By Annie Rueb

October 3, 2024



Travel Nursing as a Family: All About Consistency, Homeschooling, and Exploring

Travel Nursing as a Family: How do we make it work?

This is one of the most frequent questions that we get. The thing is, we didn’t know the answer to this question until we started doing it. And honestly, we’re still figuring it out. We knew what we wanted to do, but it was hard to imagine that it would actually happen. Literally picturing it in our heads seemed to be nearly impossible. It was hard to believe that we would actually pick up our lives and go. Leaving behind a great home, great neighbors, a great school with wonderful teachers, and amazing family and friends.

But we did it, and it is going better than we could have ever imagined. There are certainly hard days. There are certain adjustments to make and things that constantly need to be figured out. But for us, it’s all about the bigger picture. And making travel nursing as a family work is half the fun. 

But really, how do we make travel nursing as a family work?

We feel like it is all about consistency, homeschooling, and exploring. 

Consistency is key for making travel nursing as a family work:

Travel Nursing as a Family

We are both nurses. We’ve tossed around the idea of both of us taking an assignment, working opposites, and making the big bucks. But that isn’t the point, at least not for us. We decided a long time ago that consistency would be key for the kids. We decided it would be best for Sam to take the travel nurse contracts and for me to stay at home, homeschool the kids, and do my work virtually. We wanted consistency so the kids would know who would be working and who would be at home. We also wanted a consistent teacher for them.

Going back and forth would be difficult for all of us. Having a consistent home is another decision that we are so glad to have made. As a travel nurse, you can choose for your agency to provide housing for you or choose to accept a housing stipend and provide your own housing. We chose to buy an RV so that our home would be consistent too.

Our entire family, including the dogs, has a consistent place to call home. We also wanted to have consistent days off together every week. It is a great feeling to tell the kids that we will have time to explore something new every week and do things together as a family. So overall, being consistent has become a very important part of our ever-changing lives. 


Travel Nursing as a Family

In regards to making decisions about how to educate your kids is not easy. We understood there to be several different options for us as we left the traditional public school that we were in. Looking at our options (online public school, online private school, online homeschool, or traditional homeschool), we quickly decided that a more traditional approach to homeschool would be best for us. We wanted the freedom of being able to be on our own schedule. We take a week off now and then when we are traveling, exploring something new, having visitors, or just needing a break.

One year into this, we feel like we are finally in a good rhythm. We are accustomed to a more “year-round school” approach and are thoroughly enjoying the freedom. They have school approximately 4 days a week, and it mostly entails language arts, reading, and math. We incorporate a lot of science, history, art, STEM, music, PE, etc.… into our daily lives. Everywhere we go, we are naturally talking about the terrain, the native lands, historical landmarks, all while we are hiking and climbing and walking around the very places we are discussing.

Don’t get me wrong; I do not magically create incredible lesson plans with the perfect field trip in mind to a nearby location. We honestly just go with it, and it’s incredible how much we are all figuring out together. 


Travel Nursing as a Family

This is it, our bread and butter, our number one reason for doing this. We take advantage of our days off. We feel the finite amount of time we have in each location, so no destination can be put on hold or held off to a more convenient time. As soon as we get somewhere new, we start asking the people around us for tips and advice on their favorite spots to hang out, hike, camp, go for walks, or play with their kids. It is amazing what doors this simple, friendly conversation can open.

We also love to open up a map and find something green or blue on it and find the road or trail that takes us there. It is such an incredible feeling watching our kids turn into true adventurers, and we are so lucky to be able to explore alongside them. 

In a lot of ways, we live a crazy lifestyle. There are so many unknowns, a lot of pros and cons, and a ton of change. We left for this adventure over a year ago when our kids were 6 and 8. We love the ages that they are right now…old enough to explore and exercise their independence, but young enough to still think their parents are cool. I wonder how much time we have left for the latter?  

We hope you found this information from Annie and her family on Travel Nursing as a family helpful. Consistency seems to be key. Do you travel with your family? How do you make it work? Comment below any tips or advice you have to share.

By CareerStaff Unlimited

October 2, 2024



5 Benefits of the Travel Nurse Lifestyle

CareerStaff Unlimited provided this article.

Travel nursing is no longer just a way for healthcare facilities to fill urgent positions. These days, it’s an opportunity for nurses to get paid to travel, work hard, play hard, and rest hard! It’s a unique career where you can pick your schedule, fight burnout, and explore new places. The travel nurse lifestyle has evolved a lot in the past few years, and the benefits are better than ever.

travel nurse lifestyle

Day in the Life of a Travel Nurse

  • During Your Shifts

During your shifts, you’ll adapt to your new facility, gaining fresh skills, experiences, and connections. Depending on your role, you might float between departments to support staff needs.

