By MAS Medical Staffing

January 31, 2023



The Most Sought-After Nursing Specialties for 2023

MAS Medical Medical Staffing provided this article.

Caregivers such as yourself are seeking change in the most expansive field known as nursing. With an abundance of nursing specialties to choose from, narrowing your list can be tough. Let us help guide your journey while sharing the most sought-after nursing specialties for 2023 and each job outlook.

Top Nursing Specialties for 2023

  1. Long Term Care (LTC)
  2. Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
  3. Medical-Surgical (Med/Surg) & Medical-Surgical Telemetry (Med/Surg Tele)
  4. Neonatal Intensive Care
  5. Occupational Health in SNF (Skilled Nursing Facilities)
  6. Rehab
  7. Home Care
  8. Hospice

Long Term Care (LTC)

A long-term care nurse is a skilled nursing professional dedicated to caring for patients who require prolonged nursing and personal care. This includes patients with chronic illnesses or injuries who do not have the resources or support to be cared for at home and need to be in a long-term care facility.  In an LTC setting, you care for patients admitted anywhere from a couple of weeks to months or even years. Several patients live in these long-term care facilities permanently or indefinitely. Because of that, LTC nurses can form and build long-term relationships and bonds while caring for their residents at the same time. 

LTC Job Outlook: 9% predicted growth (2020-2030)

Duties for a Long-Term Care nurse include:

  • Implementing comprehensive patient care plans with medical and clinical staff
  • Providing specialized treatments for progressive and chronic conditions
  • Recording vital signs and administering medications
  • Operating medical equipment, monitoring and assessing patient status, and recording patient information in medical records
  • Assisting patients with daily tasks such as bathing and dressing
  • Offering education, emotional support, and guidance to patients, families, and caregivers

Is LTC right for me?

If you’re a healthcare professional who feels the pace of your job and workplace doesn’t give you enough time to grow the relationships you’d like with patients, long-term care nursing might be the career for you.

Character traits of an LTC nurse:

  • Patient
  • Compassionate
  • Attentive
  • Dependable
  • Trustworthy

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

ICU nurses care for patients with illnesses or life-threatening conditions/injuries in a hospital or facility’s intensive care unit. They monitor conditions, check for vitals, and administer medication.

ICU Job Outlook: Expected annual increase of 1.24 percent over the next few years

Is the ICU meant for you?

Character traits of an ICU nurse:

  • A great planner
  • Communicative
  • A critical thinker
  • Great at problem-solving
  • Organized

Medical-Surgical (Med/Surg)

This type of nurse provides direct care to a wide range of patients. They typically treat those suffering from several illnesses and complications, including post-surgical patients. This position is great for nurses looking to gain exposure and new experience.

Med/Surg Job Outlook: Projected to grow 12% from 2018 to 2028

Duties for a Med/Surge nurse include:

  • Admitting, transmitting, and discharging patients
  • Monitoring vital signs
  • Administering medications and helping with pain control
  • Operating and maintaining medical equipment – IV lines, feeding tubes, catheters, oxygen tubing, etc.

Is Med/Surg your match?

Character traits of a Med/Surg nurse:

  • Quick thinker
  • Thrive in high-pressure situations
  • Organized
  • Calm demeanor

Neonatal Intensive Care

Neonatal Intensive Care nurses provide care for infants needing intensive care for health complications such as cardiac disabilities, genetic conditions, or drug dependency. NICU nurses will provide this assistance throughout infancy up until the newborn stage.

Neonatal Intensive Care Job Outlook: 9% predicted growth (2020-2030)

Are you a nice match for the NICU?

Those well suited for the role will have the following character traits:

  • Caring and compassionate
  • A natural interest in caring for newborn babies
  • Kind heart
  • Have focus and decision-making skills

Occupational Health

Occupational Therapists primarily work in hospitals, clinics, and skilled nursing facilities. They treat injured, ill or disabled patients using therapeutic methods in everyday activities. The key responsibilities of an OT may include planning individual treatment programs and goals, administering therapy approaches while instructing patients how to perform them, and organizing and maintaining equipment such as walkers, lifts, mechanical chairs, etc.

Occupational Health Job Outlook: Projected to grow 5% (2021-2031)

Is OT the right path for me?

