By Host Healthcare

September 6, 2023



9 Ways to Stay In Touch With Family While on Assignment

Host Healthcare provided this article.

Whether you’re a nurse working long shift hours, a travel nurse on assignment far from home, or even just beginning to look for a travel RN position, being separated from your family can be emotional and exhausting. Missing holidays, milestones, or simple family time together isn’t easy for anyone.

But with some planning and a few tried-and-true tricks, you can turn your time away into something meaningful for all of you.

Not only does your family provide support, guidance, and love, but staying connected with them via phone calls, social media, or video chatting can actually keep you physically healthy.1 So, if you’re wondering how to stay in touch while in travel healthcare, whether you are a medical assistant vs. nurse vs. doctor, read on for our 9 best tips to feel the family love when endless shift hours or long miles keep you apart.


Tips for Before You Head Out the Door

Before you ever set foot outside your family home, you can lay the groundwork for a positive separation by communicating with your family members with intention and compassion. 

#1 Talk About It

It doesn’t matter if you’re a newlywed, a parent of young children, or a single professional whose pets, parents, and siblings are at home. You need to communicate with your family exactly what your absence will consist of. 

Sharing the details of your separation with them, especially if you’re an OR travel nurse, will give everyone the timeline and framework they need to make sense of your absence. Some of the things you should share include:

  • Why you will be gone,
  • Where you’re going,
  • How long you’ll be gone,
  • How you will travel,
  • Where you will be staying
  • What you’ll be doing

#2 Make a Plan

Once your family understands the details of your impending absence, you can make a plan for how you will stay in touch during the hours and days apart. Letting them know that you will reach out through calls, text messages, and/or emails regularly will help alleviate some of the apprehension they might be feeling about your departure. 

However, your plans need to be flexible enough that if they get changed, no one feels disappointed. It might be tempting to say, “I’ll call every night at 6 p.m., and we’ll video chat on Saturday morning at 9 a.m.” But remember, things come up. You don’t want your family waiting nervously for your call while you’re handling a work emergency. 

Instead, tell your family, “I will do my best to call you daily. Sometimes it might be early, and sometimes it might be late. If I miss my call, just know I’m thinking about you.” While you’re away, you can also send text messages to your loved ones or maybe a close friend to share updates, let them know that you’re okay, and check in with any family members who may be missing you a little more than usual. 

#3 Leave Something Important at Home

Do you have a favorite sweatshirt or a pillow that you love? As great as it is to have that comfort item with you on assignment, it might be even better to leave it for a loved one to cuddle. Especially for small children, having something with your scent on it will comfort them when they are missing you.2

Tips for While You’re Away

For a few people, the build-up to departure is the hardest time. For most, though, the actual absence is the hardest. Luckily, we have some ways to stay in touch with family to help you and your loved ones transition easily. 

#4 Use Technology

Today’s technology can keep families connected across time and distance. Most people have smartphones, tablets, and computers that can access a program or an app to help them feel connected even when they’re miles apart. 

Before you leave, check that you and your family have compatible technology. Do a little tutorial so that everyone knows how to access and use the agreed-upon apps. Some modes of communication that you should consider include:

  • Emailing
  • Text messaging
  • Chatting with apps like:
    • WhatsApp
    • Slack
    • Telegram
  • Video calling:
    • Zoom
    • Skype
    • Google Hangout
  • Blends of video calls, group chats, and texting:
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Snapchat

#5 Mail Something 

It doesn’t have to be big, but a postcard or a little gift in the mail will brighten your family’s day. Similarly, if you are going to be at a location where you can receive mail, a handwritten surprise from home will warm you immeasurably, especially after a long shift. 

#6 Bring Them to You

This isn’t always feasible, but bringing your family to you for a few days or a long weekend can transform separation into an anticipated vacation. Plus, it’ll give you and your loved ones time to reconnect and spend some quality time together—whether that’s wrapping yourself in your hotel’s finest robes and gorging on local delicacies while watching your favorite movies or TV show series or getting outside to explore local attractions. This can also help to keep a strong relationship with your long-distance family. 


After You Return

Sometimes, the reunion can be the hardest part. If you’ve been away for a while or if you missed a major milestone, it can take a little time to reconnect with your family and friends and return to a sense of normalcy.

#7 Do Something Fun Together

Having something special to do together as soon as you return will give everyone an event to look forward to, as well as soften any feelings of anxiety or angst. This doesn’t have to be a major or expensive event (although that certainly would work, too). Just going to a movie, hanging out in the park, or taking a hike together can be a fun way to reconnect with a family member.

#8 Bring a Little Gift

Pulling a little surprise from your backpack or luggage will make both of you feel warm. Again, don’t think big—think creatively! Complimentary hotel shampoo bottles are fun and interesting for children, plus it gives them a little insight into where you have been. Keyrings, magnets, and postcards are inexpensive and easy to find, but they will show your extended family lots of love. Also, looking for these little gifts while you’re away will help you visualize your return.

