By Uniti Med

October 5, 2022



Top Tips for New Travelers

Uniti Med provided this article.

Picture it: you’re about to start your journey as a travel healthcare professional. Congratulations! What an exciting time in your life! For many first-time travelers, however, it can also be challenging, stressful, and overwhelming. How do you navigate this new step in your career? What can you do to ease the process? Here are some of our top tips for new travelers.  

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Don’t be afraid to travel far from home  

Leaving your friends, family, and your current hospital or facility can be scary, especially if you have never left your home state. While moving away from everything you have ever known can be a challenge, it can also be equally rewarding. Working in a new facility can introduce you to new ways of doing your job and seeing things from a different point of view. You can also make friends from all over the country and go to places you never thought you’d go. Who knows, you may find your new home away from home! Remember, if you don’t like being far away, you can request your next assignment to be closer to home.  

Be flexible  

You might not always get your first choice for your assignment. Take a breath. It’s OK! Each assignment is temporary, and if you don’t like the place you’re in now, try something new next time. Additionally, any travel experience will open doors to more jobs along the way. Hospitals love to see a wide variety of assignments from their travelers. Open yourself to new experiences and locations. 

Mackenzie, a travel RN, says this: “Go into each assignment with an open mind and friendly face. You can make it through just about anything for 13 weeks, knowing there is an end in sight!”  

Be brave  

As we said, starting a travel career can be scary. Even with fear and uncertainties, remember to be brave. Bite the bullet. Take the leap. Freefall into the unknown. Say yes instead of no. You will never know until you try!  

Victoria, a travel CNA, suggests “stop fearing what could go wrong and start welcoming what can go right!” Tracy, an RN, said this: “For me, it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. Turned out really well!”  

Take it from these travelers; don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from trying something new! 

Get out there!  

Once you make it to your first assignment, you might be a little lonely. You are in a new place with people you just met and are in unfamiliar territory. Get out there, make friends, and see what your new town has to offer. Remember, there are likely to be other travelers at your facility who have been where you are now. Reach out to them as well as the perm-staff. The more you put yourself out there, the more you will learn and grow as a professional and as an individual. 

A former traveler, Mikaela Cook, says to “go to all the local places!” There will be many restaurants, bars, breweries, coffee shops, and stores that you won’t have in your hometown. Make a point to check these places out before you make your move to your next assignment. 

You are not alone  

Starting anything new can be hard to get used to. Just remember that your recruiter and travel agency are always there for you. If you have questions, need assistance, or just want someone to talk to, they are only a phone call away. Traveling alone doesn’t mean you ARE alone. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your recruiter with anything; that’s what they’re there for!  

Starting a career in travel healthcare can be a culture shock. No hospital does it the same way, and walking into an unfamiliar place away from everyone you’ve ever known can be a lot to handle. When we have asked travel nurses what their advice would be for first-time travelers, many say that they wish they had started sooner. It’s never too late, but don’t sit on the sidelines forever. Make the move and start your journey!  

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Sadie Brooks

October 4, 2022



How to Manage Stress and Anxiety as a Traveling Nurse

Traveling nurse is a good career option, but there are some disadvantages. In addition, some advantages include the possibility of traveling around the world, gaining practice, helping others, and a good salary.

Besides all these advantages, there are also disadvantages of this job. The job of a traveling nurse is one of the most stressful jobs nowadays. Every job carries a certain amount of stress, but this one is often much more than the average. Everyday pressures at work lead to anxiety. During the working day, traveling nurses encounter patients in serious conditions, death, filling out a lot of documentation, problems in the team, etc. Moving often and getting used to a new environment also increases stress leading to anxiety. In that case, there is a feeling of discomfort, tension, worry, and stress. A large number of traveling nurses face this problem. To avoid this problem, traveling nurses must regularly practice some routines and thus decrease stress levels and anxiety.

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Keep reading to find out how to manage stress and anxiety as a traveling nurse.

Get enough sleep

According to the latest research, people need to sleep from 7 to 9 hours every night. Sleep has been proven to reduce stress levels and is therefore very important. If we do not have enough sleep, it leads to fatigue, grumpiness, and irritability.