If you have great interpersonal and communication skills, emotional intelligence (empathy and compassion), are well organized and obtain analytical and problem-solving skills, then you are more than likely a great fit for this type of position. Explore MAS Medical’s OT jobs today!

Rehab Nurse

Rehab nurses work with patients of all ages, their families, or caregivers soon after the onset of a disabling injury or chronic illness. They rebuild patients’ lives so they have freedom and independence again. They even work alongside other healthcare team members, including speech therapists, physical therapists, physiatrists, and more.

Rehab Nurse Job Outlook: 7% predicted growth (2019-2029)

Character traits for someone in this field:

  • Excellent teaching skills
  • Strong planning skills
  • Empathetic
  • A team player
  • Physically strong and able to lift and move patients

Home Care Nurse

As a Home Care nurse, your job will be to connect with your patients in a one-on-one environment that requires compassion and kindness. You will also be an educational resource—there to answer all questions that your patient or their family may have. This will require you to be knowledgeable about a vast number of topics and comfortable sharing your expertise with others. Home Care nurses are typically responsible for managing a patient’s healthcare plan, helping the patient keep healthy hygiene, and administering and maintaining records of all prescribed medications.

Home Care Nurse Job Outlook: Projected to grow 25 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations

Qualities of a Home Care nurse include:

  • Compassionate
  • Empathetic
  • A problem solver
  • Patient
  • Has stamina
  • Pays great attention to detail

Hospice Nurse

Hospice nurses care for patients with terminal conditions, focusing on keeping the patient as comfortable as possible and minimizing pain. They work under the supervision of physicians or advanced practice nurses and may supervise nursing assistants. The key responsibilities of a hospice nurse include treating and dressing wound sites, monitoring vital signs, and administering medications – particularly for pain management.

Hospice Nurse Job Outlook: Projected growth of 7% (2019-2029)

Hospice nurse character traits:

  • Communicative
  • Empathetic
  • Patient

Plenty of Opportunity for 2023

You tell us where you want to go and what you’re looking for, and we’ll help you get there. Your next adventure is right around the corner with MAS Medical Staffing. Our team of recruiters is ready to help you find the perfect nursing specialty to help you advance your career.

We hope you found this article on the most sought-after nursing specialties for 2023 helpful. If you have any insight or comments, please leave them below.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

By Uniti Med

January 30, 2023



Taking Time Off Between Travel Assignments

Uniti Med provided this article.

One of the main reasons healthcare professionals decide to start a travel career is just that – to travel. A travel career gives you the opportunity to work anywhere, including some of those bucket-list locations you’ve always wanted to visit. For 13 weeks, you can immerse yourself in the culture of any area of the country and make more money while doing it! But what about in-between those assignments? What are some things you can do while you wait to start your next contract? 

Maybe you’ve worked 10 assignments in a row and want to take some time off. One of the incredible aspects of travel healthcare is that once your contract ends, you’re free to take off as much time as you’d like. With the extra compensation that comes with these positions, there’s so much you can do with your extra time (and money!). Here are a few suggestions: 

1. Travel Abroad 

You’ve already got the travel bug, and everyone has an international destination they’ve always wanted to go to. Take some time off in-between assignments to go there! Do you have a dream of backpacking through Europe? Take a month or so off before your next job starts, and check that off your list. For Uniti Med travel nurse, Avi went to not just one but several countries in her month-long hiatus. She flew to Dubai, Thailand, Singapore, and India before taking a new travel contract back in the states. Whether you want to take a few weeks or a few months off in-between assignments, you can use that time to get out of the country and experience new cultures and customs to make yourself even more well-traveled and well-rounded. 

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Uniti Med Travel Nurse Avi on one of her international trips! 

2. Visit Family and Friends 

If you want to stay within the country, you might take some time off to go back home and spend time with friends and family. As a healthcare traveler, many of your assignments are likely not close to home. This is your chance to go back and spend some quality time with your loved ones. Skip those midwestern winter visits and schedule some time off during the warmer months. Plan extra time off for a family wedding, or give that new mom in your life a visit. Some travelers work locally and can visit their loved ones as much as they’d like, but for those who are on the opposite side of the country and haven’t been able to make the time to go back home, this is the perfect opportunity to do it. 

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Uniti Med Travel Nurse Carissa, with family 

3. Stay and plan for your next adventure 

While with this option, you’re not exactly taking time “off” from work, you are taking some time to relax and regroup before jumping into a new assignment.  