#9 Don’t Guilt Yourself 

No matter where you go or how long you are gone, remind yourself that your career is important. Family separation is normal, and with a little bit of planning, it doesn’t need to be strenuous. Just be sure that while caring for your patients and your family, you’re caring for yourself, too. Furthermore, if you are an RN returning to practice, this can be an overwhelming time for you to manage learning new requirements and being away from home, so give yourself some time to adjust. 

Let Host Healthcare Help

At Host Healthcare, we want your experience as a travel nurse to be positive for you and your family. We pledge to always do our utmost to find you the best, high-paying travel nursing jobs to make your separation worthwhile.

Apply with us today to join an award-winning staff of healthcare professionals dedicated to making a difference in the lives of all those we care about. We’ll work with you to find the best opportunities for you and your family so you can continue to build meaningful relationships near and far.


  1. Compass. “The Importance of Family Ties.” WebMD, April 16, 2017,
  2. Leahy, Meghan. How to Stay Close to Kids When Work Requires Lots of Travel. The Washington Post, September 3, 2014,

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Jogan Health

September 4, 2023



Self-Care for Travel Nurses

Jogan Health provided this article.

“Self-care.” It’s not just a buzzword on Instagram. It’s a crucial part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. And if you’re a travel nurse, you should be practicing self-care for travel nurses.

Learn why self-care is so important, especially for travel nurses, and quick ways you can implement self-care today.

Why Travel Nurses Should Practice Self-Care

Before jumping into what self-care nurses can do to prevent burnout. Let’s discuss why you should take extra care to pamper yourself outside of the workplace.

It’s no secret that nurses work under stressful situations. You only have to look as far as the COVID-19 pandemic to know that nurses are under pressure constantly.

self-care for travel nurses
self-care for travel nurses
self-care for travel nurses

However, aside from the physical demands of the profession, nurses are also “helping professionals.”

Helping professionals have a direct influence on the quality of life of individuals. This intimate contact can be rewarding, especially if you deeply care for others or desire to make a difference. A helping profession can also put nurses and other helping professionals, like doctors and mental health professionals, under a lot of stress because of the responsibility placed upon them.

This great responsibility can lead to compassion fatigue and nurse burnout, an occupational condition that impacts the mental, physical, and emotional state of nurses.

A good self-care routine can stave off nurse burnout and keep helping professionals healthy and happy as they navigate the often stressful environments they work in.

Self-Care For Travel Nurses to Unwind From a Long Shift

Self-care looks a lot different for every individual. Self-care for some nurses may mean a full night of uninterrupted sleep. Other self-care routines for nurses may look like a spa day and shopping therapy. No matter what your preference, all these self-care practices are valid.

That said, the following self-care tips for nurses are meant to be actionable steps you can immediately and build your self-care routine today.

Take a Mental Health Day

If you feel nurse burnout creeping up or are particularly stressed out, it may be time to take a break.

Although commonly mistaken, mental health days are not sick days. You do not need to be physically ill to take a mental health day. On the contrary, mental health days are days where you can psychologically take a break, leaving the stress at work and allowing you to refresh.

Tip: Beat burnout before it’s ever a problem! Scheduling mental health days in advance can help stave off burnout. It can also give you something to look forward to during especially busy times. Don’t wait until you’re dragging to ask for help. Schedule self-care and wellness in your calendar to stay at the top of your game.

Talk to Friends and Family

At the end of a long day, what do you do to unwind? Maybe you workout or lounge on the couch with your favorite sitcom. Consider adding spending time with friends and family to your list of work aftercare.

In “Pulse on the Nation’s Nurses Survey Series: Annual Assessment Survey,” 70% of nurses reported that spending time with their friends and family strengthened their well-being.

The Mayo Clinic reports that spending time with family and friends can increase a sense of belonging and purpose, improves our self-confidence and self-worth, and helps you cope with traumas.

Whether it be to vent after a particularly stressful day or be reminded of all the great things in your life, reach out to your invaluable community to practice self-care.

Eat a Healthy Diet and Drink Enough Water

It may be a simple ask, but let’s get pragmatic: What’s on your plate?

Do you spend the day loading up on goodies from vending machines? Or do you get to the end of the work day dehydrated?

Your nutrition and hydration play a giant role in your overall wellbeing. But, consider this, 75% of individuals are chronically dehydrated, leading to poor mental health, fatigue, and more.

On the flip side, Ppoper nutrition and hydration, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, helps adults:

  • Live longer
  • Supports muscles
  • Boosts immunity
  • Maintain digestive system function
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight

Meal prepping for a long shift with fruits, vegetable, and proteins of your choice can help your physical —and by proxy your mental health — throughout the workday. Likewise, sipping on water throughout the day can support your everyday activity.

Tip: Hydrating does not have to be a chore. Smart water bottles like HidrateSpark integrate with an app, offering recommendations of how much water to drink as well as reminding users when to drink throughout the day.


Helping professionals are uniquely positioned to make a direct impact on other’s lives. But, with great responsibility comes great stress. Get ahead of nurse burnout and practice self-care to maintain your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Did you learn something? Check out the Jogan Health blog to find more nurse lifestyle articles.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Staffmax Healthcare Staffing & Recruiting

September 2, 2023



Snow in September?  It’s 100 Degrees Outside!

