By The Gypsy Nurse

November 6, 2021



Working the Holiday Shift?

5 Ways to shift your mood happy

Even though so many people depend on nurses during the holidays, it may not make you feel all that joyous when you are on your feet for a holiday shift. What’s more, travel nurses are often away from family and friends and have a work schedule that prevents that trip home for a brief reunion. Here are some ideas that might make that holiday shift a little easier to endure:

1.) Forget the calendar:

Celebrate the holiday early or later than the rest of the country. Plan to continue your traditions when family and friends can be together. If you are traveling, you may also find fares are less expensive off-peak.

2.) Look for the perks:

There may be some upside to holiday hours, extra pay, or even a free meal from the cafeteria. You can also create your own with colleagues in the same boat, do a pot luck, and share some of your favorite recipes or desserts.

3.) Find joy in your patients:

It’s amazing how rewarding empathy can be. If you find yourself caring for someone in need on the holidays, try to look for ways to make them feel better and enjoy the holiday.

4.) Be positive:

If you obsess with being sad or even angry over your schedule, you are destined to feel that way and project that attitude on others. Suppose you find blessings and joy to focus on (your health, family, employment, and a paycheck, even the weather); you are bound to feel better. And, everyone looks better with a smile.

5.) Reward yourself:

It might be tough to get through your shift when others enjoy a home-cooked meal, so plan a treat for yourself after the holiday shift. Give yourself something to look forward to; a spa day, dinner out, extra class at the gym, or even decadent chocolate.

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