Traveling nurses often find themselves in stressful situations, and thus they must sleep regularly. They often have to stay awake late if they work the night shift, so sleep is necessary to ensure patient safety. Therefore, it is crucial that traveling nurses go to bed on time and have enough sleep. Thus they can perform their duties smoothly and reduce their levels of stress.

Eat regularly

Due to their busy schedule, traveling nurses often do not get to have regular meals and eat rarely. That leads to being often hungry, which affects their mood and increases stress.

To avoid such situations, try to always have some food with you. Prepare food in advance, so you are not hungry in case of unforeseen situations. Try not to skip a single meal a day.

Include supplements along with your regular diet. For your body to function normally, it is necessary to take in supplementation. It is important to choose natural supplements such as amp supplements, with which you will naturally establish proper body functions and improve your health.


Exercise regularly

Regardless of the work traveling nurses do and the miles they cover while at work, they must have some physical activity outside of work.

Exercises, light walking, running, walking, and intense exercises are excellent ways to get rid of stress and anxiety. That way, you will get more energy, which is good for both – your body and mind. Therefore, set aside a part of the day you will devote yourself to exercise or some other physical activity. That way, you will be less anxious and get rid of unnecessary stress.

Practise meditation

As a traveling nurse, you will often find yourself under a lot of pressure, which leads to stress and anxiety. One of the excellent ways to get rid of stress and anxiety and thereby improve your mental health is meditation.

Through meditation, you will learn to calm your mind and get rid of the thoughts that constantly worry you. This is a great way to have a good quality of your life. Therefore, enroll in a meditation course and get rid of unnecessary stress and anxiety.

 Get well-organized

If you are well-organized, the job of a traveling nurse will be able to pass without stress and anxiety. Good organization will greatly facilitate both your work and travel.

Considering that you travel very often, you should start making a list of things you need for your trip. It is crucial to be well-organized to complete all the duties before the shift and avoid stressful situations. Plan your day on time, so you can achieve everything and that you don’t accidentally forget something in a rush. In this way, you will avoid stress and feel relaxed.

 Wrapping up

The job of a traveling nurse has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are traveling around the world and gaining work experience. On the other hand, it is a responsible and challenging job that brings stress and anxiety with it. To avoid this, try to sleep enough, eat regularly and healthily, use supplements, practice meditation, get well-organized, and exercise regularly. With a few tricks, you will easily manage stress and anxiety while working as a traveling nurse.

We hope you found this article on how to manage stress and anxiety as a traveling nurse helpful. Do you have any tips on how to manage stress and anxiety to share with your fellow travel nurses? Comment them below.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Frank Hamilton

October 3, 2022



How Can a Travel Nurse Learn & Overcome a Language Barrier?

The profession and duties of a travel nurse are similar to a staffing nurse that works in one location, but the resources they require for their job are different. For instance, if a staffing nurse has a language barrier with her patients, she can ask for assistance from the local translator who might be hired to the medical facility. A travel nurse doesn’t have this opportunity and has to learn to overcome language complexities on her own under any circumstances.

Language is very important for a travel nurse, as she has to understand her patients correctly as well as be understood by them in response. Surely, English is considered to be an international language that is known and available in various countries. However, there are still many locations where people don’t get any words in English, and travel nurses cannot predict what their new country will be like to learn a whole new language before moving. And travel nurses also don’t have enough spare time to learn new languages from scratch. Therefore, we would like to share the tips and hacks that will help travel nurses understand and overcome various language barriers.

Learn basic words and expressions peculiar to a new location

Travel nurses have several weeks before changing the location. It is the perfect time to find out more about the country and culture they are going to next, and also learn the basic vocabulary that will be useful for their work there. Travel nurses commonly know the words and phrases related to their duties and can write them down in another language to learn and memorize the correct pronunciation. The basic vocabulary will be quite enough for nurses. In urgent cases, you can always ask for assistance from the local doctors or nurses as well.

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Get language guides and dictionaries.