Staffmax Healthcare Staffing and Recruiting provided this article.

Article was written by: Julie Hesseltine, RN, CNO, and Sr. Recruiter for Staffmax.

It isn’t time for snowflakes for most of us. After all, we are still hitting triple digits in most of the USA, and the beaches still have visitors.   However, this morning was a chilly reminder that at any point in the coming 13 weeks, we could have a blizzard here in the Northern States.   Two weeks ago, a friend of ours in the high mountain country of Wyoming was scraping frost off the windshields. Many of us have seen the first blizzard of the year in September and occasionally in August.  It is time to prepare for winter assignments ahead of time.  For travelers who are preparing to head northbound, be sure to think about what you are going to need for the winter months. 

winter assignments

Tips for Cold Winter Assignments:

“Be sure to check your oil.”

That is what my dad used to always preach to his kids before leaving on a trip.  Car maintenance is of utmost importance. Dad didn’t always tell us to check the radiator fluid to make sure it would withstand certain temperatures.   If you are putting your own windshield wiper fluids into the chamber, be certain it is the winterized kind or that you have some with you.  Change your blades, too, if they are getting old.  Visibility is important, just as is traction on the road surfaces. What about your tires?  All tires are NOT the same.  If you are contracted to work where there is usually a fair amount of snow, and you permanently reside in an area that never sees those gorgeous, white, cold, icy flakes, make sure the tire man knows you want all-weather tires if you are getting new ones.  Trust me, it will make your life better.

Keep a warm blanket and snacks in the car.

winter assignments

Something else that you may have never thought about was keeping a nice warm blanket in your car and some snacks.  It is a good thing to have a small survival kit if you are going to be in an area far between towns.   Growing up in a very rural part of the Midwest, I always keep a survival kit in my car, and there are usually 2 or three blankets as well as a small shovel and an extra pair of gloves.  Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?  Why in the world would one need things like this?   It does happen that I have been darn happy to have those things when I was stuck in a snow drift waiting on help. Here is a short list of items you may want to keep in the kit:  1-2 candles, matches, some energy bars, candy bars, puzzle books and pencils, an extra pair of gloves or mittens, a good book to read, beef jerky, a few bottles of water, and a small empty can.  The can is simply for filling with snow you will melt over the top of the candles so you have something to drink in an emergency. Battery charging cord.  The hope is to never have to use anything in your kit at any point in time.  But occasionally, people do get stranded or stuck in the snow.  Caught in a blizzard or bad roads, these can be life-saving for those who have this.  Just as some get caught stranded in the heat of the deserts without water and suffer, this will help you stay safe too. 

Finally, it comes down to clothing.

Oh, how I hate to see people traveling in the wintertime wearing shorts.  They could freeze to death if they were in an accident!  But, by traveling with the appropriate clothing in one’s car, I guess they should be okay.  Just be sure to pack and carry an extra jacket, and on those cold, blustery days, take a coat with you! 

For many, this may seem like mere common sense.

But here in Nebraska and elsewhere, we may wake up to the birds chirping and the sun shining, 90 degrees by noon, raining in the afternoon with a heavy snowfall at night. We can pack a punch of all 4 seasons in one 24-hour span.  Most importantly, drive slowly and with care.  Icy and snowy roads aren’t so bad once you become accustomed to them.  My cousin once told me a story about how everyone from Nebraska, South Dakota, etc., would park their cars when the roads were icy and there was any snow where she attended school because “those people down there didn’t know how to drive in those road conditions. 

Soon there will be frost on the pumpkins, and we will all be wishing for spring once again. Be careful and safe travels

We hope you found this article on preparing for winter assignments helpful. Do you have any tips you would like to share on how you prepare for winter assignments? Comment them below.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By StaffDNA

September 1, 2023



What Travel Nurses Can Expect During This Year’s Post-COVID Flu Season

StaffDNA provided this article.

For many nurses, this year has brought a sigh of relief. Mask mandates have been dropped, and Covid hospitalization rates are no longer blowing census numbers out of the water. It seems like the healthcare world has settled into its new, post-Covid normal.

For other healthcare workers, this might feel like unfamiliar territory. If you graduated with your nursing license during or after 2019, then nursing during the pandemic is the only healthcare world you’re familiar with, when sky-high travel nursing rates, paired with nonstop admissions, became the rule instead of the exception.

So the question is – What happens now? The regular flu season is upon us while Covid is no longer the presence. It was mid-pandemic. Many travel nurses are starting to think about what the market will look like over the next several months as we approach our first “normal” flu season since the pandemic first hit in 2020. 

flu season

Last year

Last year’s flu season hit the pediatric population particularly hard, as babies born during the pandemic were not exposed to various strains of non-covid flu due to quarantine. This means they all went into their first unquarantined flu season with no immunities to regular flu strains. So RSV numbers were up, with the number of patients needing hospitalization and prolonged supplemental oxygen peaking at almost five times higher than rates the year before.