There are plenty of reasons to stay at your current assignment for a little longer. Let’s say you’ve just finished an assignment and fell in love with it. You love your job, the place you’re staying, the people you’ve met, and all the unique spots in the town you’ve been staying in. You’re not ready to leave yet. You can always extend at your current facility until you figure out what you want to do next. 13 weeks can pass faster than you think, and there’s a chance you haven’t gotten to do or see everything you wanted. Maybe there’s a day trip you’ve been wanting to make or a brewery you’ve always wanted to try. Extending gives you time to do those things before you pack up and head on to the next place. 

Extending can also give you the time to get the licenses needed for that dream location you’ve been working towards. Maybe you’re planning an assignment with your travel bestie. Extending can buy you time while you wait until you’re both ready to take the plunge. 

No matter the reason you’re extending, it can give you a little “break” from the hustle of travel healthcare. 

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Uniti Traveler, Ciera 

A travel career offers many benefits, but one of the best is flexibility. A staff job only gives you so many vacation days; a travel career can give you as much time off as you want to do whatever you please. When your next assignment ends, consider treating yourself to some personal time before you make your next move. And when you do, make sure to document the whole thing so you can look back on your adventures. 

The Gypsy Nurse job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By AB Staffing Solutions

January 23, 2023



What Does a Corrections Nurse Do and How Do You Become One?

AB Staffing Solutions provided this article.

As a corrections nurse, you provide healthcare to a portion of the 2.1 million inmates in correctional institutions. Often there are only a handful of medical professionals and limited supplies. As a nurse, you will need to be able to assess patients and handle their needs with whatever you have on hand. In some cases, they will need to be stabilized for transport for care at a hospital.

As a corrections nurse, be prepared for anything from communicable diseases and traumatic injuries to mental health management and basic healthcare. You may also be providing care to staff, though that is not always the case, and may be supervising nursing assistants in the treatment of inmate ailments and injuries.

You may think that this environment isn’t safe, but that’s not what nurses say. Security measures are taken from when you enter the parking area to when you enter the facility and when you’re working with patients. When working with the most dangerous prisoners, they will have security assigned to them. This personnel stays with the prisoner throughout the medical process, so you’re safe with whomever you work with.

The patients are appreciative of the time and care you take with them. Some haven’t had medical attention in a long time, if ever, and may have come from living on the streets or in deplorable conditions. You will be treating any number of conditions, including tuberculosis and other respiratory issues and infections from lack of dental care. It’s challenging but rewarding work.

What traits does a corrections nurse have?

In this position, you will need to be able to work collaboratively with others using limited supplies, making the most of what you have on hand. Other traits include communication skills, patience, empathy, and interpersonal skills. Communication with inmates can be challenging depending on the circumstance and type of prison in which you work.

When you are interviewed for this position, you may be asked questions like:

  • How does your experience pertain to this contract?
  • What characteristics do you have that will make this a successful contract?
  • Why do you want to work on this particular contract?
  • What do you like/ dislike about corrections?
  • How do you handle pressure and stress as an RN/LPN in a locked facility?

Prepare your answers and update your resume well ahead of the interview. It will go a long way in making you stand out as a great candidate for the job.

What types of nurses work in corrections?

Experienced nurses are needed to manage the work of a nurse in a prison. That is for the protection and safety of other nurses, inmates, and staff at the facility. As a corrections nurse, you will be required to have completed RN or LPN, have a few years of experience, and complete a Basic Life Support (BLS) exam to be considered.

If you have forensic psychology experience, that is a plus for this job. If you think you’d like to enter this specialty, we suggest trying a corrections contract by connecting with a local prison or county jail in your area. Ask if they are accepting PRN or short-term contracts.

As an RN or LPN, we know you have a lot of choices of where to work, and serving this unique population may not have been on your list, but you are needed as much here as anywhere else there are nursing opportunities.

What kind of work will you do?

The type of work will vary depending on the facility. You will likely be the first point of contact to perform intake exams, administer medication, and determine whether further care is needed from a specialist. You may also assess the patient’s mental health and chronic conditions to determine if they need additional care.

You may be working with a population of 100 inmates or as many as 1,000 inmates, maximum- or minimum-security prisons, or even juvenile detention centers.

