May 5, 2021



4 Ways to Make Mother’s Day Special as a Travel Nurse…and Then Some

This article was provided by OneStaff Medical.

Being a traveling healthcare worker definitely has its challenges. One of them is feeling homesick and being away from family and friends. It is especially difficult when holidays come around. If you are a traveling healthcare worker, you are used to being away on these special occasions, but it is just as important to celebrate from another state, across the country, or even if you are on assignment with your kiddos. Here are some fun ways to celebrate your mother or be celebrated on Mother’s Day. 

mother's day


In today’s day and age, there are countless ways to stay in touch with your loved ones; social media, cell phones, video chat, special apps, and more, in addition to the old school methods of sending emails or even SNAIL MAIL! Making an extra effort to reach out this Mother’s Day will put a smile on her face even if you are scheduled to work. 

  • Before Sunday, schedule a time that you and your mother or your kids are available to have a nice, unrushed talk on the phone to hear their voice/see their face.
  • Purchase a shared journal that you and your mother can pass back and forth and learn more about one another. 
  • Write some “open this when” letters and tell mom how much you love and appreciate her.

Spend Time at home together

There is no better gift to give or receive than spending quality time with a loved one. You don’t need to spend lots of money to make someone feel loved. You can find many fun things to do under your own roof!

  • Schedule a weekend to make a trip home 
  • Spend a day how mom wants to spend the day (looking at you, kiddos)
  • (Another one for the kids) Let mama sleep in!
  • Lounge on the couch together and travel the world at the same time via Amazon Explore
  • Have a make-your-own pizza party
  • Work on a puzzle together

Send a thoughtful gift 

If your love language to give is gift-giving, there are endless options of great gifts to bestow upon your mother, here are just a few options!

  • Send some Flowers
  • Order her a nice meal to be delivered
  • Schedule her a spa day or a massage
  • Purchase something off her Amazon Wishlist
  • Create a custom album, mug, or blanket on websites like Shutterfly

Schedule a fun activity

Do something out of the ordinary. Treat Yo’self by having something fun and different planned for Mother’s Day. 

  • Take a hike as a family or visit your local lake and pond for some quality time outdoors
  • Go to a movie
  • Go to a museum with your kids
  • Have a beach day!

As we aren’t still 100% back to normal after the crazy year, we’ve all had, and it’s a good idea to plan a simple day close to home or spend it outside and enjoy the time you have with each other. Take a few minutes out of your day to tell your mom how much you love and appreciate her or spend a little extra time snuggling your children. Whatever you end up doing, make sure to sprinkle the day with a little extra love.

By Gayatri Regester

May 3, 2021



Wellness for Warriors in Healthcare

Wellness Warriors

As healthcare professionals, we give so much to others. For the longevity of our service to others, we must begin to give care also to ourselves. 

From a place of contentment, happiness, even-mindedness, and inspiration, we are more equipped to handle stressful situations without burnout. And when we have faith in something bigger than ourselves, we carry hope even in the most difficult circumstances. 

So how do we feel contentment? Even-mindedness? Happiness? 

For me, it was the spiritual teaching taught by Swami Kriyananda*, “we cannot change our circumstances, but we can change how we respond to them.” The realization that I consciously have the choice to respond positively or negatively to people and circumstances. Whenever I choose to react negatively- say to get upset, hold a grudge, or some other contractive reaction, I do not feel good. On the flip side, when I choose to see compassion in others, not to let a situation rattle my inner peace, or to remain joyful even in difficult circumstances, I have a feeling of lightness. 

The freedom comes from realizing that nothing and no one can affect your inner self-, the Self that is always joyful, always in a state of peace and calmness, always heart opened and filled with love. To live beyond the present moment and into the eternal now. 

Swami Kriyananda explains superconscious living as “to trust one’s life to the flow of a higher wisdom.” I invite each of you to take a vow of superconscious living inwardly. Take action and see how your life is transformed! 

Vow of Superconscious Living 

  • To be true to your higher, Superconscious Self. 
  • To be a channel of light, of blessing and love to all
  • To live in joy, not sorrow;
  • In truth, not error; 
  • In victory, not failure 
  • To blame no one in adversity but yourself, 
  • And then, instead of blame, To accept responsibility, 
  • With God’s help, 
  • To change yourself. 

*Ananda is a worldwide movement to help individuals realize the joy of their own higher Self. Ananda is based on Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings and was founded by his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda in 1968. 

Thank you Wellness Warriors for all you do and are doing. We hope you found this article informational. Stay tuned for more articles from Gayatri.

