By Titan Medical

June 11, 2021



4 Tips For Staying Safe During Summer Thunderstorms

This article was provided by Titan Medical.

Thunderstorm season is here, and as a traveler, you might encounter severe thunderstorms when traveling between assignments. Here are some tips for staying safe and recognizing signs of when the weather might take a turn for the worse.

1. During a thunderstorm

Avoid standing or leaning on concrete as electricity can easily be conducted through it. You’ll also want to stay away from trees, electrical wires, fences, and anything that electricity can easily pass through. If driving, pull to the side of the road and wait for the storm to pass.

2. Sign up for weather alerts

Download a weather app and allow it to access your location when you are not using the app. This will allow your phone to automatically update and send you weather warning notifications if a thunderstorm is near.

 3. Set up an Emergency Bag

Fill your emergency bag up with a flashlight, extra batteries, a first aid kit, and even some nonperishable food items. If you can get your hands on a portable generator, that would be a great addition to your emergency bag.

4. Safety while driving

When headed to a new location and a thunderstorm approaches, research the nearest storm shelters on your route. If no shelters are near while driving, pull over to park your car, keep your seatbelt on and engine running and cover your head with your hands and any extra clothing or blankets you have.

We hope you found these tips for staying safe during a summer thunderstorm helpful. Do you have any thunderstorm safety tips that you think other travel nurses would find helpful? Comment them below.

If you are ready for your next travel assignment this Summer, give Titan Medical a call today at 866-332-9600, and we’d love to assist in finding your next adventure!

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