Phrasebooks are great helpers for people keen on traveling and travel due to their professions, like travel nurses. Such language guides commonly include all basic information about the language of your new location. The book is usually divided into certain subjects like transport, café, hospital, hotel and so on where you can find the suitable words and phrases to express yourself correctly. Phrasebooks are also small in size, and you can always take them to work to keep learning in your free time and look for the phrases you need to translate quickly.

Use online learning resources.

According to various posts from the custom writing service Best Essays Education, the approach to learning a new language for travel nurses depends on the duration of being in one or another country and place. For instance, if you stay in a certain location for a week or a bit longer, there is no need to attend learning courses and spend much money on education as language guides will be pretty enough for communication. However, if you are going to stay at a place for several months or even years, you should take a more serious approach to learning a new language. If you don’t have the opportunity to attend online classes for beginners, you can always find a suitable learning course online. Online courses have various types like speaking, writing, or combined. Just pick the most effective approach for you and learn wherever you are and whenever you have free time from your job.

Consider communication with native speakers.

The time needed to learn a foreign language from scratch and overcome a language barrier is very individual, as someone may need several months to speak well, while others may need years of deep learning to become proficient. Also, it depends on the complexity of the selected language. But no learning course can replace communication with native speakers. Instead of reading the language guides, spend some time talking with local people and practicing your speaking. Thus, you will learn much faster, more efficiently, and with more pleasure. But you still need to learn the basic vocabulary before moving on to talk with patients and be clearly understood.

Learn the language of gestures

Due to the writing reviews Trust My Paper, the language of gestures will be comprehensible in any part of the world. It is not obvious to learn all possible gesture combinations, but just learn the basics that will clearly convert the information for your patients and colleagues. Surely, it will add not much value to your language knowledge, but this approach will be your rescue at the very beginning.

Bottom line

Picking the right approach to learning the language and overcoming the language barrier is the key to becoming proficient in it in the short term. It is better to combine several methods of learning like reading the thematic literature, getting portable vocabulary and guides, and practicing your communication skills with native speakers.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Lina Belegu

October 1, 2022



The Advantages of a Healthy Lifestyle You Should Know

Get this. Adults in America only make up 13% of those with healthy metabolisms. Thirteen percent only!

Your body’s capacity to maintain appropriate triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference is called metabolic health. Your overall health may be measured using all of these statistics. Your general health will be improved the better these figures are. It must not be beneficial to make an effort to get there if there are so few individuals who are healthy, right? If not, everyone would be performing it! Not so. A healthy lifestyle has many advantages, and incorporating healthy behaviors doesn’t have to be difficult.

Here are the best lifestyle changes you can make, along with their advantages and what you can do right away to put them into practice.

The Advantages of a Healthy Lifestyle You Should Know

1. Eat wholesome foods

Although this information is not brand-new, it is nevertheless essential to developing a healthy lifestyle. Almost nothing you accomplish will matter if you don’t eat well. Fueling your body with clean energy is the key to building a healthy lifestyle.

Your diet won’t change overnight. However, you may choose better options. Get rid of junk food first, or at the very least hide it away in a difficult-to-reach place.

You’ll be more inclined to snack on nutritious foods like fruits and veggies if you arrange them in areas that are simple to access. Spend some time each week preparing vegetables, so they are simple to eat alone or to add to a recipe.

Find fresh things you enjoy eating and attempt a new healthy meal every week. It takes time to change your diet, but you’re preparing yourself for a better life every time you opt for health.

2. Every Day, Move

This also isn’t surprising. You’re aware that you should work out more. What then is stopping you?

But the cool part is right here. You may reap the rewards of increased exercise without going to the gym. The healthiest people exercise often throughout the day, not just at the gym.

Begin by just moving more. Every hour, set your phone to remind you to get up for three minutes or so. During lunch, go for a stroll—park towards the rear of the lot. Consistently use the stairs.

But you should also discover a type of exercise you enjoy. Although cardio and weightlifting are important, exercise shouldn’t seem like a hassle. If you like yoga, dancing, soccer, rock climbing, or anything else that gets you moving, go for it!

Additionally, you’ll feel better about yourself, look better, and be more active for longer. Even sadness and anxiety symptoms can be reduced with regular exercise.

