By Go Healthcare Staffing

October 1, 2021



When Should I Take Time Off as a Travel Nurse?

This article was provided by Go Healthcare.

This is a question that is asked over and over.  The best time to take time off?  There is no best time, BUT as a travel nurse, one must understand they are supplemental staff to the Full-time staff why the whole industry was created due to Full-time staff shortages.  But we are in a pandemic, so here are some ideas.

In between contracts or extensions. 

This is the best time if you need a week to take a breather and get recharged.  Nurses are being asked to work longer, and in more difficult environments, so it is okay to say you need some time for yourself.

Work with your manager for scheduling

If you feel burnt out or tired, work with them to see if you could get a week where your schedule may allow for a long weekend or a four-day weekend where you would have a Friday and/or a Monday off.  Sometimes you just need a few days….

Not holidays but around the holidays. 

Meaning supplemental staff is usually asked to work the holidays due to the Full-time staff wanting to take holidays.  Hence there is usually a solid bump for that day or bonus.  So if you work with your manager, you can schedule sometime around and still get the benefit of higher pay.

Just like any profession, there is never a good time one feels to take a breather. 

Just know work will be there. But understand the pandemic will end in time, and rates will come back down, so if there is a time to work and actually work as many hours as you can, now and the near term would be the time and save some money to take a nice relaxing vacation when the pandemic ends! 

We hope you found these tips for taking some time to yourself as a travel nurse helpful. Do you have any advice to share with new or even veteran fellow travel nurses about vacations and time off? Comment them below.

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About Go Healthcare:

For every reason you decide to travel, we are there for you. As a Travel Nurse, you have the opportunity to travel anywhere in the country while gaining an enriching experience both professionally and personally. Some reasons you may decide to travel include avoiding “hospital politics” as a staff RN, a chance to see the country, gain clinical experience for your nurse resume, increase your earning potential and connect with friends or family far and nearby working in the same city. We offer our Go RN Travelers exciting travel assignments across the country, competitive pay & benefits, and healthcare insurance from “day one” of your contract.

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