While the dynamics may vary, you’ll quickly settle into a routine after orientation and training. Your main focus remains caring for your patients, just as you always have, with the added excitement of learning in a new environment.

  • Before & After Your Shifts

Before or after your shift, the day is yours to plan. Some days, you might prefer to rest and recharge in your new surroundings. On others, you could explore the area, sample local cuisine, visit museums, or relax at a nearby park or lake.

  • On Your Days Off

On your days off, the possibilities expand even further. Turn your days off into a staycation or a quick getaway.

  • Unplug with a day trip to the beach, mountains, or a national park.
  • Catch a ballgame, go to a concert, or visit an amusement park.
  • Take a road trip to a nearby city or destination.

The travel nurse lifestyle is the perfect balance of work and play, and you have the freedom to choose what that looks like. Your days off can feel like mini-vacations if you want them to be!

5 Benefits of Today’s Travel Nurse Lifestyle

1.    More Flexibility 

Sometimes, you just need a break. As a travel nurse, that’s entirely possible. You can take a few weeks or even months off between assignments — whatever you need.

Whether you want to jump right back into work or take your time, the travel nurse lifestyle helps combat the burnout that affects 2 in 3 nurses today. You can work with your travel nurse recruiter to try and align your breaks with holidays or vacations if you want.

During this time off, you might travel and explore your new area without the demands of work, focus on self-care, or spend quality time with family and friends. The best part? The choice is entirely yours.

2.    Travel & Explore New Areas

travel nurse lifestyle

As a staff nurse, finding time to travel can be a big challenge. But with the travel nurse lifestyle, it’s built into the job.

You can play tourist in your new city between assignments and on your days off. Explore local favorites, visit landmarks, and unwind in nature.

Picture this: A few months surrounded by the gorgeous fall colors on the East Coast, then heading off for snowy mountain adventures — or maybe escaping to a warm beach to avoid the cold. You get to choose assignments that fit your travel dreams.

3.    Build Your Nursing Resume

One of the fastest ways to gain experience is through new experiences. As a travel nurse, you’ll quickly learn new skills, expand your network, and build confidence by working in different medical settings. You’ll get exposure to various specialties, settings, and methods, broadening your perspective and abilities.

The more you open your mind to new ways of thinking and practicing, the more career opportunities you’ll discover.

4.    Earn More

The numbers are clear: Travel nurses usually earn more than staff nurses. The exact pay depends on the job and location. However, because travel nurses fill urgent needs, they tend to make higher wages. On top of that, they often get extra perks like travel and housing stipends, which add to their overall income.

5.    You Aren’t Stuck

Assignments typically last about 13 weeks, so you’re never “stuck” with a particular schedule, role, or setting. If you don’t enjoy an assignment, you know it’s temporary. Unlike the significant commitment of quitting a permanent position, the travel nurse lifestyle allows you to explore different work environments and see what you like or dislike. It can help you decide where you want to be long-term in your career. 

Choose Your Lifestyle as a Travel Nurse

We hope you found this article on the 5 benefits of the travel nurse lifestyle helpful. Are there any other benefits we missed? Comment below.

Find Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment with Our Job Board!

Are you on the hunt for your next travel nurse gig? Look no further than our job board! Click here to explore all our current opportunities.

Discover the Perfect Housing for Your Next Assignment

Do you need somewhere to stay on your next travel nurse assignment? We’ve got you covered. Check out our housing page to find your ideal home away from home. Click here to start your search.

By Furnished Finder

September 29, 2024



Pros & Cons of Renting a Room vs. a Whole Place on Your Next Assignment

When you first start your travel nurse adventure, a good thing to focus on is your why. Why are you traveling? Do you want to save money? Pay off debt? See and experience new places? Your why will be the guide for how you make decisions, especially when it comes to location and housing, especially renting a room vs. a whole house.