3. Schedule Your Sleeping Time Regularly

A crucial component of maintaining good health is getting enough sleep. You would awaken and go to bed in accordance with the cycle of the sun. Even if your lifestyle prevents that, you should still establish a consistent bedtime and wake-up time that you adhere to daily.

Draw attention to the issues preventing you from sleeping well. If you’re not comfortable, get a better mattress or bed sheets, or get blackout curtains if the light keeps you up at night. To sleep better, turn on pink or white noise.

Establish a bedtime regimen that will allow your thoughts to rest. Include activities that help your brain relax, such as keeping a journal or putting up a lavender-scented diffuser.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to stop using technology an hour before bedtime and stop eating three hours before.

You may increase your attention throughout the day and wake up with more energy if you follow a regular sleep schedule. Additionally, it enhances cognition and reduces inflammation in the body to keep you healthy. Even weight loss is possible with it.

4. Consume A Lot of Water

You’re doing it wrong if you’re drinking your calories. Your main beverage should be water; you should get all your calories from whole foods.

Get a favorite water bottle and start taking it everywhere. Get an infuser and add cucumbers, mint, strawberries, or lemon to your water if you don’t like the flavor of it to make it more enjoyable.

Just having water handy might frequently encourage you to drink more. Additionally, you may set triggers throughout the day, like right after waking up or right before a meal, to remind you to drink.

5. Manage Your Life’s Stress

You do well with a little stress or a little stress in brief spurts. Chronic stress can cause serious damage. It causes ulcers, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and headaches.

Thus, maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires understanding how to manage stress.

The two greatest DIY methods for managing stress are often journaling and meditation. Finding a confidant, whether it be a close friend, a member of your family, or a therapist, is also a good idea.

It’s a good idea to make time in your life for enjoyment and relaxation. Think about relaxing activities like yoga, painting, hiking, or other hobbies.

6. Create a Powerful Social Circle

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, more than just taking care of your body is required. Building a solid social network is the greatest approach to feeding your soul, which is something you also need to accomplish.

Spend time with your loved ones, community, and friends. Reestablish contact with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, or sign up for a new organization or club. Try to schedule frequent brunch or coffee dates with friends so that you may get to know your neighbors.

Having dependable relationships in your life might help you overcome sadness and loneliness. These folks can push you to live your best life and can help you get through difficult situations.

7. Avoid skipping doctor’s appointments

Make sure you go to the dentist and doctor as regularly as advised. ‘Early detection is the key to curing most fatal diseases, and these diseases can’t be discovered early if you never attend the doctor,’ claims the dentist in Scottsdale.

Make sure you have a future visit with a doctor booked. Regularly see the eye doctor, dentist, and doctor. Make an appointment now if you haven’t in a while.

A Healthy Lifestyle Is Worth It Despite the Work Required to Achieve It
Living a healthy lifestyle has several advantages. Even while getting there requires effort, the foundations are simple to comprehend and put into practice. The benefits outweigh the work required to develop healthy behaviors.

So, use this advice to live a healthy lifestyle and take pleasure in living your best life.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By trustaff

September 30, 2022



Your Mental Health is Important

Trustaff provided this article.

October 10th is World Mental Health Day, which highlights mental health education, awareness, and advocacy. The mental health of healthcare workers is of the utmost importance.  As a result of the heightened stress healthcare professionals have endured in the last few years, there’s an increased risk for mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress. While traveling as a healthcare professional may feel isolating and lonely at times, it’s important to understand that you are not alone and help is available and accessible through multiple channels.

Here are several benefits you can take advantage of as a travel nurse to make sure you’re taking care of and supporting your mental health while on (and off) assignment.

Your Mental Health is Important

Employee Assistance Programs:

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) offer professional assistance with personal, family, financial, and work struggles, often at no cost to the employee. Among various other benefits, these programs provide free telehealth therapy sessions, in-person access to behavioral health professionals, and substance abuse counselors.