By Beatrix Potter

May 1, 2021



5 Elements To Include In Your Travel Nurse Resumes

A dream travel nursing position starts with a top-class resume. Even if the jobs you’re looking at ask for application forms, creating a resume is a great way to get the facts of your qualifications and experience straight in your head, giving you experience in selling yourself and better preparing you for job applications and, if all goes well interviews.

What to include in your resume?

There are a hundred different posts on the best thing to include on travel nurse resumes, so it’s easy to bloat out your resume by trying to include all of them. These tips are guidelines condensed from the advice of experts and recruiters of what the most successful applications have in common. Still, at the end of the day, it’s up to your judgment what elements best sell you and your qualifications.

1. What Sets You Apart?

Positions will likely receive hundreds, if not thousands of applications, so it pays off to demonstrate the unique aspects that set you apart from the competition. This includes specialties, specific trauma or teaching experience, anything that highlights how unique your application is compared to other applicants, or how you are especially suited to the role.

2. Be Specific

One way to set your application apart is by tailoring each application to each position. Serge Tankian, a resume expert at Boomessays and Paperfellows, points out that “there’s nothing more off-putting to a recruiter than knowing you’re reading a copy-pasted CV. It shows the candidate doesn’t really care about your position or, if they are, isn’t willing to put the time in to show it. Look at the assignment listing for the job you’re applying for and include the keywords in your CV, preferably in summary near the top. Also, if you can, do some research on the employer and refer to specific points. You’d be surprised how few applicants do; it’ll immediately set you apart.”

3. Tick The Boxes

Often with travel nurse applications, you have to do a lot of work to get your resume in front of a real and responsible person. Many applications are vetted out by automatic applicant tracking systems, which are just looking for applications to satisfy certain criteria. Sometimes your resume could be perfect, but it’s not formatted appropriately, so the tracking system discounts it.

The aim of the game is simple and clear.

Don’t try to be too fancy with fonts and formatting, or it’s likely to confuse the system. Use plain text, bullet points, and clear and conventional section headings. Also, include keywords or even direct quotes from the job description to show that you fit the specified criteria.

4. List Your Certifications

One of the things that set nursing apart from other careers is the certifications you have to gain before you can practice, so you should make sure you include these in your resume. You’ve worked hard for these, so display them proudly on your applications!

Be detailed

Try to be as detailed as possible when listing your certifications and licenses. Include identification numbers, the official body, and expiration date (or, if not applicable, date obtained) for every license and/or certification you have.

5. Use Action Words

How you write your resume is almost as important as what’s in it, sometimes more so. With a pile of a hundred applications in front of them, recruiters are often looking for any reason to abandon your resume. If your text is boring or difficult to read, there’s less of a chance a recruiter will keep reading to see what you’re qualifications are.

Action words suitable for travel nursing resumes

Thomas Oliphant, a career writer at Write My Paper and Finance Writing Service, recommends you “use action words related to your chosen field to engage the reader. Action words suitable to nursing include administered, nursed, evaluated, sutured, tested, and others. These words show definitive action and are better at getting your experience across.”


Often, no matter what the resume advice is, the best person to give you feedback is your recruiters. Every job is unique, every company has its preferences and guidelines, and the only way to learn them is to send off resumes, ask for feedback — try and try again.

We hope you found these tips for your travel nurse resumes helpful. Do you have any tips you would suggest for travel nurse resumes? Comment them below.

Finished the travel nursing guide and are ready to look for an assignment?

Check out our travel nurse jobs!

By TNAA- Travel Nurse Across America

April 30, 2021



Picking an Agency That Gets You on Assignment Quicker

This article was provided by Travel Nurse Across America.

The travel nursing industry is fast-moving, especially in the job market era of COVID-19. Many jobs are filling as quickly as they post online. If you are coming to the end of our current assignment, this can add unwanted stress. That is why finding an agency that can get you on assignment as quickly as you need to be is important. Keep reading to see if the agency you are working with offers these helpful tips.

Picking an Agency That Gets You on Assignment Quicker

Easy Onboarding


Onboarding can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are working with more than one agency or if you are just starting. Even if you apply with your resume through a job board, it is likely that the agency still needs to create a profile for you. Additionally, most agencies will require a skills checklist to be completed.

Look for an agency that helps you with the onboarding process. Many will have someone available to assist you in filling out that information for your assignment. Believe it or not, it helps to have a dedicated person take the time to enter information with you because it ensures accuracy and speeds up the process.  