In addition, the respiratory season hit earlier than normal. Typically, hospitals will hire most of their “flu season” staff starting in late October or early November, with some hospital systems waiting as late as January. 

For the 2022-2023 season, respiratory hospitalizations peaked in November, which left hospitals scrambling to find seasonal staff earlier than anticipated, leading to increased rates as facilities recruited as many workers as possible.

Then, the busy season came to a halt as quickly as it began. Hospitals had to backpedal because increased patient loads didn’t last as long as anticipated, with travel staff being canceled and rates being reduced due to demand decreasing. 

Anticipating needs

Predicting numbers for any respiratory season can be a bit like predicting the weather. Health officials have the technology and advanced science to better examine viral strains, including the level of contagiousness and affected populations, to hopefully get an idea of what we might be able to expect each season. But every once in a while, we have a flu season unlike anything we could have expected.

Medical authorities speculate flu season likely hit early last year as an after effect from the pandemic, as normal human socialization was disrupted by shutdowns and quarantines. As a result, our flu season was earlier than anticipated.

Hospitals are predicting flu season will hit earlier than usual again this year as well. This means we will likely see a peak in respiratory hospitalizations around November or December again this year.

flu season

What that means for travel nurses

The winter season is always a waiting game. As we round the corner from summer into fall, travel nurse rates generally start to creep up. It can be hard to know when to jump on a decent rate because there’s always the possibility something better might come along.

Since we’re expecting another early flu season this year, anticipate that facilities will try to get ahead of it rather than having to clamber for staff and offering sky-high rates in November or December — you will likely see seasonal positions coming available as early as September as management tries to get ahead of peak respiratory season.

So, take into consideration that this year, facilities are expecting the unexpected and will likely be on top of staffing early. Thus, it’s wise for travel nurses to expect an early season as well. It’s a personal decision whether you want to get ahead of the curve and book an assignment early on, with the opportunity to have a longer contract, or whether you want to stay informed on early flu numbers and attempt to ride out when you might find the highest rates, knowing flu season might end early again this year as well.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. There, you can search for what you are looking for in housing.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Cross Country Nurses

August 31, 2023



How to Become a Travel Nurse

This article was provided by Cross Country Nurses.

As a travel nurse, an incredible personal and professional adventure awaits you. Travel nursing is attractive because it allows you to create your path and choose the journey to arrive successfully.

You will satisfy your wanderlust if you enjoy exploring as many new cities as possible while working at multiple facilities on a short-term contract for above-average pay. If you like to feel more settled and stay in one place for longer than 12-14 weeks while continuing to build relationships for above-average income, you can have the best of both worlds.

If travel nursing is the career you want to pursue to help others thrive while scratching your travel itch, how do you get there?

become a travel nurse

Steps and Stages to Become a Travel Nurse

Step 1: Earn a Degree

To be considered for travel nurse positions, you are required to have a registered nurse (RN) license through either an associate degree in nursing (ADN), a two-year program, or a bachelor of science (BSN), a four-year commitment.

The latter provides more job opportunities, career advancements, and stepping stones for continuing education. RN-to-BSN programs with an accelerated timeline are an option for those who have their ADN already and desire to earn a BSN degree.

Step 2: Pass the NCLEX-RN Test for Success

As a nursing school graduate, you must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN), which tests your ability and competency to provide safe and effective nursing practice at the entry-level. As a travel nurse, you will need a license to work in any state outside of your home state.

Step 3: Get a Licensure

The next step of licensure, defined by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), is “the process by which boards of nursing grant permission to an individual to engage in nursing practice after determining that the applicant has attained the competency necessary to perform a unique scope of practice.”

become a travel nurse

Thirty-five compact states in the U.S. participate in the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), which means you can receive one multi-state license. For the 13 non-compact states, you are required to have that specific state’s licensure.

Here is where it can get tricky. Just because you have a state license in a state that becomes compact doesn’t mean your license automatically becomes multi-state. As a nurse, you have to apply specifically for a multi-state license. To learn more on how healthcare professionals like you can get licensed in any U.S. state, click here

Step 4: Gain Work Experience

Most hospitals and healthcare facilities prefer travel nurses to have at least one year of nursing experience in the specialty they will be contracted for, although some require two years of experience.

Volunteering, enrolling in a shadowing or mentor program, and finding an internship through your school are great ways to achieve hands-on experience while earning your degree. Your school may be a great resource and have paid student nurse positions. If you’ve already graduated, some employers are specifically looking for new graduates to train.

Step 5: Partner with a Travel Nurse Employment Agency

Choosing the right staffing agency is critical because they will become more than a resource for jobs. Your recruiter is someone you should be able to trust with all your travel nurse needs, including helping you navigate the compliance steps and regulatory paperwork.

  • Vaccination records and a physical exam
  • Copies of your license and certifications
  • A drug test and background check
  • Additional documentation required by healthcare facilities

An agency should also support your growth as a travel nurse, which may include furthering your education and expanding your skill set. Here are some examples of when you become part of the Cross Country family.

