This article provided by: TaleMed

What to Look for in a Travel Nurse Recruiter
Travel nursing is a rewarding — and demanding — career. Exploring the country offers amazing opportunities, but it also poses many transitions. A new healthcare facility. New processes. A new colleagues. New area of the country.
Having a great recruiter is key to a successful travel nursing career. Recruiters are the number one resource in helping travel nurses find the right role. In addition to job placement, they should also be available the entire assignment, ready to help solve any potential issue.
Recruiters should build strong relationships with their nurses, which is what makes travel nurse recruiting so unique. They work with people of all ages from all walks of life and must be able to to connect with everyone. Often, travel nurses are traveling alone, and their only consistent professional support system is their recruiter.
What makes a great travel nurse recruiter?
It’s essential to find a recruiter in which you can build a strong relationship. But it can be difficult knowing how to choose the right one.
So, what exactly makes a great travel nurse recruiter? Here are the top five qualities to look for.
Deep understanding of the industry —
Understanding what different nurses want and what different hospitals need will create positive experiences.
Flexible and available —
They understand that issues can occur anytime during an assignment and should be willing to help even outside of office hours. It’s also important that a recruiter is proactive rather than reactive. Action plans saves time, stress and worry for the nurse.
Critical thinking skills —
It’s impossible to have a plan for every issue. A great recruiter can come up with a solution quickly. Furthermore, a recruiter that is high energy and on their toes will be ready for any situation a nurse may face.
Excellent communication skills —
You want a recruiter that calls to check on you often, responds to your questions in a timely manner, and is transparent. When discussing future assignments, be clear about what you’re looking for. This help your recruiter understand you better and find the best assignment.
Positive and caring attitude —
Think of your interactions with your recruiter like a professional relationship with a friend. In many cases, they could become one of your closet friends. TaleMed recruiter Brad Baumer says he’s so close with his nurses that some of them attended his wedding.
Finding the Right Recruiter for You
Now that you know what to look for in a recruiter, how do you find one that is the right fit for you?
TaleMed recruiter Wes Holman says, “Find somebody who can prove that they’re going to be consistent with communication and that they’re going to be upfront and honest with all the questions the nurse has, and also someone who shows that they’re going to have the nurse’s best interest in mind at all times.”
Don’t choose a recruiter solely based on what others say. Talk to them yourself and then make your own judgement. Go with what feels right to you.
Wherever you end up, one thing is for sure. Having a great recruiter will help you make the most out of your travel nurse adventures.
Finished the travel nursing guide and are ready to look for an assignment?