Travel nurse housing is super flexible these days, and you can usually find many options to fit your budget and preferences. Thanks to tools like Furnished Finder, you can find the perfect private home or rent a room from someone if you are trying to be more budget-friendly. There are, of course, pros and cons to renting a room or a whole place.

renting a room

Pros of Renting a Room vs. a Whole Place

  • Saving Money
    • This is the most obvious reason, but still important. If your goal while travel nursing is to maximize profit, sharing a room is a great way to do that.
  • Making Friends
    • Hopefully, you will hit it off with your roommate and can either meet people through them or at least have someone to chat with when you are at home. This can make a big difference when you know absolutely no one in a new place.
  • The Space May Be Nicer
    • If the house is the landlord’s personal home, they will usually furnish and decorate a place they live in in a way that is nicer than a separate rental. Often, rental spaces can feel a little generic or have less homey touches, but if you are living with your roommate, the space might be a little more spruced up.
  • You Might Score a Semi-Private Space
    • If you take the time to look, you can find places that still have things like a private bath or small kitchenettes listed as a “room for rent.” These are often cheaper than an entire space but may be perfect if you don’t cook a lot or don’t mind going to the main part of the house on occasion.
renting a room

Cons of Renting a Room vs. a Whole Place

  • Pets are Trickier
    • Again, if the housing is the landlord’s personal home, they might be more hesitant to host a pet if they are living with said pet every day. Or, other pets in the household may not be friendly to your furry friend tagging along.
  • Less Privacy
    • If you want to come home and lounge on the couch in your underwear after a day at work, renting a room may not be the best option for you.
  • Visitor Restrictions
    • If you are staying in a room in the landlord’s personal home, they may not allow guests. Just because a landlord is willing to host travelers in their home does not mean they are willing to host friends or relatives who come to visit. If your family, boyfriend, or kids like to come visit regularly, it might get trickier if you have to coordinate visits with your landlord’s comfort.
  • Night Shift Might Be Harder
    • If you are a light sleeper and work nights, you may want to check if potential roommates will be home a lot during the day. Sleep is so important–so make sure you won’t be suffering on empty for 13 weeks.

Thankfully, Furnished Finder’s search option makes it easy to find the space that has the right amenities and living situation for you. For example, if you have a very strict budget, you can do a general search and see what is available in terms of Entire Units and Rooms.

Or, if you prioritize privacy over everything else, you can choose to only look at Entire Units when you are searching for housing for your next assignment.

Better yet–if you are looking to find someplace that might feel impossible, you can use the various filters to narrow down your search even more. For example, you might be moving somewhere typically more expensive, like the Bay Area, and want to bring your pet. You can go in and specifically look for Rooms for Rent that are also pet-friendly. The beauty of Furnished Finder is there are a lot of ways to narrow down your search to find the perfect midterm rental for your next travel assignment.

Every traveler will have different housing needs–and these might even change from assignment to assignment. Some travelers might meet their best friend via a roommate situation, while others would never in a million years share a home with a stranger. The important thing is to choose the housing that is the best for you and your situation!

We hope you found this article on renting a room vs. a whole place helpful. Do you prefer renting a room or a whole house? Do you have any other pros or cons of renting a room or a whole place? Comment below.

Find Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment with Our Job Board!

Are you on the hunt for your next travel nurse gig? Look no further than our job board! Click here to explore all our current opportunities.

Discover the Perfect Housing for Your Next Assignment

Need somewhere to stay on your next travel nurse assignment? We’ve got you covered. Check out our housing page to find your ideal home away from home. Click here to start your search. 

By Miles Oliver

September 27, 2024



Stress Management Tips for Travel Nurses: Wellness Strategies for the Road

Just as you are starting to feel settled in one place, you get shipped off to somewhere else. Every few weeks, you are heading somewhere new, and you hardly have time to breathe, let alone spend quality time with your hometown friends and family. You are a travel nurse, and all this chaos is part of the gig.

Still, you can’t be an effective healthcare provider if you are constantly stressed. Before you start to experience the first symptoms of burnout, you should learn safe strategies for keeping your stress in check, even as you are heading off to your next assignment.

Stress Management Tips for Travel Nurses:


Stay Organized

As the saying goes, a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind — and the same goes for a grimy, disordered apartment. Most travel nursing assignments are long enough that you will find your belongings migrating out of your suitcase, so you should make sure you have a place to put everything.

You might find it easier to get and stay organized each time you pack for your next travel nursing assignment and leave behind unnecessary clutter. If you travel often, make sure to make a list and keep all of your essentials in their place. Packing is one of the worst parts of traveling, be it for fun or business. A well-organized apartment acts as a perfect springboard for all of your adventures and the tightly packed suitcase you bring along with you.

Sleep Well

You might remember this tip from nursing school, but the wisdom still holds true. If you feel like you only have enough time off to sleep, you should make sure you sleep especially well. You should try to practice impeccable sleep hygiene, which involves maintaining a regular sleep schedule, keeping your bedroom calm, and turning off electronics at least 30 minutes before trying to sleep.

To make your sleep feel like a treat, you might invest in a plush mattress, luxury bedding, and particularly cozy pajamas. If you are stuck on a night shift, you should make sure your bedroom is adequately dark during your sleep hours, and you might try using a sound machine to block out daytime noise.