Can you be a corrections travel nurse?

YES! There are corrections RN and LPN positions in states all across the country. Check our Job Board for the complete current list of opportunities.

While working in this specialty can be challenging, it can, as with any nursing specialty, also be rewarding. We look forward to exploring this option with you. Contact us today to learn more.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

By Lirika Hart

January 22, 2023



Celebrate Daily Wins in Travel Nursing: A Way of Improving Patient Care

With so much on the shoulders of nurses and frontline healthcare professionals in recent years, you and your nursing staff need a firm foundation of strength and support to perform best. Nursing staff shortages, as well as the added stress, have highlighted the importance of continuing to invest in the well-being of nursing personnel.

Given the demanding nature of your job as a nurse, you should always make sure to help yourself, and other staff members stay in the best shape possible. So, if you’re searching for ways to celebrate each other and boost worker morale, here are five practical methods to prolong this acknowledgment and appreciation every hour of your shift.

Celebrate Each Other’ Achievements

In a medical environment among nurses, every small achievement is a big victory worthy of celebrating. When nurses celebrate the achievements of one another at work, they motivate themselves to help patients more, they feel appreciated, and most importantly, they will constantly be reminded that they’re doing a great job in helping society.

Celebrating is more fun when it involves healthy and yummy snacks. All kinds of nuts, protein bars, raisins, fruit, and vegetables, as well as soda, smoothies, or tea, make a great party menu when celebrating each other’s achievements. However, when throwing those little get-togethers, everyone wants to fully enjoy the party without worrying about other things. Therefore, using plastic dinnerware sets will save you from cleaning afterward and allow you to enjoy the moment.

Promote Mental Health

Nurses recognize the critical role that mental health may play in patient healing and rehabilitation, but it’s easy for them to disregard it in their own lives. So, make sure to encourage and remind other members of your team that their mental health is important and should be taken seriously. Since the nursing profession is made up of strong individuals who are committed to caring for others, their own self-care and nurturing become even more crucial.

Therefore, from attending specially designed yoga sessions for nurses to fitness incentives and continuous mental health awareness programs to meditation applications, it’s critical to demonstrate how much you appreciate yourself and each other, both mentally and physically. At the end of the day, the healthy nursing staff will be able to perform at their highest ability and improve patient care.

Recognize Individual and Group Accomplishments

One of the most effective ways to ensure that good work continues in the future is to consistently celebrate nursing achievements. This recognition can take many forms, including a simple and heartfelt “thank you” from leadership at the end of a shift or from other members of the staff.

Or a bulletin board highlighting employee training and education achievements, or institution email notifications that outline and celebrate nursing staff’s hard work and commitment. It’s a little investment in effort, but continuously taking the time to genuinely express gratitude and highlight successes, big or small, can help keep morale high by cultivating an appreciation culture.

Create an Employee-Nominated Rewards Program

One of the best methods to encourage engagement and improve your nursing staff is to create reward systems in which they directly participate. Create a system in which you, as nurses, are encouraged to nominate your coworkers for their hard work, fast thinking, positive attitude, or creative methods.

These types of acknowledgment foster trust and support among nurses while also providing supervisors with the insight they may not have had the opportunity to witness personally. Rewards can vary from an employee of the week or monthly highlights, gift cards, lunches, and other awards that can be selected by the nursing staff.

Exchange Personalized Gifts

With personalized, unique gifts for nurses and your healthcare co-workers, you can put your team’s values front and center. You might use a popular slogan or a value that you live by as your organization’s logo to show appreciation to one another and boost morale.

The best presents for healthcare workers are frequently both practical and meaningful. Coffee mugs, socks, or tumblers are excellent gifts because they can be used frequently and remind healthcare workers that they are respected and appreciated during their lengthy and challenging shifts. These little reminders throughout the day will help nurses stay motivated, resulting in better patient care.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, nurses face a lot of stress, both physically and emotionally, and it might feel like the negative surpasses the positive at times, but it is in their hands to turn that around. The entire nursing staff always gives their best effort, and it is critical for nurses to support one another and stay motivated in order to improve overall patient care!

