By LRS Healthcare

April 29, 2019



Travel Nurse Recruiter Relationship: Do’s and Don’t You Dares

This article provided by: LRS Healthcare

The relationship you and your medical travel recruiter build can make or break not only your upcoming placement, but also your entire career. The travel nurse recruiter relationship needs attention. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you rate the value your recruiter brings to the travel table.

Awesome do’s:

Do stick with those who stick to their word.

Word is bond, and if your travel nurse recruiter relationship is at the very least an open and honest one. That’s fantastic and should always come standard.

Your travel nurse recruiter should never over promise and under deliver. Honesty is always the best policy. It’s a good sign if your recruiter admits they don’t know the answer to your question while practicing their due diligence to find the most accurate information on your behalf.” —Craig Overway, LRS Healthcare Social Media Recruiter

Do partner with those who advocate on your behalf.

Many travel nurse recruiters out there go above and beyond for their travelers—which is awesome because you deserve red-carpet treatment. But your safety, licensing integrity, treatment on assignment and prompt compensation are not cherries to good recruiters, they’re part of the job they should be passionate about 24/7/365.

Do open up to those who invest in your why.

Your travel nurse recruiter should want to get to know you as a person and understand your travel and life goals. By understanding what motivates you and your general interests, they’ll be able to connect you with opportunities in line with your personal career plan. They’ll also be able to move more quickly with targeted placement and housing options. So many good recruiters out there become great friends with their travelers because they are invested in their happiness and truly care.

Big don’t you dares:

Don’t associate with those who bad talk others.

It’s never a good sign when a travel recruiter throws serious shade about their coworkers, a facility or other travelers. Sure, you two will become close, and being real about what’s going on in your lives and swapping stories can and should happen. But if venting turns into gossip, your spidey senses should be telling you something isn’t kosher and consider treading lightly.

Don’t work with those who place you without consent.

Hey, I submitted you for a job in Hawaii!” OK, that sounds great, but if you didn’t agree to it ahead of time, that’s a huge recruiter red flag. The excitement you hear in her voice or read in his text is just the spin doctor talking, and even if you’re interested in the placement, you should always give the yes or no to opportunities before your travel nurse recruiter submits your information to a facility.

Don’t waste your time on those who waste yours.

Nobody likes their chain yanked. Overway puts it well here, “Time is an incredibly valuable asset, and location and pay are of major importance to travel nurses and allied travelers. Your recruiter should always be real with you and let you know early on if something isn’t lining up with a potential assignment rather than stringing you along for days or even weeks.

Your travel nurse recruiter relationship is KEY to success.

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