Eat Better

Food has many effects on your stress levels. Your brain is particularly sensitive to certain types of stress caused by poor diet, so if you aren’t careful to consume the right nutrients, you might notice that even small amounts of stress start to feel overwhelming. While you absolutely can indulge in your favorite junk foods every now and again, you should try to fill most of your meals with whole foods, particularly fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

Get Out

You became a travel nurse for a reason, and it probably has to do with the opportunity to travel. Any spare minute you have outside of work, you should spend exploring your new surroundings. Ideally, you should get outside, as being in nature has been shown to significantly reduce stress levels. However, you can also wander around museums or other cultural sites in your new town if that’s what you prefer.

Make Friends

Humans are social creatures, which means we need social interaction to maintain positive mental health. You might have left your family and friends in your hometown, but that doesn’t mean you have to live like a hermit during your travel assignments. In fact, you should go out of your way to get to know new people everywhere you visit. Making new friends will allow you to feel more comfortable in your new location, and it will help you build your personal and professional network.

There are dozens of ways to make long-lasting friendships, from connecting with other nurses at the hospital or on social media to finding people who share your hobbies, like running or reading. If you are open-minded and gracious as you build new relationships, you might be surprised at how quickly you can become close with new friends.

If you don’t take steps to manage your stress as you move from here to there, you might not last long as a travel nurse. Using these tips, you could come to love the travel nursing lifestyle, just like countless travel nurses before you.

Find Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment with Our Job Board!

Are you on the hunt for your next travel nurse gig? Look no further than our job board! Click here to explore all our current opportunities.

Discover the Perfect Housing for Your Next Assignment

Need somewhere to stay on your next travel nurse assignment? We’ve got you covered. Check out our housing page to find your ideal home away from home. Click here to start your search.

By Travel Nurses Inc.

September 18, 2024



Travel Nursing Etiquette: Tips and Tricks for All Travelers

Travel Nurses Inc. provided this article.

Professionalism is an essential aspect of being a successful and respected traveler in the healthcare industry. Whether you are a seasoned travel nurse or just starting out in the field, understanding the unspoken rules of travel nursing can make a significant impact on your experience at each facility you work at.

In this blog post, we will explore some tips and tricks for travel nursing etiquette, as well as maintaining professionalism, communication, and relationships while on assignment.

Travel Nursing Etiquette: Tips and Tricks for All Travelers

Travel Nursing Etiquette: The Art of Professional Communication in Travel Nursing

Travel Nursing Etiquette

In the dynamic world of travel nursing, mastering professional communication is non-negotiable. As a traveler, your words and actions reflect not only on yourself but also on the agency facilitating your placement. It’s important to exercise discretion and always maintain a professional demeanor on the unit.

Engaging in workplace venting can seem harmless, but remember, walls have ears, and misinterpreted words can jeopardize your position and future opportunities. This happens more often than you may think. When the urge to vent arises, opt for a private conversation with your recruiter once your shift concludes. This approach ensures you maintain professionalism while providing an outlet for your frustrations.

Additionally, differentiate between seeking solutions and simply venting. Direct conversations on your unit towards resolving issues rather than dwelling on them. This fosters a positive and solution-oriented work environment. This level of professional communication upholds the integrity of your role and contributes to a more cohesive and respectful workplace atmosphere.

Travel Nursing Etiquette: Managing Unexpected Absences Gracefully

In the realm of travel nursing, it’s inevitable that unforeseen circumstances will arise that require you to miss a shift. However, how you handle these absences can greatly affect your relationships within your current assignment.

Proactively offering to make up any missed shifts is a gesture that underscores your reliability. It shows an understanding of the role you play in maintaining the unit’s operations and the commitment you have towards fulfilling your contract.

This approach not only helps to mitigate the impact of your absence on the team but also reinforces your professional image in the eyes of your unit manager. It’s an effective strategy to navigate the unpredictability of life while maintaining the trust and respect of your colleagues and superiors.

Travel Nursing Etiquette: The Importance of Honoring Your Contract

Travel Nursing Etiquette

When embarking on a travel nursing assignment, the significance of adhering to your contract cannot be overstated. This commitment begins the moment you accept an assignment and extends through every aspect of your job. This means timely and thorough completion of all credentialing tasks. Procrastination or neglect in completing necessary background checks, drug screenings and educational modules could result in a contract cancellation if it means your start date will be pushed back.

Accurately listing all requested time off during your submission is equally critical. Facilities are growing increasingly strict with their scheduling and often will not accommodate changes or additions to requested time off once an offer has been extended. Ensure all your ducks are in a row from the get-go for a successful assignment.

