can, now and the near term would be the time and save some money to take a nice relaxing vacation when the pandemic ends! 

We hope you found these tips for taking some time to yourself as a travel nurse helpful. Do you have any advice to share with new or even veteran fellow travel nurses about vacations and time off? Comment them below.

Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. Need housing for that next assignment? Click here to visit our housing page.

About Go Healthcare:

For every reason you decide to travel, we are there for you. As a Travel Nurse, you have the opportunity to travel anywhere in the country while gaining an enriching experience both professionally and personally. Some reasons you may decide to travel include avoiding “hospital politics” as a staff RN, a chance to see the country, gain clinical experience for your nurse resume, increase your earning potential and connect with friends or family far and nearby working in the same city. We offer our Go RN Travelers exciting travel assignments across the country, competitive pay & benefits, and healthcare insurance from “day one” of your contract.

By Lirika Hart

September 4, 2021



5 Important Things You Should Do to Make the Most of Your Vacation

You have two options when you take a vacation, either locally or abroad: You can make either vacation the entire time or just travel from location A to B and from B to C. Vacationing means that you will spend most of your time on the beach, in your hotel and a generally relaxed mode. Travelling, on the other hand, means that you will be exploring more and relaxing less. As much as vacationing allows you to enjoy the beauty of your host city, traveling allows you to make richer memories, meet more people, and discover more awesome things about the city and its people.

If you want to travel and make great memories, you will need to plan adequately and research widely about your destination. Pre-planning allows you to achieve more with a small budget. It gives you a strong idea of when to take your trip, where to stay for optimal comfort and convenience, the sights to see, as well as the hidden treasures to discover.

If you are planning for a trip to a country that requires you to have a visa, ensure that you start the visa application process early enough so as to avoid last-minute inconveniences. Some processes can be too tough and complicated that you will be required to produce documents ascertaining that you’ve made flight and hotel reservations beforehand, failure to which your application is declined. You might need to book a dummy hotel reservation so that you can get your visa without spending too much money.

With your visa in hand, you have arrived!

Here are 5 important things that you should do to make the most of your vacation:

1. Do your research homework

Read as many travel magazines and blogs in order to get an in-depth understanding of the people and cultures that define your destination. Read stories that explain personal experiences, especially when you want to know the neighborhoods you should or shouldn’t visit, the foods to or not to try, as well as tips on the transport available. This information will give you a head start when creating your itinerary. Don’t take the story of one traveler as the gospel truth- ensure that you sample multiple stories and get several different perspectives on a destination before making a decision.

2. Get out of your comfort zone

Now that you know where to go and the foods to try, make psychological preparations for uncomfortable decisions. You will be eating meals that you wouldn’t normally try and engaging in outdoor activities you’ve never imagined yourself doing. Be daring enough to walk up to strangers and start a conversation with them. Try hiking or mountain climbing even if you wouldn’t dare any of that if you were home. Skydive and do daredevil tricks whenever you get the chance. Just be sure to always put your safety first and consult an expert when unsure of what to do.

3. Stay in different neighborhoods

Staying in one neighborhood doesn’t allow you to explore as many parts of the city as you should. As you already know, two neighborhoods within the same town or city are never identical. Tour different suburbs, visit neighboring towns, and camp outside for a night- anything that allows you to hear a different story every hour, meet new people every minute, and to see new architecture every day.

4. Explore on a free walking tour

Any seasoned traveler will tell you how important it is to go on a walking tour when in a new town. Such tours give you a better grasp of the city- you explore it on foot and (quite literally) at the slowest pace imaginable. And because the tours are led by local tour guides who have immeasurable experience and knowledge of the city, you end up learning so much more than what you read in books. This is also a great opportunity to interact with other tourists from all over the world.

5. Make local friends

You will get a better connection with the local culture when you make local friends. If you are a fast learner, you can even learn a few local slang phrases by the time you leave. Being friendly to local people is also a sign that you respect them as people and their culture.


Bonus tip: Never forget to capture memories with photos and videos and buy a few souvenirs to bring home from your vacation. However, try not to dwell too much on capturing memories and collecting souvenirs– you need to experience the memories and witness them with your eyes too!

We hope these tips help you plan your next vacation. Do you have any tips for planning a vacation or things you feel are a must while planning or taking a vacation? Comment them below!