  • American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accredited Cross Country University, CCMSN provides CE Direct® online Continuing Education (C.E.) and Certification Review that will fulfill your C.E. requirements.
  • Access to over 700 award-winning continuing education (E.D.) courses
  • Advanced degree (BSN, MSN, DSN) tuition reimbursement of up to 20% from accredited academic partners

Good luck with your career as a travel nurse, and enjoy all those adventures coming your way soon.

To dive deeper into the world of travel nursing and read the answers to commonly asked questions, click here. To fill out an application to work with Cross Country, click here or call (800) 530-6125 to speak with a recruiter who will walk you through the application process and answer any additional questions.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

By trustaff

August 30, 2023



Self-Care Tips for Traveling Nurses

Trustaff provided this article.

As a traveling healthcare professional, self-care can be as important as your commitment to caring for others. At Trustaff, we understand the demanding nature of your profession and the challenges that come with being on the move. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to provide exceptional healthcare staffing solutions and support our clinicians’ well-being through our unique ACT Program (Advocacy, Career, Tools)

If you’re a travel nurse, here are some valuable self-care tips to help you thrive during your assignments. Discover how our ACT Program can be your ultimate companion on this rewarding journey.

self-care tips

Self-Care Tips:

1. Prioritize Your Physical Health: 

Long shifts and irregular schedules can take a toll on your body. Get enough rest, stay hydrated, and fuel your body with nutritious meals. Regular exercise, even if it’s just a short walk, can do wonders for your energy levels and overall well-being.

2. Create a Relaxing Routine: 

Establish a routine that helps you unwind after a challenging day. Whether it’s reading a book, meditating, or simply enjoying a cup of tea, these small rituals can provide a sense of calm amidst the hectic schedule of a traveling nurse.

3. Connect with Colleagues: 

Building a support system at each assignment can make a significant difference. Connect with your fellow nurses and healthcare professionals to share experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Trustaff fosters a collaborative environment, creating a gateway to form meaningful connections wherever you go.

4. Explore Your Surroundings:

self-care tips

 Take advantage of your travel opportunities by exploring the new city or town you’re in. Embracing local culture, trying new foods, and visiting landmarks can help you decompress and add some excitement to your downtime.

5. Stay Organized: 

At Trustaff, we provide you with valuable tools and resources to enhance your career. Take advantage of these offerings to stay organized and keep track of your assignments, certifications, and career goals. A well-organized approach can reduce stress and enable you to focus on what matters most – providing exceptional patient care.

6. Engage in Professional Development: 

Our ACT Program goes beyond conventional support. We offer career advancement resources to help you achieve your professional goals as a healthcare professional. Whether it’s continuing education opportunities, mentorship programs, or resume-building assistance, Trustaff and ACT are committed to your growth.

7. Reach out for Support: 

Our ACT Program is a testament to our commitment to your well-being and career growth. As you embark on new adventures, know that we have your back. 

Here are some self-care resources we have to offer:

  • Wellness workshops
  • Mental health support networks
  • Free online yoga class every week
  • Employee discounts and rewards program
  • Veterans and first responders struggling with PTSD are qualified to apply to Warrior PATHH by the Boulder Crest Foundation.

We hope you found this article on self-care tips for travel nurses helpful. What do you do for self-care? Do you have any self-care tips to share? Comment them below.

Ready to take on this rewarding journey while being supported every step of the way? Trustaff is here for you. Click here to discover the diverse range of exciting opportunities we have available across the nation.
Your next adventure awaits!

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By LeaderStat

August 29, 2023



Best National Parks to Visit While on Assignment

LeaderStat provided this article.

Of the 423 national parks in the United States, 63 incorporate the words “national park” into their official name. The other locations are identified as national historic sites, seashores, recreation areas, forests, or monuments. Wherever your travel assignment takes you, chances are that you will be close enough to visit one of these sites!

Here are some tips for planning your national park visit and suggestions on which parks to put on your bucket list. The National Park Service website is a great place to start.

best national parks

Your Visit

Before you lace up your hiking boots and hit a trail at a national park, spend a few minutes researching the area. You’ll need to learn about the park and the environment to ensure you’ve brought the right gear. Don’t forget to inquire about the fees and permits you’ll need for your trip.

Once you arrive at the park, obey all posted signs and check in with the ranger station for up-to-date information on weather and other local conditions. Stay away from the wildlife, and don’t deviate from the marked trails and paths.

Best National Parks to Visit

Now that you’re ready to visit a park, which ones should you choose? Check out this list of national parks, which provides state-by-state information. There are parks for everyone, from beaches to mountains or historic sites to popular monuments. Here are nine suggestions.

best national parks

Denali, Alaska

Denali, Alaska, has North America’s highest peak, plus six million acres of wilderness accessible by a single road. But plan your trip in the summer because all the snow arrives in the late fall through early spring.

Yosemite, California

Yosemite, California, boasts one of the most well-known rock-climbing formations, El Capitan. But you don’t have to be a rock climber to enjoy the Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite Falls, or Half-Dome.

Everglades, Florida

Everglades, Florida, offers mangrove waterways and wilderness home to crocodiles, Florida panthers, and manatees. You can also fish for snook, snapper, and tarpon in the park.