It is easy to wonder why it is not as simple as emailing your resume and being done. When an agency submits your profile to a facility, they have had one or more people working behind the scenes to make your profile shine. This is why having an updated profile is a crucial step in finding your dream travel nurse assignment.


Beyond having a recruiter that you click with, finding a job quickly relies on having a knowledgeable recruiter. We have all heard the nightmare stories of being blind submitted to a job you did not know about, but imagine trusting your recruiter so much that you permitted them to submit you the second a job posted because you trust they have your best interests in mind.

A knowledgeable recruiter may have years of experience, or they may just be extra attentive. They will know traveler-friendly hospitals, as well as which facilities offer the fastest interviews. Just make sure you communicate with them what your goals are in finding an assignment.

Support Offered by Agency

There is nothing wrong with only having one contact at an agency if that is your preference. Like having a recruiter who knows facility facts, it benefits you as a traveler to support resources who know the areas. Your recruiter is only one person. If they have a team helping ensure your licenses are applied for and up-to-date, and credentials and references are verified, you can be on the road with confidence. They may even have specialists to help you find housing in the area, including vetting the locations before you pay deposits.

Number of Jobs

Job numbers can easily make you feel tricked. Hopefully, by now, you’ve read enough reviews to know if an agency lists accurate assignments on their site or not. Whether you use the agency’s website directly or the job search function on, most jobs are updated in real-time.

Does that mean the risk of calling in only to find out the position you had been looking at has been filled is obsolete? No. Jobs are moving quickly, and agencies are working with facilities to interview faster than ever.

Nevertheless, a higher number of jobs increases your chances of finding an assignment.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Kevin Devoto

April 29, 2021



6 Reasons to Become a Travel Nurse

As a travel nurse, you take short-term assignments in hospitals around the country, potentially even around the world, when those facilities have a need. There are many different reasons why professional nurses take up the travel lifestyle, and all of them are completely valid. If you’re interested in becoming a travel nurse but are not yet convinced that it is right for you, here are some of the potential benefits. 

1. Avoiding Burnout

Nursing is a rewarding career but also a very demanding one. Becoming a travel nurse allows you to vary your routine, which may be just what you need to get yourself out of the dismal gray doldrums of hospital politics and let some light in to recharge your internal solar battery

2. Developing New Interests

As a travel nurse, you can work in many different places, including those that are very different from where you came from. This gives you the opportunity to try new activities or hobbies that were unavailable to you before. For example, if you came from the Midwest, you can work in a coastal location, giving you the opportunity to try surfing. If you came from Florida, you can take a post in the Rockies and try downhill skiing for the first time. Developing new activities also gives you the opportunity to meet people with the same interests and potentially make new friends. 

3. Escaping Bureaucracy

Hospital politics and bureaucracy can be some of the worst parts of the nursing profession. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with this as a travel nurse. Your contract with an agency that handles all the onboarding and associated paperwork for you. It is understood from the beginning that you are only there on a short-term basis. Therefore, you’re usually at least one step removed from any political posturing or intrigue that may swirl around you. 

4. Enjoying Freedom and Flexibility

A traditional nursing job can sometimes feel like a prison sentence. You may feel that you are always on call and don’t get enough time to yourself. As a travel nurse, you have the freedom to choose your own assignments. When you finish one stint, you can choose your next one on your own time. If you wish, you can take a long break in between assignments for a much-needed vacation. Not only that but as a travel nurse, you have total freedom to choose where you want to go to work. If there’s a particular place where you have always wanted to travel, here’s the opportunity to go there and get paid for it. 

5. Growing as a Professional

As a travel nurse, you go to work where there is a need, whether that be a remote rural hospital or a top research facility. Each of these settings offers you the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques that contribute to your professional growth. You will become more well-rounded as a result, which can open up more options for you if and when you decide to return to full-time work at a single facility. Performing different jobs as a travel nurse may also give you an idea of a specialty in which you would particularly like to work long-term. 

6. Earning More Money

Nursing salaries are not known for being exorbitant, but travel nurses often make more money than their non-traveling counterparts. Not only do the hourly pay rates tend to be more generous, but there are also bonuses and the opportunity to earn more through overtime or shift differentials. Some travel nursing companies also provide private housing to travel nurses free of charge, drastically cutting down on the cost of living and essentially putting more money in your pocket. 

The experience you gain as a travel nurse can help you gain a clearer idea of what you want in life. You may find that traveling and working in many different places helps you decide where you ultimately want to settle down, establish some roots, and work out the rest of your career. 