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Furnished Finder

January 20, 2023



How to Get the Best Rental Experience Possible

It’s a challenge that all travel nurses face: housing. While Furnished Finder gives travelers more than 100,000 options for monthly furnished rentals across the country, how do you ensure that your rental experience is the best it can be? Well, let’s break it down into a few key tips. 

Communication is key

This may seem obvious, but in too many cases, it isn’t. Communication is key to ensuring that your rental and your rental experience are exactly what you’re looking for. From the moment you send a housing request or when you send out a message or booking inquiry on Furnished Finder, take a few extra minutes to be detailed. Introduce yourself, explain exactly what you are looking for, how long you are looking to stay, any deal breakers or must-haves, as well as if you have any pets. A personal introduction and getting all of your needs clear from the beginning will go a long way in ensuring that property owners who reach out are already aware of your needs. 

This also applies when you are at the property. Is it missing any furnishing that you need? Is something broken? Remember that a property owner can only fix or improve what they know about!  

Avoid scams

There’s no worse rental experience than a scam. There are multiple ways to avoid being taken as a part of a scam, but some of the most impactful tips are to talk to a landlord on the phone or on facetime, always pay securely, and do a verification check. Talking on the phone will ensure that the relationship passes your “gut check” and that you have no uneasy feelings. Facetime to see the property (and if the property is occupied, at least the exterior of the property) will ensure that you are renting exactly what you think you are renting. Paying securely with a credit card will offer you protection in case of a dispute or other conflict. (This is one of the many reasons to avoid paying via Venmo or Zelle). Finally, make sure that the property belongs to the property owner by requesting a verification check on Furnished Finder

Know the area

If you’re traveling to a new area, reach out to local Facebook groups or talk to new co-workers to discover the best and safest area of town to stay in. Even if it is a tad further from the hospital, keeping your safety as a top priority will be more than worth a slightly further commute. You can also do a Google street view and research crime rates in the area to help you get a feel for the area before you arrive. 

Be honest with pet expectations and rules.

Pets! We love them, and they can help keep you company while on the road! Many property owners welcome Fido with open arms but have set in place different policies to protect everyone. Make sure that you ask about any regulations or policies and that you are comfortable with them before signing a lease. 

Get everything in writing.

It may seem tedious, but when you’re talking lease terms, rules, and policies, get everything in writing as a part of your lease. What is your deposit? What is the rent? What happens if your contract gets canceled? What would cause a property owner to keep your deposit? How quickly will you get your deposit back? Make sure that you get all of these items and any other questions you may have put into writing! 

At the end of the day, nothing ensures a great rental experience like trusting your gut. Be sure that you’re comfortable with where you are, and go have a great time exploring the new area!

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Miles Oliver

January 19, 2023



Tips for Managing Chronic Illness While Travel Nursing

Travel nurses deserve all the praise in the world. Considering the physically and mentally demanding nature of the work, it’s incredible how they can care for others the way they do.

Those managing a chronic illness while navigating a travel nursing career are even more deserving of praise. Chronic diseases are complicated to deal with on their own. Add a demanding job like nursing and the difficulty multiplies. Still, it’s doable.

First, know what’s available to you through your health insurance. Understand the resources available, how much they’ll cost, and the medical help you can get as you travel to different cities, states, or countries. Then, implement these three tips. 

Create a Physical Health Routine

Travel nurses are always on the go. Because of this, it can be hard to maintain a routine that caters to your physical health. But by neglecting your physical health, your chronic illness can worsen.

Creating and sticking to a physical health routine will help. First, prioritize your nutrition. It’s easy to get sucked into the fast food, junk food diet while on assignment. But a diet like this can exacerbate symptoms if you’re living with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or GERD.

Instead, adopt a low-residue diet or one with limited fiber intake to help reduce symptoms.

Whatever diet you decide to embrace, meal prepping can help ensure you stick to it and aren’t enticed by unhealthy food choices.

Next, get some exercise. Exercise not only helps keep your physical body healthy, but it can relieve stress and keep you sharp mentally, both of which are critical in travel nursing. It’s not so much about what you do. It’s how consistent you are with it.

So, whether it’s a 10-minute workout per day, a walk every other day, or the gym twice a week, choose something you enjoy and can remain consistent with, despite your hectic schedule as a travel nurse.

Finally, get on a regular sleep schedule. One of the worst things you can do for a chronic illness is not getting the rest you need. Healing and recovery happen during sleep. Allow your body the opportunity to experience this so that you can better work and live with your chronic illness.