Craters of the Moon, Idaho

Craters of the Moon, Idaho, originated several thousand years ago due to eight major volcanic eruptions that created craters, deep cracks, and lava fields. The landscape changes frequently since the area’s sub-surface still experiences high levels of volcanic and tectonic activity.

Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, has more than 400 miles in its cave system—the longest known US cave. You can explore the surface or descend into the earth for a closer look at the cave’s twists and turns.

Acadia, Maine

Acadia, Maine, offers granite cliffs along with a rugged seashore. Hiking trails include the exposed Precipice Trail—with its metal rungs and wooden bridges—and paths to the summit of Cadillac Mountain.

best national parks

Assateague, Maryland

Assateague, Maryland, is a barrier island inhabited by wild horses. You can camp on the waterfront with the horses nearby.

Gila Cliff Dwellings, New Mexico

Gila Cliff Dwellings, New Mexico, offers caves used for thousands of years by nomadic dwellers. Come for the dwelling tours, bird watching, and nature walks.

New River Gorge, West Virginia

New River Gorge, West Virginia, is the newest National Park, designated in 2020. You’ll have more than 1,400 established rock-climbing routes to enjoy, plus miles of trails to pique your interest.

Find the perfect opportunity to explore our country’s national parks with LeaderStat. With these possibilities to choose from, how will you spend your free time this year?

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Triage Healthcare Staffing

August 28, 2023



The Best Side Hustles for Travel Nurses

Triage Healthcare Staffing provided this article.

One thing we know about travel nurses is they’ve got hustle. It’s not like travel nurses are content staying home and taking a staff job—they’ve got some extra drive and grit that gives them the confidence to work in a new facility and explore a new city every three months.

We’re pretty sure that’s why so many travel nurses have their own side hustle. Looking for a new one? Check out our list of the best side hustles for travel nurses.

side hustles

Deliver Take Out or Groceries With Delivery Apps

If you want to make some quick cash, delivery apps are one way to do it. You don’t need much to get started. As long as you have a vehicle, a driver’s license, and insurance, you’re good to go. Plus, you can truly choose when and how much you want to work, so you don’t have to worry about your side hustle interfering with your travel job. If you’re looking to do strictly pick-ups and deliveries, you can deliver for Door Dash, Uber Eats, Grub Hub, or even Walmart. If you want to earn a little more and have the time, you can actually shop for customers using Shipt or Instacart. In most cases, customers want you to drop the items off at the door, so there’s minimal contact with customers.

Use Your Agency’s Referral Program

Most travel agencies have a program where you refer your friends and can earn a kickback once your friend finishes up an assignment. When looking for a travel nurse referral program, you’ll want to check on the company’s reviews before referring your friends. Look for patterns in the reviews. If there are consistently the same types of reviews—good or bad—you can likely trust them over a one-off review. Also, ask how and when you’ll be paid, as well as how the referrals are tracked. If you’re able to track your referrals’ progress, you’ll know when you’ll get paid without relying on the agency to tell you.

 Additionally, look for a program that doesn’t require you to be on assignment with the company, especially if you think you’ll eventually step back from traveling. Lastly, check how you’re paid, particularly if you’re not planning on traveling forever. If you’re currently on assignment, they can normally pay you through a regular payroll, but if you’re not a current traveler, you may receive a 1099, which means you’ll have to include it on your taxes when you file. Either way, it’s an easy side job for travel nurses.

Teach or Tutor Online

Looking for something you can do from your home and take with you on assignments? Sign up to teach or tutor online. You can specialize in a subject or two and tutor online, or you can even sign up to teach children overseas how to speak English. You can make anywhere from $10 to $40 an hour, but it definitely depends on what company you work with.

Popular companies include VIPKID, DaDa, and Magic Ears, which all work with kids learning English as a second language. If you’re looking for tutoring in specific subjects, consider Chegg, Skooli, Wyzant, and eTutorWorld. Some companies do require at least a six-month commitment, but since you can teach from anywhere, the job can follow you on assignment. You definitely need a healthy dose of patience to teach or tutor, but you’re a nurse—you’ve already got that.

side hustles

Dog Walking or Pet Sitting

Love animals? Dog walking or pet sitting can be the perfect side gig if you have to leave a furry friend at home while traveling. You can find clients on or the Rover or Wag app. Like other side hustles, you’ll be able to set your own hours. Unlike other apps, you can set your own pay rate for walks or pet sitting, so you have more freedom to earn what you want to earn and decide what your time is worth.

Take Advantage of a Social Media Following

Are you the one, your friends always turn to for advice on what to buy? If so, turn that into a social media following. While things like brand deals can take a while and are hard to come by when you’re starting out, anyone can become an affiliate. Basically, you share your favorite products via a special link, and you’ll receive a portion of the sales when one of your followers clicks the link. The best part? Your followers don’t even need to purchase the specific product you linked to in most cases—any purchase they make after clicking your link will count toward your sales. And if you have a large following that works in healthcare, you can even share your agency’s referral program, netting you a sweet referral bonus without much effort.