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

By Jackson Nurse Professionals

April 26, 2021



Can Acupuncture Help Relieve Your Stress as a Travel Nurse?

This article was provided by Jackson Nurse Professionals.

While you might love travel nursing and exploring new destinations, sometimes the stress and anxiety you experience on a day-to-day basis can make any assignment miserable. In fact, beyond your career as a nurse, travel anxiety is common; The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders reported that it’s not only brought on by commuting a long distance but also by meeting new people, putting yourself out there, and generally stepping outside of your comfort zone.

While relaxation techniques like meditation and taking long, slow breaths may help you cope with some anxiousness, acupuncture may be an alternative method to consider for longer-lasting results.

What is acupuncture?

According to the Mayo Clinic, acupuncture is a method of traditional Chinese medicine that is defined as the insertion of thin needles into the skin in specifically targeted points on the body. The idea behind acupuncture is that it has the ability to rebalance energy flow by stimulating nerves, muscles, and connective tissues within the body. It’s used to realign the body’s natural ability to heal.

Acupuncture is most commonly used to reduce symptoms of common conditions, such as tension migraines, lower back pain, neck pain, and menstrual cramps. More recently, acupuncture has been used to improve overall wellness, specifically in line with reducing stress levels and better managing anxiety. In fact, in a study released in 2021 by the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, they found that “..two types of acupuncture significantly reduced survivors’ chronic pain.”

Can it help you?

Opinions vary, but Rosa N. Schnyer reports that 9 out of 10 of her clients respond positively to acupuncture. A clinical assistant professor of nursing at The University of Texas at Austin reports that her patients frequently respond with “wow!” after acupuncture treatment.  

Ladan Eshkevari, Ph.D., CRNA, LAc, associate professor in the department of nursing and the department of pharmacology and physiology at GUMC, shared the potential benefits acupuncture can have on those dealing with stress and anxiety.

“The benefits of acupuncture are well known by those who use it, but such proof is anecdotal,” Eshkevari said in a press release. “This research, the culmination of several studies, demonstrates how acupuncture might work in the human body to reduce stress and pain, and, potentially, depression.”

What now?

Because results can vary from person to person, it’s better to meet with an acupuncturist and decide from there. They’ll ask about your medical history, health concerns, and symptoms you want to treat. Then, you can decide.

Travel nursing is all about stepping outside of your comfort zone. Maybe this is your chance to reduce your stress and anxiety while trying something new. If you do, let us know how it went!

We hope you found this information on acupuncture helpful. For more articles on wellness for travel nurses click here.

Finished the travel nursing guide and are ready to look for an assignment?

Check out our travel nurse jobs!

By Furnished Finder

April 25, 2021



Travel Nurse Housing: What Happens if My Rental Doesn’t Work Out?

There are a ton of how-to guides on travel nurse housing. This travel nurse housing guide is one example of how you can find a place to live for your thirteen-week assignment that is affordable and safe.


However, even the best-laid plans can end up not working out. While your main concern may be that your travel contract itself gets canceled, there is always a chance that something may fall through with your rental. 

This could result from a multitude of things. Perhaps a family emergency arises, and the property owner decides to sell their rental. Or, something important breaks within the home, and repairs push back a move-in date. Regardless, most of the time, these sorts of situations will be well outside your control, so there is not much you can do but take a deep breath and reassess your options.

Start back at square one.

If you hear your current housing plan is not going to work out, perhaps the platform where you found your rental originally will have more options. Rentals that were previously unavailable may have had a tenant cancel, or new landlords may have listed properties. 

Post a housing request.

The Furnished Finder Travel Nurse Housing group is a great place to post a specific request for housing on short notice. This group has tens of thousands of travelers and landlords, so putting yourself out there gets you seen by tons of people who may have leads for wherever you are going. 

Reach out to your rental manager.

On occasion, nurse managers may have some leads on staff nurses who rent to travel nurses in the area. Many staff nurses have realized that renting to travelers on their unit can be a lucrative side hustle, so it’s worth asking your manager if they have any ideas of places to live. 

Consider adjusting your expectations.

If you aren’t having luck finding the private, furnished space you were dreaming of. You might consider branching out to other housing options. Many travel nurses have a great experience renting furnished rooms or renting an unfurnished space and leasing furniture separately. When housing falls through at the last minute, sometimes you have to get a little creative. 

Look for a short(er) term option.