Embrace Mental Health Care recently prepared a State of Nursing report that revealed: “87% of nurses feel burnt out, and 83% feel their mental health has suffered.” Poor mental health and burnout can make managing a chronic illness even more challenging. It can also make it hard to be consistent with treatment.

So, embrace mental health care as you manage your chronic illness. Take note of how you are mentally throughout your journey with your chronic disease. Get firm diagnoses from a mental health care professional, if you can, to ensure you’re treating symptoms adequately.

If you don’t want to go the therapy or counseling route, you can tend to your mental health in these ways:

  • Take a vacation 
  • Recite daily affirmations
  • Implement a self-care routine
  • Discover new hobbies and passions
  • Take mental breaks whenever needed
  • Read books related to mental health
  • Adopt an inherently positive mindset

Develop a Better Relationship With Yourself

“Listen to your body.” How often have you heard or read this advice when seeking guidance for managing your chronic illness? Better yet, how often have you given this advice in your nursing duties?

As well-intentioned as this suggestion is, it’s not as helpful as one might think for someone managing a chronic illness. This is because aches and pains are often a daily occurrence, and not everyone should be met with worry, panic, or a trip to the emergency room. 

That said, listening to your body is still important to ensure you seek more serious help when warranted. So what do you do? Develop a better relationship with yourself and a more substantial familiarity with your body so that you can trust what you’re “listening” to and your decisions after that.

To help you cope with how hard it can be to “listen to your body” and develop this robust relationship with yourself, try the following:

  • Attend therapy regularly
  • Practice self-compassion and mindfulness activities
  • Join a community of travel nurses navigating a chronic illness
  • Refer to how things have fared in the past when difficult symptoms flare
  • Focus on positive outcomes and what you can control in your day-to-day
  • Journal about your symptoms, what triggers them, how you feel in certain situations, and your overall journey with your chronic illness

Travel nursing is physically and mentally demanding without a chronic illness. But with one, it can be even more taxing. Put the tips above to work to manage your chronic disease healthily and ensure it doesn’t disrupt your duties as a traveling nurse.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Kevin Devoto

January 17, 2023



5 Ways Travel Nurses Can Market Themselves

Travel nursing has become a popular profession in recent years. This job lets you explore the country while helping those in need.

Unfortunately, the increased competition has made it hard for travel nurses to find work. You need to market yourself to employers to secure one of the few available positions in this field. Just as a businessman comes up with a sales plan to help him meet his revenue goals, you must create a strategy for locating and obtaining new assignments. Here are some tips for promoting yourself and your skills.

Travel Nurse Marketing tip:

1. Make Sure Your Resume Is Polished and Accurate

Many potential employers first get to know a traveling nurse by reviewing her resume. Keep your resume up-to-date and highlight any credentials or certifications you have obtained. Have a trusted friend or family member review the resume for any spelling or grammar errors.

If you are fluent in a foreign language, you should mention this on your resume, as well. This skill could be useful for international jobs.

Since hiring managers do not always read entire resumes, you should put your most valuable qualifications at the top of the resume. You may also want to make your own skills checklist. Most agencies require traveling nurses to fill out one of these checklists, so having one ready in advance will demonstrate your preparation.

2. Create a Website

A website is another way to show off your credentials.  Yet it should not just be a carbon copy of your resume. Instead, your website should feature a blog demonstrating your personality and experience as a traveling nurse.

Take advantage of search engine optimization techniques to increase the chances that a hiring manager or agency will locate your blog. If you are not an SEO expert, hire someone who is. You may also want to write guest posts on other websites to promote yourself further.

3. Utilize Social Media

Before making any hiring decisions, potential employers will search your name online. This means they will look at your various social media posts. You should thus delete any inappropriate pictures or comments immediately. You may also want to make your personal Twitter and Facebook accounts private.

However, you should maintain an active LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn allows you to find job listings and connect with others in the industry. Your profile should include a link to your professional website and the latest version of your resume.

4. Find a Recruiter

LinkedIn can also help you find a recruiter who can match you with your ideal job. Try speaking with several recruiters until you find one who best fits your needs. 

Once you have chosen a recruiter, stay in contact with him so you will remain at the top of his mind when a position becomes open. Communicate with the recruiter constantly, so he understands which types of assignments you prefer.