Travel Nursing Etiquette: Building Positive Relationships with Permanent Staff

One of the most rewarding aspects of travel nursing is the opportunity to connect with a diverse array of healthcare professionals in various settings. Part of the professional growth available to you while traveling comes with learning from your new colleagues. Their insights and experiences can be invaluable, offering you a deeper understanding of the unit’s dynamics and new patient care strategies.

Engage in active listening and show respect for the opinions and practices of the permanent staff. Their guidance can be instrumental in helping you adapt to the new environment quickly. Adaptability is one of the most crucial soft skills for travelers to possess. Be proactive in offering your assistance and be willing to share your knowledge and skills. This reciprocal approach to learning and collaboration underscores the value of teamwork and mutual respect.

Recognizing your colleagues’ contributions goes a long way in building rapport. Small gestures of appreciation can foster a positive atmosphere and make your integration into the team smoother. By being adaptable, open-minded, and communicative, you contribute significantly to creating a supportive and cohesive work environment. Embrace the chance to make meaningful connections that enrich your professional journey and possibly lead to lasting friendships.

We hope you found these tips and tricks for travel nursing etiquette helpful. Are there any other tips and tricks for travel nursing etiquette you think we missed? Comment them below.

Find Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment with Our Job Board!

Are you on the hunt for your next travel nurse gig? Look no further than our job board! Click here to explore all our current opportunities.

Discover the Perfect Housing for Your Next Assignment

Need somewhere to stay on your next travel nurse assignment? We’ve got you covered. Check out our housing page to find your ideal home away from home. Click here to start your housing search.

By AMN Healthcare

September 9, 2024



Becoming a Travel Nurse: 5 Steps to a New Exciting Career

AMN Healthcare provided this article.

Imagine merging your nursing career with the excitement of traveling to new places. As a travel nurse, you not only get to explore different regions, but you also play a vital role in patient care across various healthcare settings. Welcome to the dynamic world of travel nursing.

In this article, we’ll explore the steps to becoming a travel nurse. Whether you’re a seasoned nurse or just starting your career, this guide will help you navigate the journey to a fulfilling career that offers both adventure and professional growth.

becoming a travel nurse

What Does a Travel Nurse Do?

Travel nursing originated in the late 1970s as a response to nurse shortages. Today, it has developed into a popular and flexible career path for many healthcare professionals. Travel nurses are registered nurses (RNs) who are employed by staffing agencies. These agencies assign them to different healthcare facilities on a temporary basis to address short-term staffing needs, whether due to seasonal patient surges, staff absences, or emergencies.

Derick J., BSN, RN, CCRN, who works with AMN Healthcare, emphasizes the unique flexibility of travel nursing. “We enjoy a level of flexibility that’s rare in other professions,” he shared. “If I want to work in a particular location, I simply obtain the necessary licensure and coordinate with my recruiter. After completing a contract, if I want to take a break, I can easily do so. Many of my friends in other careers don’t have this kind of freedom—they’re tied to the typical 9-to-5 and can’t just take a month off whenever they choose.”

Beyond flexibility, travel nursing offers numerous benefits, including free housing provided by the agency, comprehensive health insurance, travel cost reimbursements, 401(k) retirement plans, and opportunities for continuing education. Below are the steps to becoming a travel nurse.

Steps to Becoming a Travel Nurse

Step 1: Earn a Nursing Degree. Start by earning a nursing degree. A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is particularly valuable, especially if you aim to work at ANCC Magnet hospitals or large academic medical centers.

Step 2: Pass the NCLEX-RN. After completing your degree, the next step is to pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). This exam assesses the readiness of nursing graduates in the United States and Canada.

Step 3: Obtain RN Licensure. With your NCLEX-RN behind you, the next step is securing your RN licensure. This process includes submitting an application, completing a fingerprint check, and passing a criminal background check through your state’s nursing board.

Step 4: Gain Clinical Experience. Before embarking on your first travel assignment, you’ll need hands-on nursing experience. While you may start applying for travel nursing roles after 6-9 months of experience, most agencies prefer candidates with at least one year of clinical experience.

Step 5: Partner with a Travel Nursing Agency. Finally, connect with a trusted travel nursing agency like AMN Healthcare. Your recruiter will help match you with assignments that suit your preferences and guide you through the remaining steps.

becoming a travel nurse

Derick J. attributes much of his success to the support of his recruiter at AMN: “A key element in travel nursing is having a recruiter who really understands your needs and goes the extra mile for you,” he noted. “I’ve been lucky to have a recruiter who consistently makes sure an assignment works well for me. She’s been exceptional in helping me navigate this career.”