Some travel companies are taking the extra step to ensure their travelers are well taken care of through EAP benefits. As Trustaff employees, our travelers have access to many EAPs, including telephone consults and counseling for issues of any kind through various providers. Many of these resources are available to all travelers regardless of if you are on agency health insurance.

There’s a lot your company can do to help support and protect your mental health, as well as various other benefits for career advancement, health and wellness programs, career coaching, financial planning, etc. Trustaff is proud to offer all of the above through our ACT Program. Check with your agency to see if they offer similar benefits. 

Walk, work, or run it out:

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (, even just five minutes of aerobic exercise can help lower cortisol, one of the primary hormones responsible for elevated levels of stress in the body. Utilizing fitness programs, either on your own, through a gym, or through a virtual community, will encourage you to get moving and may improve your mental health and emotional well-being.

Many companies offer assistance when it comes to staying fit or getting a workout in. Discounts to many 24-hour fitness facilities are usually a must when it comes to perks and benefits companies can offer to their travelers. Trustaff currently offers a discount to Planet Fitness which is a chain available in most areas all over the US.

If the gym isn’t your thing, something as small as a 15-minute stroll or run through a local park or around your current housing can boost your mental state, clear your mind and get some much-needed fresh air after a long shift in your facility.

Exercising physically is important, but exercising your mind through meditation is also a good way to boost your mental health. Check out some apps you can download to your phone, like, Calm and Headspace, to get your mental workout in for the day.

Surround yourself with support

Long before the pandemic, healthcare professionals experienced an unprecedented amount of burnout, depression, workplace stress, and anxiety. Our goal is to empower our travelers to be proactive about their mental health by destigmatizing mental illness and providing ongoing support and resources through their current careers and beyond.

Our healthcare heroes are our lifeline, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Take care of yourself and be well. We hope these mental support tips and suggestions are helpful while navigating your health through your assignments and career.

Crisis Resources

  • Crisis Text Line – Text HOME to 741741 to reach a Crisis Counselor
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline – 800-273-8255
  • NAMI HelpLine – 1-800-950-6264 or

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Kevin Devoto

September 29, 2022



4 Ways to Improve Your Health While Working Nonstop

In an age where everyone seems to be constantly working, there does not seem to be any time for someone to take a rest and recharge truly. As you can probably imagine, this severely impacts everyone’s health. Keep reading for four ways to improve your health while working nonstop.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

While it is generally said that adults should get an average of eight hours of sleep a night, it is not realistically possible for everyone to get that amount of sleep. By this time, you should be able to tell how much sleep leaves you feeling the most recharged. If you cannot get the prescribed amount of sleep, getting some is better than getting none. Even if it is just twenty minutes, you need to take the time to rest. Remember that sitting on the couch while answering emails is not considered resting. Resting is defined as anything that relaxes you, helps you refresh, or helps you recover your strength. If you say that whatever you are doing achieves any of those three things, you are resting.

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Take Care of Your Skin

The skin is the largest organ you have and the first line of defense against the elements and any bacteria that want to enter your body. It does a lot of work and is worth investing in to continue to do that vital work of protecting you so you do not get sick and have to take time off when you cannot afford to. Depending on your skin type, there are a lot of things that you will need to do to make your skin healthy and glowing. While you may be asking what Thrive is, if you investigate what you need, you will have no problem finding a skincare routine that works for you. 

Take Advantage of Lunches and Breaks

Your employer is required to give you a certain number of breaks and a lunch, but many people will work through their breaks and lunches anyway. While the temptation must be very great, and you might be the kind of person that works through your lunches and breaks without even realizing it, you do need to take advantage of your breaks. This gives you time to step away from whatever project you are working on and take a moment to cater to your needs instead of the needs of your workplace. Take these breaks for the checkpoints they are meant to be, and take a breather before you go back into the chaos, especially if the breaks and lunches are paid.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

You need fuel to do the work that needs to be done, and it is important that you get the right fuel in you. This involves staying hydrated by drinking water. Anything like soda, tea, or coffee actually dehydrates you, and though caffeine and sugar are sometimes needed to get you through the day, pure water is needed to counteract the effects of those dehydrating beverages. You also need to eat fresh fruit, meat, and vegetables. You can take supplements all day long, but you will not get nearly as many vitamins or minerals as you would from a diet that consists mainly of fresh ingredients.