However, do not feel pressured to take every job the recruiter finds for you. If something about the position does not seem right, or if the job does not fit your needs, you should respectfully decline.

5. Interview Well

Your job interview is also a piece of the marketing process. Since it will likely be conducted over the phone, you should make sure your cell’s voicemail message is appropriate and professional.

Once your interview is scheduled, practice answering questions ahead of time. You should also do plenty of research into the company that is pursuing you. Come prepared with questions to show that you have done your homework. Do not forget to send a follow-up thank-you note after the interview, as well.

There are only a limited number of traveling nurse jobs available. By following these travel nurse marketing tips, you can increase your chances of landing one of these coveted gigs.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

By The Gypsy Nurse

January 15, 2023



Tips for Successful Travel Nursing With a Dog

Guest Post by: Valeria Litovchenko

A dog can be a great companion for a travel nurse. Travel nurses often have to be away from home for extended periods and can feel isolated or lonely. A pup can provide comfort, companionship, and unconditional love. Furthermore, dogs are also excellent stress-relievers and can help reduce anxiety and depression.

Travel nursing with a dog is possible, although it can be more challenging than traveling without one.

First, you need to make sure that the housing you plan to stay in is pet-friendly. Most travel nursing agencies will provide pet-friendly housing, but you should still double-check before making any commitments. Additionally, it’s important to have a reliable plan for taking care of your dog while you’re on assignment. Ask the agency if there are any local pet sitters or dog walkers they can recommend.

Second, you need to check with your travel-nursing agency to make sure there are no restrictions on bringing a dog. In some cases, you may be able to bring your pet with you on assignment, but it’s important to check with your company first.

Finally, you need to be ready for the cost of traveling with a dog. In addition to the cost of pet-friendly housing, you may need to pay for pet insurance, pet supplies, and vet bills.

There are a few things to consider when planning your trip with a furry friend:

  1. Do your research: Before you embark on your travel-nursing journey with a dog, it’s better to research the rules and regulations for pet-friendly housing, pet-friendly employers, and pet-friendly destinations.
  2. Pack the essentials: Make sure to pack all the necessary items your pup will need, such as food, water, toys, bedding, crate, leash, etc.
  3. Have the right documents: Secure all the necessary documents for your pet, such as vaccination and health records, ID tags, and a copy of their rabies certificate.
  4. Exercise your pup: Exercise is important for your dog’s mental and physical health while traveling. Make sure to take your pup out for regular walks and playtime.
  5. Be prepared for emergencies: Ensure that your pet is covered in case of an emergency. Have your vet’s contact information on hand and check if your pup is up-to-date on vaccinations and flea/tick medication. It’s recommended to have the best pet emergency fund for your dog, and such a service helps to be ready for everything.
  6. Stick to a routine: When possible, try to stick to your dog’s routine to help keep them comfortable and reduce stress.
  7. Socialize your pup: Introduce your dogs to new people and places to help them adjust to their new environment and build their confidence.
  8. Find pet-friendly activities: Take advantage of pet-friendly activities such as dog parks, pet-friendly beaches, and restaurants.

Best dogs for travel nurse

When selecting a dog to travel with, it is important to consider its size, temperament, and energy level. The best dog breeds for travel nurses are:

  1. Greyhounds – great breed for travel nurses because they have a gentle, quiet demeanor, and they don’t require much exercise.
  2. Labrador Retrievers – intelligent, loyal, and energetic, making them great companions for travel nurses. They also don’t need a lot of exercise, so they’ll be content to sit in the car while their owners explore a new city.
  3. Poodles – intelligent and easy to train, so they’ll be able to adapt to changing environments quickly. They’re also hypoallergenic, so they’ll be great for nurses who have allergies.
  4. Chihuahuas – are small and don’t require a lot of activity, so they’re perfect for travel nurses who don’t have a lot of space or time to devote to a pet.
  5. Maltese – gentle, loving, and affectionate, making them great travel companions. They’re also low-maintenance, so they won’t need a lot of grooming or exercise.