Sometimes you will have much more success house hunting in person. If you are super short on time when it comes to finding new housing, it might be worth it to book a hotel for the first couple of weeks of your assignment and then take some time to look around the area for something more permanent. Or, you can find a property that is available a few weeks into your contract and make plans to stay in a hotel temporarily. Regardless, the Hotel Search Page on Furnished Finder’s website is a great place to look for reasonably priced hotels and score exclusive discounts offered only to Furnished Finder customers. 

Bottom Line: Don’t panic.

If I can promise you one thing, it is this: hundreds of travelers have gone through last-minute housing hiccups, and it always, always works out. Sometimes better than you planned in the beginning. No matter how small or how big the town you are traveling to may be, there will be something available that fits your needs!

We hope you found this article what to do if your rental doesn’t work out. If you would like to read more articles on housing click here.

By Sandra Manson

April 23, 2021



5 Examples Of Nursing Career Goals That Are Achievable

Travel nurses in the modern world have to be competitive and go on one step with the newest technologies. Apart from traditional skills, travel nurses have to know one more issue. How to become competitive in the labor market when there are thousands of travel nurses like you? There are several effective recommendations.

The Main Achievable Goals For Travel Nurses

The profession of travel nurses is based on great skills and knowledge. It is worth mentioning; the travel nurses teach them how to bring pills, inject her, give the first aid for several years. Still, like in different professions, it is not enough to complete the work duties during the whole life. The travel nurses ought to learn something new all the time. 

On one side, it is easy to say but hard to complete. On the other side, when you know which steps are better to take, all will be easy. There are a lot of goals to achieve. However, start from the basic goals, which will lead you to a successful nursing career. These five attributes to remember in completing the goals. They will manage the performance of basic goals. 

  • Specific. Choose one clear area and work on it. There is no matter to choose altogether and do not succeed in anyone.
  • Measurable. Your goal has to be real with a certain result.
  • Achievable. The number of resources and capabilities is enough to reach the goal. In each case, it depends on the person.
  • Relevant. For instance, the travel nurse in the local city hospital cannot put the goal to learn Chinese. The goal should be attached to the organization and sphere of work.
  • Timely. Put the deadline for yourself to reach the goal in a certain period. Do not make illusions and spread them for the whole life. 

Together those goals are called SMART. Use the recommendations above to reach the achievable goals below. 

5 Achievable Examples Of Goals In Nursing Career

Continuing Education

Some travel nurses find this point very boring, while others are fond of it. Still, education includes several issues.

  • Learning medical techniques in general
  • Unit-specific certificates

These two points are similar but diverse simultaneously—the evolution of medical techniques and pedagogy demands from travel nurses the continuing learning and acquisition with new challenges. Keep your hand on the pulse and learn something new every week. Read the useful updates for the travel nurses. Life-learners have more positive feedback than those who work with the old techniques.

Talking about the unit-specific certificates, consider where you work or will be in the future. There are a lot of different certificates for travel nurses. Of course, specialists who work in the intensive care units and cosmetology have different knowledge. Apart from the general techniques, adapt new helpful skills from the certificates.

Nowadays, it is easy to achieve success in learning. Subscribe to different online Telegram channels, Facebook accounts, and other blogs to see what is going on in the medical world. Nowadays there are great online sources and platforms for everything, from online dating to getting nursing knowledge. Even 15-20 minutes on the regarded platforms every day will make your perspectives better.

Ask yourself all the time: “What should I learn today?”

Effective Patient-Centered Care

Excellent care for patients is task number one for medical workers. Travel nurses are the authority in communication with the patient. They complete all the decisions of the doctors and cure the patients. Apart from the technical part of work, travel nurses face moral tasks as well. 

Needless to say, the moral part is the most difficult and worried at the same time. The travel nurses face the patients at the first turn. They try to keep ill people in good conditions and balance their moral state. The key and achievable goal are to learn fast methods to help patients and make their position better.

The nursing career of a travel nurse has a great impact. The satisfaction of patients in different spheres of medicine can lead you to a higher position. Humanity can make you more brightful and put you in the shadow of your colleagues.

Ask yourself all the time: “Who are my patients?”

Sustain Modern Technology Skills

For sure, there is a noticeable development of technology skills every day. The new updates help travel nurses to update their skills and improve the patient’s states. Whom does the medical sphere demand? Of course, the workers, who go together with the technology changes and implement them in the daily work duties.

Saying in touch with new technologies travel nurses have to learn how to troubleshoot the potential problems with patients. All the notions should be learned in detail. Spend time on it to overcome all the difficulties and get into the online world of medicine. Use the same blogs and useful resources to get more information. Show your interests and perceive new updates quickly to stay beyond the competition.