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Rebecca Siggers

March 12, 2020



How to Plan a Trip with Friends

Deciding to travel is one of the most blissful decisions in life that has the potential to change your life for the better. Traveling gives a respite from the mundane aspects of daily life and provides a chance to rediscover yourself and find your true calling. Everyday life can be strenuous, and the toll of working in an office can get to you after some time.

Traveling opens up the horizons of your potential and expands your mind to knowledge that is unattainable through any other means. The experiences and adventures you go through while traveling can become the most significant life lessons and will help you for the rest of your life. Experiencing the diverse cultures of the world opens you up to understanding the world in a new light, and the people you meet can become lifelong friends.

The guidebooks of a destination, travel advice, and social media blogs of travelers are beneficial in providing valuable insights that aids in planning. However, it may be overwhelming with a vast amount of information available for prospective travelers. This article is a guide for those wondering how to plan a trip with friends.

How To Plan A Trip With Friends

1. Choose The Perfect Destination

Selecting an apt destination should be among the first decisions that you make while planning for a trip with friends. You can make a list of possible destinations with friends and then choose from them. Every individual in your travel group will have different interests, and you must select a destination that satisfies everyone’s taste to make sure that everyone enjoys the trip.

2. Choose Your Travel Buddies

As you will be spending plenty of time in each other’s company, choose the friends you want to invite to the trip carefully. Clashing with your travel buddies is avoidable if you choose your companions that enjoy each other’s company and have compatible personalities and travel habits.

People who are chill and laid back tend to be more cohesive with the rest of the group. Constant communication will ensure that you can resolve any issues before they reach a boiling point. Ultimately, everyone will need to compromise on certain things sometimes so that everyone enjoys the trip.

3. Select The Travel Date And Duration


Discuss with your friends on a good date to start your travel well beforehand. Everyone will have their work and commitments which they have to sort out as they cannot work while on the trip. It is also vital to decide the duration of the trip as it helps in planning out the trip with destinations and activities. You may find it harder to find a date where everyone is available if you are traveling with a large group.

4. Decide On Your Budget


Planning the date and duration of your trip will allow you to estimate the budget requirements for the trip. You will need to discuss with your travel group to get an idea of how much everyone is willing to spend on their trip for planning purposes.

The preferences of your group will also make a massive impact on the budget as some prefer backpacker hostels and others prefer single suites in hotels. Even though it may be awkward to discuss budgets, it is essential to ensure that everyone is happy and on the same page.

5. Transportation

Part of the charm of traveling lies in the traveling itself as much as in reaching the destination. You can decide on the form of transportation according to your destination and budget.

If you are traveling by flight, train, or bus it will be wise to book tickets well before the date of travel to obtain tickets at a lower price. You may also use your car for traveling as a group if you use roof racks for carrying the luggage, leaving the inside of the car available for your friends.


Going on a trip with friends can be full of fun and hilarious moments. Your travel adventures will help you in understanding your friends better and strengthen your bonds. Traveling exposes you to a plethora of obstructions and challenges, and when you work together to find a solution, these issues can become glorious memories.


Traveling is also extremely beneficial for mental and physical health as you tend to have plenty of exercises while traveling that you do not have the opportunity to do in daily life. The lack of stressful routines is also advantageous for mental health, and you get to do what you love to do the most.

Traveling has something for the taste of every person, and figuring out what you want to do will help in planning your trip better. It is paramount that you sit with your friends and make a plan for the activities and schedule for your trip. Careful planning allows you to avoid a plethora of issues and ensure that you do not have to stress on last-minute decisions.

Proper preparation and communication will ensure that your group stays enthusiastic about the trip and that everyone enjoys the trip. It is important not to pack your trip full of activities as it will prevent you from enjoying each moment to the fullest as you will always be hurrying to the next activity. It would help if you also did prior thinking on choosing the destination, the activities, mode of travel, and the friends you wish to take along with you.

We hope these tips to help plan a trip with your friends help while planning your next trip! Do you have any other suggestions? Comment them below.

By Jennifer Traub

December 9, 2019



Tips for Planning a Month-Long Vacation as a Travel Nurse

For the past three years working as a travel nurse, I have had the same routine. Work a contract for six months, and then take a month off for either a stay-cation or go somewhere exotic.

More times than not, your hospital will extend you to 6 months. Within those 6 months, enjoy yourself, but nickel and dime your every move while you’re working so you can indulge on your month off.