Ready to get started on your journey of becoming a travel nurse? Browse our available travel nursing jobs, then complete our quick online application to connect with a recruiter!

Find Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment with Our Job Board!

Are you on the hunt for your next travel nurse gig? Look no further than our job board! Click here to explore all our current opportunities.

Discover the Perfect Housing for Your Next Assignment

Need somewhere to stay on your next travel nurse assignment? We’ve got you covered. Check out our housing page to find your ideal home away from home. Click here to start your search.

By Fastaff Travel Nursing

September 8, 2024



Navigating the Fall as a Rapid Response Nurse: What You Need to Know

Fastaff provided this article.

As the leaves begin to change and the temperatures drop, the healthcare landscape shifts as well, particularly for Rapid Response Nurses. These skilled professionals are crucial in managing sudden patient emergencies and stabilizing situations before they escalate. But what exactly does this role entail, and how can Rapid Response Nurses best prepare for the fall months? Let’s explore this vital nursing specialty and how to navigate the unique challenges of the autumn season, all while highlighting the top opportunities and resources available through Fastaff.

rapid response nurse

What is a Rapid Response Nurse?

A Rapid Response Nurse is a highly trained registered nurse specializing in responding to critical situations within a hospital or healthcare setting. Their primary responsibility is to quickly assess and intervene when a patient’s condition deteriorates, often acting as the first line of defense to prevent further decline. These nurses must be adept at making swift decisions, collaborating with a multidisciplinary team, and providing immediate care under pressure.

How to Prepare as a Rapid Response Nurse

Preparation is key for any nursing role, but for Rapid Response Nurses, it’s even more crucial due to the unpredictable nature of the job. Here are some steps to ensure you’re ready for whatever comes your way:

rapid response nurse
  1. Stay Current with Certifications: Make sure your certifications, such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), are current. Continuous education is essential to maintaining the skills necessary for rapid response.
  2. Refine Your Critical Thinking Skills: Rapid Response Nurses must be able to think on their feet. Regularly engage in simulations or case studies to keep your problem-solving abilities sharp.
  3. Know Your Team: Familiarize yourself with the healthcare professionals you’ll work with. Understanding each team member’s strengths and how to communicate effectively can make a significant difference during emergencies.
  4. Mental and Physical Readiness: The demands of rapid-response nursing can be physically and mentally taxing. Ensure you’re taking care of your own health, getting enough rest, and managing stress effectively.

Navigating the Transition into the Fall Months

The fall season brings unique challenges for Rapid Response Nurses, from the onset of flu season to changes in patient demographics. Here’s how to navigate this transition smoothly:

1. Be Prepared for Seasonal Illnesses: Fall often marks the beginning of flu season, which can lead to an influx of patients with respiratory issues. Stay informed about the latest treatments and protocols for flu and other seasonal illnesses.
2. Adapt to Changing Workloads: The patient population can fluctuate during the fall, with some facilities experiencing higher volumes of certain cases. Stay flexible and be ready to adjust to varying workloads.
3. Embrace the Change in Atmosphere: Fall can bring a sense of renewal and change, both in and out of the hospital. Use this time to reassess your goals, connect with colleagues, and refresh your perspective on your role.

Fastaff: Your Go-To for Top Rapid Response Assignments

Fastaff is known for providing premier assignments for Rapid Response Nurses, especially during the high-demand fall months. With an extensive network of healthcare facilities across the country, Fastaff offers opportunities that allow nurses to apply their skills in dynamic environments while earning competitive pay. Whether you’re looking to work in a bustling city hospital or a rural community setting, Fastaff has the assignments to match your career goals.

Leveraging the ACT Program for Career Success

To support Rapid Response Nurses in their careers, Fastaff offers the ACT (Advocacy, Career, and Tools) program as part of the Ingenovis Health family of brands, a comprehensive resource designed to help you excel. The ACT program provides:
• Advocacy: Guidance and support in navigating your career path, including negotiating contracts and understanding your rights as a traveling nurse.
• Career Resources: Access to continuing education, certification renewal assistance, and professional development
opportunities to keep you at the top of your game.
• Tools: Practical tools to help manage your assignments, from housing assistance to travel logistics, ensuring you can focus on what you do best, saving lives.

In conclusion, as a Rapid Response Nurse, your role is critical year-round, but the fall months require particular preparation and adaptability. By staying current with your skills, being mindful of seasonal challenges, and leveraging the top-tier assignments and resources offered by Fastaff, you can navigate this season with confidence and continue to make a profound impact on patient care. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the rapid response role, fall is the perfect time to take your career to the next level with Fastaff and the ACT program. 