There are a lot of ways you can improve your life and health while working nonstop. Keep this article in mind the next time you feel like you need to make a change to your lifestyle to feel better or healthier, and you will be amazed at what a few minor changes can do.

We hope you found this article on how to improve your health while working nonstop helpful. Do you have any health tips to share with fellow travel nurses? Comment below.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Furnished Finder

September 28, 2022



Top Tips for Travel Nursing with a Family

So, your next travel contract is set, and your family is joining. Whether this means that you have a spouse with you for the trip or you are traveling with kids, things shift when you’re traveling with family. Here are some of our very best tips and tricks to make it as smooth as possible for traveling with family!

Keep everyone included

With big life events, everyone is far more likely to be on board if they feel involved. Think of making it a “team travel” versus one person making the decisions and the others simply designated as passengers. There are ways to make everyone feel included and a part of the process without giving away important decisions. For instance, if traveling with kids, the parents will make the decisions regarding housing, but the kids can decide on travel tunes or some decor for their rooms. They can even decide a handful of things they want to do in their new home area or attractions they are interested in. This way, everyone is a part of the journey!

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Plan for things big and small

This tip is particularly applicable if traveling with children. When thinking about traveling, “big” things are often the first things arranged. Transportation, housing, etc. To kids, the small things are big, too. Don’t forget to find local parks, kid-friendly restaurants, travel entertainment packs for the car, and snacks! While they seem small to adults, these things are game-changes to kids, particularly when they are going through a big change. 

Divide and conquer

The bigger the crew, the more overwhelming travel can seem. Take time to divide and conquer the responsibilities and tasks that have to get done when traveling. Do not be afraid to ask for help! Friends and family may be able to pitch in a few hours to help you get details arranged, pack things up, or help you run errands last minute. 

Join the community!

Spouses and kids may feel a little lonely when entering a new community, especially if they work from home or are home-schooled. It can be intimidating to think about jumping right into a new community. You have a built-in network with your new coworkers, but spouses and kids don’t get that new network. Take some time and research local churches, meetup groups, interest groups, rec centers, and more. This will allow your family to feel involved in the new community as soon as possible. 

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Titan Medical

September 27, 2022



Dealing with Homesickness as a Travel Nurse

Titan Medical Group provided this article.

Being homesick is a very over-consuming feeling. Whether you’re an hour away from your home and family or 16 hours away, homesickness is a natural feeling. It’s essential that, as a travel nurse, you refrain from letting this feeling turn into exhaustion and anxiety. Traveling immerses you in new places and gets you out of your comfort zone! It’s crucial that if you do become homesick, you don’t let it take you over and turn into something more strenuous to your mental well-being!

Things we Recommend Avoiding:

It can seem so easy to simply stay in and turn on Netflix when the feeling arises. Binge-watching Friends or Stranger Things may temporarily make you feel better, but in reality, it’s a distraction and cover-up. Withdrawing yourself from where you are is not a coping mechanism that will lead you to overcome homesickness; it will most likely escalate it.

Dealing with Homesickness as a Travel Nurse

Many people like to take visits home or call loved ones to help ease missing home, which is fantastic if this helps you! However, to some, this can be a temporary fix. And as a travel nurse, you know that taking visits home can be a challenge when you have limited time off of work.

The homesickness may subside while talking or being with friends/family in those moments; the after-effects may hit you worse than before. Now we aren’t saying to avoid contacting these people completely; it just means to try not to overdo it!

While you may feel alone during this time, it’s important to know that this feeling is natural and strikes everyone at some point in their lives. There are healthy ways to cope with this feeling and turn it into something great! Now that we’ve gotten past the methods we recommend avoiding, let’s dive into a few ideas & tricks to help ease your mind while feeling homesick on assignments!

Stay Busy!

Keep your mind occupied doing things you enjoy. Often, this requires putting yourself out there, which is a-ok! Try inviting a coworker to try out a new restaurant or coffee shop. Take a trip to the local Farmer’s Market one morning. Find a nifty bookstore nearby and browse some books! Check out an art or history museum by yourself or with a friend. If you feel like doing something that doesn’t require much time out, then go to the store, grab a notebook or scrapbook and take it home to make a bucket list for yourself!