While these are just a few of the side gigs for travel nurses, they’re some of the easiest ones that you can take advantage of when you’re a travel nurse. Looking to get started with the Triage Referral Program? Sign up today, and once your friend completes their first assignment, we’ll send you a cool $750.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By NuWest

August 25, 2023



Top 10 Travel Nurse Locations in 2023

NuWest provided this article.

While being a travel nurse is a demanding profession, the benefits travel nursing can provide are wide-ranging, including expanding your clinical experience, deepening your professional development, networking with new colleagues, taking advantage of flexible schedules, as well as maximizing stipends and other travel compensation perks. But for almost every travel nurse, the key benefit is the adventure, exploration, and personal enrichment traveling provides. 

So, for many intrepid souls, deciding on an exciting and challenging travel nurse career is the easy part. The harder part is choosing which assignment to accept and why. This search often begins by selecting a region, metro area, or city that fits your personality and lifestyle. 

To help you in this important choice, we’ve compiled some recent data on travel nurse jobs in the U.S. Our data comes from search interest and job posts from June and July 2023 and should help point to what will be some of the most popular travel nurse locations throughout the rest of this year. 

travel nurse locations

Finding Your Next Travel Assignment

Research and surveys tell us that as a travel nurse, you probably work with a few staffing agencies and have an app or tool that you prefer to leverage when finding new travel assignments. But did you realize that many of these tools and agencies are all posting the same jobs? Moreover, these travel jobs open and close so quickly that the exact job you initially applied for or were submitted to is often not the same as the placement you’ll end up taking. 

That’s right, who you choose to work with is rarely because of an exclusive listing you find on a specific job marketplace. More often than not, your travel assignment comes down to your relationship with your recruiter and how you are treated by the staffing agency

We say all this to let you know that it doesn’t matter what your favorite job board, agency, or app is. The trending info we explore in this article applies at a macro level to the industry as a whole. When looking for popular destinations, our data did reveal some of the most popular trending specialties, such as post-anesthesia, ICU, critical care, pediatrics, and even remote roles. For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus solely on possible locations for your next travel assignment. 

Travel Nurse Job Data 

To find out which destinations are the most popular for travel nurses, we researched travel nurse jobs via search interest tools such as Google Trends, AnswerThePublic, UberSuggest, SEM Rush, and Similar Web. We then combined that user data with top travel nurse job marketplaces like Indeed, Fusion Marketplace, Vivian, VettedHealth, and Wanderly. 

What we found were some expected locations, along with some surprises. Additionally, after identifying the Top 10 RN travel nurse locations, we added additional data to help your decision-making process. We hope this helps!  

Top 10 RN travel nurse locations 

  1. Miami, FL 
  2. Houston, TX 
  3. San Antonio, TX 
  4. Chicago, IL 
  5. Brooklyn, NY 
  6. Philadelphia, PA 
  7. Las Vegas, NV 
  8. Jacksonville, FL 
  9. Orlando, FL 
  10. Los Angeles, CA 

#1 – Miami, FL 

travel nurse locations

Miami is known for its vibrant culture, beautiful beaches, and diverse culinary scene. As a travel nurse, you might be attracted to the city’s warm weather and lively atmosphere. The city offers a mix of Latin American and Caribbean influences, making it a melting pot of cultures. In your free time, you can enjoy exploring the Art Deco Historic District, lounging on South Beach, and trying out various water sports. Dining options range from upscale restaurants to food trucks, offering a variety of international cuisines. 

  • Job Competition: 33/100 
  • Cost of Living Index: 83.8 (rank #77) 
  • Crime Index: 53.2 (rank #35)   

NOTE: For each Index, ranking is from 1-100, and lower is better.              

# Jobs 29 154 
Avg Weekly Pay $2,357 $2,254 
Top Weekly Pay $3,245 $2,517 
travel nurse

#2 – Houston, TX 

Houston is a major city with a booming healthcare industry. Travel nurses are drawn to the city’s renowned medical facilities and diverse patient populations. When not working, you can explore the Space Center Houston, Museum District and enjoy outdoor activities in the city’s many parks. Houston’s dining scene is known for its Tex-Mex cuisine and Southern comfort food, as well as a growing number of international restaurants. 

  • Job Competition: 39/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 73.8 (rank #48) 
  • Crime Index: 63.6 (rank #54)                        
# Jobs 78 363 
Avg Weekly Pay $2,150 $2,786 
Top Weekly Pay $3,060 $4,425 
travel nurse locations

#3 – San Antonio, TX 

San Antonio offers a blend of history, culture, and a strong healthcare sector. The city’s historic sites, such as The Alamo and the River Walk, attract visitors from all over. As a travel nurse, you’ll appreciate the city’s affordable cost of living and family-friendly atmosphere. In terms of dining, San Antonio is famous for its Tex-Mex fare and barbecue joints, providing a true taste of Texas. 