Find Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment with Our Job Board!

Are you on the hunt for your next travel nurse gig? Look no further than our job board! Click here to explore all our current opportunities.

Discover the Perfect Housing for Your Next Assignment

Need somewhere to stay on your next travel nurse assignment? We’ve got you covered. Check out our housing page to find your ideal home away from home. Click here to start your search.

By Miles Oliver

September 6, 2024



Creative Ways for Travel Nurses to Show Appreciation to Coworkers at the End of Their Contract

It can be a bittersweet moment when a nursing contract comes to an end. On one hand, many folks may be excited for a chance to see what comes next or take some time off. On the other hand, it’s easy to miss the work and the people that made the job so enjoyable along the way.

That’s why, as part of your end-of-contract checklist, you should make it a point to show appreciation to your coworkers with a physical present, card, or other creative gift. Here are some ideas and suggestions that may be just right.

Creative Ways for Travel Nurses to Show Appreciation to Coworkers at the End of Their Contract:


Start With a Thank You Note

First, remember that you don’t necessarily need to go overboard or spend a lot of money to make an impression. Not all nurses will give a parting gift, so any effort will likely be appreciated. Often, even a simple but sincere thank you card will do.

You can buy cards at the store or make your own thank you cards at home. You’ll be surprised at what you can pull off with markers, colored paper, and a pen. If you’re giving a card to the entire staff, it’s best to write each one to the individual recipient so it’s more memorable.

Remember that in addition to being nice, showing appreciation is also a great way to try to stay connected. After all, you never know when the person you worked for in the past can help you in the future or vice versa. So, think about writing something nice on the card. Tell them you appreciate their work and attitude, and mention how you would like to work with them again. Don’t forget to provide your contact information.

Make a donation in someone’s name to make your card extra special. It’s a great way to show you care about them and do something nice for the world. Research the charities your coworker might like so it’s more personal and impactful.

Food and Drink Make Nice Gifts

Gifts involving food and drink are usually well-received as long as you’re sure the recipient enjoys what you get. Try healthy snacks that a busy nurse can eat while on the go. Nuts, dried fruit, and jerky can also provide a boost of energy during future busy shifts.


If you enjoy cooking, look up new healthy snack ideas and make your giftees something delicious. The sky’s the limit to what you can create. A few great dishes include a shrimp and avocado cup, spicy jicama sticks, and parmesan popcorn. Your coworkers will be delighted that you thought of them this way. You could even host a potluck. Have everyone bring in a tasty dish so the whole team can get together and reminisce one last time.

While the gift may not be for everyone, you could choose to give a carefully selected wine. Nursing can be stressful, and some people unwind with a drink after work, so this could be perfect.

However, instead of just giving everyone the same bottle, you should research ahead of time and choose the best wines to gift your coworkers. One way to do so is to consider their food preferences and try to match. For instance, most Riesling wines go well with gourmet cheese. If you’ve never purchased wine before, go with those that are universally enjoyed, such as Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. If you really want to leave an impression, give a memorable or limited edition wine.

Gifts That Make Life Easier

Perhaps the best gift you can give to show appreciation for a fellow nurse is something that’ll make their life and shifts easier. For instance, a great gift that most nurses will really love is a pair of gel inserts. You can buy them almost anywhere, and they’ll make a world of difference. Just try to get the recipient’s foot size first.

You can also consider gifts to help your coworkers achieve a better work-life balance, like a gift basket full of items that can help them get quality sleep at night. It can include sleep masks, ear plugs, and even a portable white noise machine. Another idea in this vein is a gift certificate for coffee, food delivery, or a yoga class.


It’s a lovely gesture and well worth the effort to show appreciation for a coworker who has been so nice and helpful during your time on the job with a gesture or gift perfect for them. Think about their preferences, your budget, and what would make them happy, and they’ll likely love what you come up with.

We hope you found this article on ways to show your appreciation at the end of your travel nurse contract helpful. Do you show your appreciation at the end of your contracts? What are some ways to show appreciation to those you have worked with? Comment below.

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By Jackson Nurse Professionals

September 1, 2024



How to Cope with Compassion Fatigue as a Travel Nurse

Jackson Nurse Professionals provided this article.

Have you ever felt so emotionally drained at the end of a shift that you wondered how you could keep going? Travel nurses pour their hearts into their work, constantly moving from one assignment to another, bringing their skills and compassion to different healthcare settings. While the rewards of travel nursing are immense, the challenges can sometimes be overwhelming. One of the most significant challenges is compassion fatigue, an emotional state that can significantly impact your ability to care for patients effectively.