There are many options to keep your mind off your overwhelmed emotions. When you keep yourself occupied, time goes by quickly, and your mind will need this to unwind!

Find a Place Nearby that Feels Like Home.

Finding a comfortable place that gives you a sense of back home can be different for everyone. Often, big department stores are an excellent place to start. That Target on the corner by you probably has the same items and maybe even set up as the one back home does! Some example stores include Walgreens, CVS Pharmacy, Home Depot, Costco, Sam’s Club, Bass Pro Shops, etc… The list goes on.

Walking through these stores can bring a sense of calmness to your mind. It’s the fact of knowing that no matter where you’re at, you can walk through these isles and find the exact items you’d be able to grab back home. Your senses are more than likely familiarized with these places too. For example, the popcorn smell & sight of Starbucks Coffee right when you walk into Target is probably similar to the Target back at home. Or the sounds of the store alerts going off and seeing those bright fluorescent lights at Walgreens will be very similar, if not the same as the Walgreens in your hometown!

It may sound like a wild idea to walk around a department store for comfort but trust us when we say to try it out!

Bring Familiar Items from Home on your Assignments

This tip is nice and straightforward. Pack some things you love from your home with you when you’re on an assignment. This can be anything from photos or letters to blankets and plants! Whatever your comfort items are, bring them along with you.

When the anxiety of homesickness starts to arise, having these items around is a good way to help give a sense of continuity and ease the shock of being somewhere new. Psychologists call these items transitional items as they are a source of comfort when transitioning into a new environment!

Remember, these feelings of homesickness on an assignment are common and normal and happen to people of all ages. They are not permanent, and there is no need to judge yourself for having these feelings.

Our recruiters at  Titan Medical are always there to talk and help guide you through some of these feelings! We care for you and want to ensure you’re living your best life while traveling with us!

If you’re ready for your next travel assignment, give Titan Medical a call today at 866.332.9600, and we’d love to assist in finding your next adventure!

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.


If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Misty Lack

September 24, 2022



Substance Abuse in Travel Nursing: My Recovery

Content Warning: descriptions of drug use are mentioned in this article. If you or some you know are struggling with substance abuse, get help here.

September 20, 2018

Earlier this week, a Facebook memory of me asking for prayers popped up. I was going in front of the Diversion Program, asking to complete the program. On September 20, 2018, I successfully graduated. I no longer had to wake up and call to see if I had to drug test that day. I didn’t have to attend my nurse support group, and I did not have to make three weekly recovery meetings. My recovery had now become voluntary. 

My new way of living

I enjoy this new way of living, working on myself, and talking with like-minded people about everyday struggles. Today, with my struggles, I find the solution and do not drown myself with drugs and/or alcohol. It is very rare that I get triggered, but it does happen. For instance, as weird as it sounds while having labs drawn this month, the cold feeling of the alcohol pad on my skin triggered me. I immediately called my sponsor, and we talked about it. It is imperative that you do not keep secrets with this disease. Secrets will take you back out into the whirlwind of addiction.

Know your limits and accept them

Today I work in dialysis. It is a safe environment for me. Emergency nursing has been my passion for a very long time, but it is not safe for me. I am not sure if I could handle putting Morphine in someone else’s veins and seeing the response in their eyes. Good self-insight is a must. Know your limits and accept them. 

It has been a privilege to share my story and process. Hopefully, I have reached that still-suffering addict and opened others’ eyes to the disease of addiction among nurses. Moving forward, I would like to have some peers share their stories. 


Please reach out if you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction. SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

We hope you found this article on substance abuse in travel nursing recovery insightful and possibly helpful. Have you found yourself in a similar situation with substance abuse? Would you like to tell your story? Comment below.

If you want to read more of Misty’s story, click here to view her past articles.

Our job board is a great place to search for your next travel nurse assignment. We have you covered with our housing page if housing is an issue. You can search for what you are looking for.