  • Job Competition: 90/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 68.1 (rank #26) 
  • Crime Index: 48.7 (rank #26)          
# Jobs 62 568 
Avg Weekly Pay $1,971 $2,441 
Top Weekly Pay $3,192 $3,796 
Top 10 Travel Nurse Locations in 2023

#4 – Chicago, IL 

Chicago boasts world-class healthcare facilities and a rich cultural scene. Travel nurses tend to love the city’s cutting-edge medical institutions and the opportunity to experience life in a bustling urban environment. Chicago offers iconic attractions like Millennium Park, Navy Pier, and the Art Institute of Chicago. The city’s dining scene is diverse, ranging from deep-dish pizza to gourmet cuisine, and it’s known for its vibrant music and theater scene. 

  • Job Competition: 89/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 81.9 (rank #75) 
  • Crime Index: 66.0 (rank #58)                        
# Jobs 370 556 
Avg Weekly Pay $2,331 $2,992 
Top Weekly Pay $3,500 $2,575 
travel nurse locations

#5 – Brooklyn, NY 

As a borough of New York City, Brooklyn offers travel nurses access to some of the nation’s top medical institutions and an unmatched cultural experience. Nurses can explore neighborhoods like Williamsburg, DUMBO, and Brooklyn Heights, each with its own unique character. Brooklyn provides a mix of dining options, from trendy cafes to classic pizzerias, and it’s a hub for arts, music, and entertainment and is easily and affordably accessible to many other unique neighborhoods.  

  • Job Competition: 79/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 100.0 (rank #90) 
  • Crime Index: 49.7 (rank #29)                        
# Jobs 585 295 
Avg Weekly Pay $2,767 $3,367 
Top Weekly Pay $3,564 $4,080 

#6 – Philadelphia, PA 

Philadelphia is a historic city with a thriving medical community. Travel nurses are attracted to its top hospitals and research centers. Nurses can explore historical sites like Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, as well as enjoy the vibrant food scene, which includes Philly cheesesteaks and diverse international eateries. 

  • Job Competition: 77/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 78.9 (rank #68) 
  • Crime Index: 65.8 (rank #57)                        
# Jobs 240 278 
Avg Weekly Pay $2,365 $3,550 
Top Weekly Pay $3,558 $4,115 
travel nurse locations

#7 – Las Vegas, NV 

Las Vegas is known for its world-famous entertainment and hospitality industries. Travel nurses will find leading hospitals and medical centers. During your time off, experience the excitement of the Las Vegas Strip, catch live shows, and explore nearby natural attractions like Red Rock Canyon. The city offers a wide range of dining options, from celebrity chef restaurants to buffets. 

  • Job Competition: 26/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 72.2 (rank #43) 
  • Crime Index: 56.0 (rank #44)                        
# Jobs 20 30 
Avg Weekly Pay $2,537 $2,546 
Top Weekly Pay $3,913 $3,979 
Top 10 Travel Nurse Locations in 2023

#8 – Jacksonville, FL 

Jacksonville offers a mix of coastal living and medical opportunities. Travel nurses will love its beautiful beaches and outdoor recreational activities. In your free time, explore the Jacksonville Zoo, take boat tours, relax on Amelia Island, and visit the historic Riverside and Avondale neighborhoods. The dining scene features fresh seafood and Southern cuisine. 

  • Job Competition: 82/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 70.8 (rank #34) 
  • Crime Index: 51.5 (rank #31)                        
# Jobs 21 57 
Avg Weekly Pay $1,964 $1,635 
Top Weekly Pay $2,800 $2,856 
travel nurse locations

#9 – Orlando, FL 

Orlando is home to a variety of medical facilities and is known for its family-friendly attractions. Travel nurses go for both top healthcare opportunities and close proximity to major theme parks like Walt Disney World and Universal Studios. In your leisure time, check out the local dining scene, which includes diverse options ranging from international cuisine to Florida-inspired dishes. 

  • Job Competition: 37/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 74.2 (rank #50) 
  • Crime Index: 530.2 (rank #30)                                   
# Jobs 86 39 
Avg Weekly Pay $2,047 $2,519 
Top Weekly Pay $2,412 $3,000 
Top 10 Travel Nurse Locations in 2023

#10 – Los Angeles, CA 

Los Angeles offers a mix of top-tier medical institutions and the glamour of Hollywood. Travel nurses will find top healthcare opportunities and the chance to experience the iconic sights of LA, such as the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Griffith Observatory, and the beaches of Santa Monica. The city’s dining scene is incredibly diverse, featuring cuisine from around the world, and it’s a hub for entertainment, arts, and culture. 

  • Job Competition: 87/100  
  • Cost of Living Index: 85.7(rank #81) 
  • Crime Index: 52.7 (rank #34)          
# Jobs 450 267 
Avg Weekly Pay $2,583 $3,480 
Top Weekly Pay $3,087 $5,854 

Each of these cities has its own unique appeal for travel nurses, ranging from cultural experiences to career opportunities, and they all offer a variety of dining, entertainment, and attraction options to explore during your time off. We hope this article on top travel nurse locations with added data helps you in your decision-making when choosing where to take your next travel assignment. Do you have your picks for the top travel nurse locations? Comment them below.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)