Understanding Compassion Fatigue

compassion fatigue

Compassion fatigue is a state of emotional exhaustion and stress resulting from the continuous demand for empathy and compassion in caregiving roles. It can manifest as physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, irritability, reduced job satisfaction, and feelings of helplessness. For travel nurses, who often face the added stress of frequent relocations and adapting to new environments, managing compassion fatigue is crucial for maintaining both personal well-being and the quality of care provided to patients.

In this blog, you will find practical tips and personal insights on how to cope with compassion fatigue and continue thriving in your travel nursing career.

Practical Coping Strategies

  1. Self-Care Practices
    • Prioritize Self-Care: Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep are foundational elements of self-care. Physical well-being is directly linked to emotional resilience.
    • Engage in Hobbies: Dedicate time to activities that bring you joy and relaxation outside of work. Whether it’s reading, painting, hiking, or any other hobby, these activities can provide a much-needed mental break.
  2. Mindfulness and Relaxation
    • Mindfulness Techniques: Incorporate mindfulness practices such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine. These techniques can help reduce stress and increase emotional awareness.
    • Scheduled Relaxation: Allocate specific times in your schedule for relaxation. This could be a quiet evening at home, a spa day, or simply a walk in nature. Consistently setting aside time for relaxation can help prevent burnout.
  3. Setting Boundaries
    • Emotional Boundaries: Learn to set emotional boundaries to protect yourself from becoming overly involved in your patients’ struggles. It’s important to care but also to recognize your limits.
    • Physical Boundaries: Avoid overextending yourself physically by taking on too many shifts or working excessive hours. It’s okay to say no and prioritize your health.
  4. Professional Support
    • Seek Therapy or Counseling: Engaging with a mental health professional can provide a safe space to process your emotions and develop coping strategies. Therapy can offer new perspectives and tools for managing stress.
    • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Many healthcare facilities offer EAPs, which provide confidential counseling and support services. If available, take advantage of these resources.
  5. Peer Support
    • Connect with Fellow Travel Nurses: Building a support network of peers who understand the unique challenges of travel nursing can be incredibly comforting. Sharing experiences, challenges, and successes with colleagues can foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.
    • Online Communities: Join online forums or social media groups dedicated to travel nurses. These platforms can offer a wealth of advice, support, and resources from a community that understands your experiences.
compassion fatigue

Organizational Support

  1. Advocate for Better Support Systems: Speak up for better staffing ratios, regular debriefings, and wellness programs at your assignments. Institutions have a responsibility to support their staff, and advocating for systemic changes can lead to a healthier work environment for everyone.
  2. Utilize Resources Provided: Many organizations offer resources such as resilience training, wellness workshops, and support groups. Make use of these opportunities to enhance your coping skills and well-being.

Long-term Strategies

  1. Ongoing Education: Continuously educate yourself about compassion fatigue and its impact. Understanding the signs and symptoms can help you recognize them early and take proactive steps to address them.
  2. Self-Awareness: Cultivate self-awareness to recognize when you are beginning to feel overwhelmed. Regular self-reflection can help you stay attuned to your emotional state and take necessary actions before reaching a crisis point.


Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. As a travel nurse, your ability to provide compassionate care to your patients depends on your own well-being. By prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, seeking support, and advocating for better workplace conditions, you can manage compassion fatigue and continue to thrive in your career. The dedication and passion that inspired you to become a travel nurse are invaluable, and maintaining your health and well-being ensures that you can continue to make a positive impact in the lives of your patients.

We hope you found these tips for coping with compassion fatigue helpful. Have you dealt with compassion fatigue as a travel nurse? How did you cope? Have tips to share with your fellow travel nurses? Comment them below.

About Jackson Nurse Professionals

As one of the premier nurse staffing firms, Jackson Nurse Professionals provides world-class travel nurse solutions to thousands of healthcare facilities across the country while connecting the brightest nurse professionals with the placements and career opportunities they desire. Powered by a national talent pool of Joint Commission Compliant Registered Nurses who adapt quickly to new environments and technologies while integrating easily with established teams, Jackson Nurse Professionals helps ensure highly skilled, compassionate nurses are available to deliver quality patient care in client environments, helping prevent staffing shortages and alleviate burnout.

Whether you’re a seasoned travel nurse seeking your next assignment or you’re ready to dive into the dynamic world of travel nursing for the first time, our comprehensive job search portal is your gateway to exciting positions across the country. Connect with us today and take the first step toward fulfilling your next travel nursing adventure! Jackson Nurse Professionals is part of the Jackson Healthcare® family of companies. Learn more by following us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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