By Frank Hamilton

October 5, 2021



How To Write Covid-19 on Your Travel Nurse CV

During the global pandemic, healthcare professionals were as demanded as never before. Travel nurses aren’t an exception. But despite the demand in the labor market, there is fierce competition that forces travel nurses to pay special attention to promoting themselves as a specialist.

For example, the experience of treating patients with COVID-19 can be crucial in landing a worthy job. Therefore, a modern travel nurse CV must necessarily contain information about COVID-19, if there is experience with caring for patients with it. How to properly highlight it in your CV? Below you will find some tips on how to create a competitive CV, mentioning your contribution to the global pandemic fight.

How to Write Covid-19 on Your Travel Nurse CV?

There are two main points regarding Covid-19 that you should note in your CV. It’s about what skills you got and how they affected your professional experience. How to describe them correctly? Below you will find a couple of insights in these areas with the help of which you can correctly highlight your experience during the pandemic.

Don’t Hesitate

When it comes to Covid-19, it can be decisive for your employment. If you have experience in caring for patients with Covid-19, have quickly adapted to new treatment protocols, or have received additional certification in lungs ventilation, then all this should be reflected in your resume without any hesitation. Even minimal experience in treating patients with Covid-19 can be decisive.

Mention Relevant Certificates

If you have undergone additional training, then undoubtedly it is worth mentioning this in your CV. Certified specialists are always in demand, especially during a pandemic, and such a point will beneficially highlight your theoretical background, which you will have to prove in the next sections of your CV.

Add Statistics

At the first glance, it may seem strange to have a statistic in a CV, but if we talk about a global pandemic, each person you helped to survive matters.  Therefore, you do not have a single reason to devalue your services to society.

If you worked during the peak of the pandemic and you have indicators of how many people got better with your help, then this can be a good moment that will set you apart from the competitors. For example, you can indicate something like “During my employment at X, 148 out of 150 patients went on a full recovery”.

Expand the Skills Section

There is no doubt that due to the worldwide pandemic, you have gained additional skills that you could not have noted earlier. What skills are we talking about? If we talk about Covid-19, then you can additionally highlight the following vital skills:

  • adaptability to the situation,
  • instant decision making,
  • Covid-19 treatment protocol awareness,
  • the ability to work with different ventilation devices,
  • the ability to implement preventive measures for Covid-19.

Highlight the Achievements

If you have any awards that you received during Covid pandemic, note them in your CV. This includes both achievements and awards. For example, if you have such a nomination as DAISY, then it is worth mentioning this in your resume. There is no doubt that such an award will be another benefit you shouldn’t hesitate to show off.

Use Professional Resume Writing Help

Even though travel nurses are now in great demand, competition remains fierce. To get a high-paying job, you need to market yourself as a medical expert and empathic caregiver at the same time. Your CV is a good tool for this.

Use the professional help of writers to create a resume that will grab the attention of HR managers and employers. Use the best essay services reviews to discover the best custom writing companies to get quality help in CV writing.

How To Find Travel Nurse Job

After you have your CV ready, you can proceed to the final stage. Post your resume on local and global job boards, partner with relevant recruiting companies, and don’t forget about using social media.

For example, a platform like Linkedin can help you build the right connections with both employers and HR managers. If you have experience of working with an HR manager, then send your resume again. Perhaps the manager has a suitable job offer for you right now. Always stay in touch with managers, agencies and recruiting companies to be always updated on fresh openings and relocation opportunities.

Wrapping Up

Use the above tips to create such a CV that will differentiate you from the other travel nurses and will open doors to the best job offers. Highlighting your skills and experience in the right way is key to your career as a travel nurse. In this article, we have shared simple yet actionable tips on how to dwell on your experience in the context of Covid-19, so make sure to use them and turn your new skills into competitive advantages along with the opportunity to proceed with helping those in need.

Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our jobs page. Do you have an assignment but need housing? Click here to view our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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