Planning a Month-Long Vacation

How to save

For example, instead of eating out all the time, I would buy $80 worth of groceries that would last me one to two weeks.  Whether through Airbnb or a friend, I would rent rooms instead of getting an expensive studio to save extra cash.

I lived way below my means, still enjoying myself but putting plenty aside from that I could utilize in the future. When you make a lot of money traveling, it is easy to blow through. I encourage you to save just a little bit, and I promise you it will go a long way.

In the process of saving

I would be mapping out a rough sketch of where I wanted to go during my time off. For example, several trips I took included gallivanting throughout Europe and Southeast Asia for 2-3 weeks at a time. My friend and I would have somewhat of an idea where we wanted to go, book tickets to a country, and hop from place to place. If you’re not as adventurous as we are, contact a travel agent or a friend who has gone to the places you want to, and ask for recommendations.

We work hard as travel nurses, and there is no reason why we cannot treat ourselves to a month’s vacation away from it all! Work hard but then go ahead and play a little harder!

We hope these tips for planning a month-long vacation have helped. Here are a few more articles with tips for your vacations and extended vacations: How to Plan for a Month-Long Vacation, Canadian Vacation Travel Tips for Travel Nurses: Great Places to Visit, and The 7 Best European Countries for Travel Nurses to Seek Jobs in and Travel Around.

Finished the travel nursing guide and are ready to look for an assignment?

Check out our travel nurse jobs!

By TNAA- Travel Nurse Across America

November 2, 2019



6 Reason Why It’s Important to Take a Vacation as a Travel Nurse

This article was provided by Travel Nurse Across America®

While travel nursing has the perks of competitive pay, getting to visit new cities, and adventure, you’re still working. Each assignment you take offers new adventures, but it’s still important to take a work-free vacation as a travel nurse and enjoy yourself without worrying about your next shift. Taking even a short break in between assignments is a great way to arrive at your next assignment refreshed and ready to take on new challenges.

6 REASONS to Vacation as a TRAVEL NURSE

1. Moving Can Be Stressful

Every seasoned travel nurse learns how to be a pro at moving every few months. However, moving into a new apartment, getting used to a new city, getting accustomed to new job duties, and getting to know new coworkers and friends can take a toll on even the most extroverted traveler. Taking a work-free vacation once a year or more is a fantastic way to de-stress and enjoy leisure time before your next assignment.

2. It’s Good for You

All nurses know the importance of mental and physical health, and practicing self-care is crucial. Nursing is a hard occupation. You’re on your feet most of the day and responsible for taking care of your patients. Stress is a major cause of heart disease and high blood pressure, and studies even show that those who vacation reduce their risk of heart disease and heart attack!

3. They Make You a Happier Person

Research shows that chronic stress levels release hormones that can lead to depression and anxiety. Taking a stress-free vacation contributes to your mental health and happiness, and the effects will last longer than your vacation.

4. Taking Vacations Make you Better at your Job

Taking vacations makes you happier, and, logically, happy people perform better at work. In fact, one study showed that for each 10 additional vacation hours an employee took per year, their performance review was 8% higher.

5. Vacations Can Improve your Relationships

While it can be relaxing to vacation alone, taking vacations with family, close friends or your significant other can make your relationship stronger. Exploring new areas, enjoying stress-free leisure time without worry about work, and having new adventures together strengthens the bond with the people you care about most.

6. Vacations Help you Recharge

On assignment, you usually have a daily routine, and it’s easy to lose perspective and forget about life outside your next shift. On vacation, you have time to revisit your goals, explore new surroundings, and abandon your regular schedule to indulge in whatever you enjoy but don’t have enough time for at work. Taking regular vacations also helps prevent burnout in your career.

At Travel Nurse Across America, we know that you work hard, so we want to reward you with a free vacation! We are excited to offer three vacation choices for nurses that qualify for the promotion. Choose between a 3-day cruise, 2-nights in Las Vegas, NV, or 2-nights in Destin, FL! Whether you are ready to soak up the sun on the beach, set sail on a cruise adventure, or hit the Vegas strip, your free vacation is waiting for you!

The benefits to vacationing are clear – consider it a self-care necessity rather than an indulgence! It’s easy to say you will go and never get around to it. You only live once, so what are you waiting for?