Ask yourself all the time: “How can I optimize the work?”

Hone Interpersonal Skills

The profession of the travel nurse is social first of all. To reinforce the nursing career flow, build your reputation. The average patient faces a large number of professionals in the hospital. Collaboration and highly effective communication among workers is key to getting over the illnesses and providing excellent care. 

The cooperation between travel nurses, lab workers, technicians, pharmacy professionals, and doctors depends on the patients’ satisfaction. As no one from the list above, the travel nurse should develop interpersonal connections on the professional level. 

Actually, it is essential to maintain a healthy distance among colleagues and personal life. Private life is better to keep apart from work relationships. Remember this rule and set it like a goal. As soon as you complete it, your outstanding among colleagues will raise a lot. 

Ask yourself all the time: “How can I help my colleague?”

Stay Opened To New Challenges

Sometimes people believe the work of travel nurses includes only taking care of the patients. Besides, it is not so at all. Travel nurses have to complete the patients’ data, distribute medicine, control the level of pain of the patients and others. 

The list of duties is huge. The key point is to feel free about the new tasks and challenges. Sometimes they can be difficult. By the way, when you perceive them, your skills are getting better—the focus on becoming an expert of your work setting you on the best scenario in the specialty. 

Ask yourself all the time: “When would  I face a new challenge?”

The Bottom Line

Now you have the list of the best 5 examples of travel nursing career goals, which will help you get into a higher position on the career ladder. The question of time is still open. It depends on your life values and effort towards the goals. 

The regarded nursing career goals will keep you inspired and motivated even on the busiest days at work. The nursing career’s goals can be unlimited with space. Make your best to achieve positive results in the career of nursing. 

By Soliant Health

April 22, 2021



Transplant Nursing and Travel Opportunities

This article was provided by Soliant Health.

Working as a nurse in any capacity or specialty allows you to make an impact on someone’s life. Transplant nursing is one of those areas where you know you are making a difference and helping a patient get a second chance at life.

What Do Transplant Nurses Do?

The responsibilities of transplant nurses may vary depending on where they work. In some situations, nurses may work with the donor, the recipient, or both. Transplant nurses play a vital role in preparing the patient and possibly the donor for the transplant process. This may involve taking medical histories and educating patients on the recovery process. Transplant nurses also take care of patients and donors after a transplant. This may include taking vital signs, administering medication, and monitoring patients for signs of complications after a transplant.


After graduating from an accredited registered nursing program and passing the licensing exam, you can start your nursing career. Since transplant nursing is a specialty area, most hospitals require nurses have at least a few years of general nursing experience.

One of the best areas of nursing to gain experience in is medical, surgical nursing. Medical, surgical nurses have the opportunity to treat a wide variety of patients, including those recovering after various surgical procedures. They also often treat patients who have an illness that may eventually require an organ transplant, such as patients with liver, kidney, and heart disease.

After getting at least a year or two of general nursing experience, consider taking the transplant nurse certification exam, which is offered through the American Board of Transplant Certification.

Travel Nursing Opportunities

Advances in medicine have allowed new types of organ transplants. Also, some types of transplants are now able to be performed using a living donor. This also creates an increase in the number of transplants being done. With an increase in transplants being performed, the need for qualified transplant nurses increases.

Traditionally, transplant nursing is not one of the areas a large number of nurses go into. During nursing school, nurses are exposed to areas of nursing, such as pediatrics, labor and delivery, oncology, and emergency room nursing. Many nurses may not consider transplant nursing initially if they don’t have much experience with it.

The combination of increased transplants and lack of qualified transplant nurses creates a demand for transplant traveler nurses. Opportunities for transplant nurse travelers may be anywhere in the United States. Often transplant programs are in large medical centers located near major US cities.

Pros and Cons

There are many positive aspects related to transplant nursing. One of the biggest pros is seeing a patient get a second chance at life. Also, transplants often improve a patient’s quality of life greatly. Playing a role in this transformation can be very rewarding. Transplant nurses are also often on the cutting edge of new technology and procedures, which can be exciting.

All nurses who work in a clinical setting, such as hospitals, will have to deal with stressful situations. As a nurse, you understand it comes with the territory of the job.

If you are a travel nurse looking for your next assignment, make sure to visit Soliant’s Travel Nursing Job page to find your next opportunity!

Finished the travel nursing guide and are ready to look for an assignment?

Check out our travel nurse jobs!