Travel nursing with a dog can be a great way to experience the country, save money, and get some quality time with your furry friend. However, it’s important to make sure you do your homework before committing to a travel nursing assignment with a dog. Be sure to research each assignment thoroughly to ensure the facility is pet-friendly, as well as the housing options available. Finally, double-check that you have all the necessary supplies to make your pet’s experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. With some planning and preparation, you can have a successful travel nursing experience with your pup by your side.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Titan Medical

January 12, 2023



Enjoy Your Travel Journey While Staying Active!

Titan Medical Group provided this article.

Traveling around the country for your career may make it difficult to find a steady workout routine that accommodates your schedule! As a travel healthcare worker, finding a gym can be tricky!

Luckily, there are options for gym memberships that allow you to use your membership at any of their locations across the country. This is the perfect option for all gym lovers or people who enjoy staying active while on your travel journey, especially when it revolves around your healthcare career!

While some of these options are more costly than others, pick somewhere that best fits your needs, lifestyle, and budget.

Great gym options to help you stay active while on your travel journey:

1. Planet Fitness

Planet Fitness is one of the most popular gyms for anyone looking to stick to the basics and get a good workout on, mainly because all locations are open 24 hours! They have a wide variety of machines to target most exercises. From cardio machines to ab machines and dumbbells up to 100 lbs. Planet Fitness offers many workout options! As a traveler, you’d want to choose the Planet Fitness Black Membership, as it allows you access to any of their locations nationwide. This membership costs about $23 a month with a $39 annual fee (once a year). They offer showers and well-maintained locker rooms for anyone on the go!

2. Gold’s Gym

This gym is known for being the most popular out of the popular gym chains! While this gym is known for “lifting” purposes, they offer many cardio machines to get your heart rate going. If you’re new to lifting or like the group workout environment, you can use one of their personal certified trainers or go to a group fitness class that they offer at all of their gyms! The cost of this gym varies based on which city you’re in, but all are around the $55 a month range with a $59 startup fee.

3. 24-Hour Fitness

24- Hour Fitness is another great option for travel healthcare workers as their 24-hour gyms are perfect for those who need to work out at specific times. 24-hour Fitness is known to be a “step up” from the average Planet Fitness as they offer more variety with their free-weight barbell option and weight plates. They also provide group training for a wide variety of workouts such as HIIT, cycling, strength, and dancing. The cost of this gym ranges from $40-$50, depending on your location, with a $49 annual fee.

4. OrangeTheory Fitness

OrangeTheory is a gym where a certified OT coach leads each workout! The workout changes each day and is the same for every location! OT is an excellent workout for endurance training, strength training, cardio, running, etc. They offer heart monitors for members to wear to track their workouts and keep track of their workout statistics. Their known for the amazing community they create, so this is a great option if you’re looking to meet new people! Their membership costs are more than your traditional gym, with memberships ranging from $60 to $160 depending on how often you go per week.

5. Pure Barre

This studio offers group classes that combine pilates, yoga, ballet, and small movements. This type of workout targets strengthening the entire body and is just as challenging as traditional weight training but different as it’s low-impact. The classes are typically 50 minutes long and vary in intensity. This gym costs more than most; you can expect to pay up to $199 each month for an unlimited membership.

6. Crunch Fitness

Crunch Fitness is an excellent option for those looking for a clean and friendly gym that offers a wide variety of equipment. It is a traditional gym where you get the strength training machinery, cardio equipment, free weights, and turf area. Some of their facilities offer saunas and spas! Access to all of their locations is about $22 per month with an annual fee of $15.

Always remember that it can always be nerve-racking to try out a new gym. However, remember that every person at that gym is there for themselves, just like you are. If you’re going to a traditional gym to do your own personal workout, it’s a good idea to have a plan before going! No one knows where everything is on their first visit to a new gym, so never be hesitant to ask where things are.

Find the place that works for YOU. Being more expensive doesn’t always mean it’s better for you; find somewhere which matches your lifestyle and goals! Constantly traveling to new destinations for work doesn’t have to take a toll on your fitness and lifestyle goals. With plenty of gyms available nationwide, you can find a place to go that you’re comfortable and happy with, no matter where you are!

We hope this article with tips for staying active while on your travel journey was helpful. Have you found ways to stay active while on your travel journey? Comment them below.

At Titan Medical, we have assignments across the country for you to find your place. If you’re ready for your next travel assignment, give Titan Medical a call today at 866.332.9600 or check out our website at, and we’d love to assist in finding your next adventure!

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)