AB Staffing Solutions provided this article.
Travel healthcare professionals are in demand across the country, but how fast can you get hired? For travel nurse positions, we require 1-2 years of experience before you explore travel positions. For others, it may be a different timeline, so talk to the agency and recruiter to understand the recommendations. Once you’ve selected an agency, you will work with them to find the best match.
As always, we encourage you to communicate with your recruiter from the beginning as well as while you are working. They are your connection to answering questions about the contract. They want to learn how you’re doing in your placement and how you like your new home. While you would need to contact your on-site manager for specific facility-related questions, your recruiter is your resource for everything else.

In this article, the AB Staffing recruiters offer tips for making the hiring process for travel healthcare professionals as smooth and quick as possible.
1. Organize your documents.
Send them to the agency quickly. This includes a resume, certifications, credentials, license, and references. Having this available digitally will make it easy to send from your phone or laptop. A delay in the submission of this information can result in the position being filled by someone else. We don’t want that to happen to you, so make sure to be prepared.
2. Communicate with your references.
Don’t let a call from an agency or employer be a surprise. Contact your references to let them know they may be receiving a call, the type of position you’ve applied for, and guidance for how your work with them matches the job. They should expect a call and be ready to answer our questions about your experience working with them.
3 . Be sure your resume is up to date.
As you advance in your career, make a point to update your resume. This way, you will always have a clearly formatted document to send to potential employers and recruiters. Your recruiter can also help you format your resume, but the info you send must be the most current. Keep this in a digital file as well. The more organized you can be, the better for you in this step of your career.
4. Be sure your physical and certifications are up to date.

It takes time to get these, so having them current will make the hiring process move faster. If these aren’t up to date, we may have to wait until they are to place you in a travel healthcare professional position.
5. Be flexible with the locations where you would like to work.
Our recruiters understand you have dream locations where you’d like to work. While we try to make these happen, being flexible with what is currently available increases the chances of being placed. The more specific you are, the more challenging it is for our recruiters to place you.
6. Flexibility with scheduling is necessary.
As a travel healthcare professional, you are hired to fill in where the facility has no one else. Every place has a different shift available. There may be weekdays from 9 to 5, or you may have 12-hour shifts or overnights. Being flexible will go a long way for you to be invited back or to extend your contract, especially if you want to stay longer. We cannot guarantee anything, but your openness makes it easier for us to place you and/or extend a contract when available.
7. Communicate with your recruiter.
We cannot express this enough. Whether you’re looking for your first placement or you’re a seasoned traveler, always keep in contact with your recruiter. They can find a contract faster if you’re in communication with them for submittals and questions. They also want to hear from you and learn about your experience.

8. Answer your phone.
After you’ve submitted for a position, keep your phone close and answer it. Try not to miss potential interview calls by screening your incoming calls. This can make the process take longer, and/or you may lose opportunities.
Getting hired quickly as a travel healthcare professional has as much to do with what AB Staffing has available as it does with how prepared and engaging you are. Our recruiters love when you have documents and references ready because they want to place you where you’d prefer. While we cannot always do this, we do our best to make great matches that support your career goals.
Want to learn more? Contact AB Staffing today!
Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.