By Jennifer Traub

August 29, 2021



Traits to Have as a Travel Nurse

I have been a nurse for eight years and a travel nurse for three and a half. I’ve learned some traits and qualities and ways you can act to be stellar at what you do throughout my journey. They are as follows:

Traits of Travel Nurses:


BE ADAPTABLE! – you will be thrown into a new atmosphere with new coworkers and ways of doing things. Learn to fit in and adapt quickly. Get familiar with the culture of the unit. It will make for a smoother transition.

Don’t be negative

Don’t talk smack about your unit to your coworkers. Consider yourself a guest in someone’s home. No one wants to hear your negativity about their home while you’re coming to visit.

Keep pay to yourself

We all know travel nurses can make bank. Don’t brag to your whole unit about how much money you’re making. Your co-workers don’t want to hear it. 

Pack light

Travel light and be a minimalist. Sometimes contracts fall through, or life gets in the way. It is a lot easier moving when you don’t have a lot of stuff to lug around.


 Attend travel nurse events. Look up events going on in your local area or city. Other travel nurses may have arranged meetups and social events. It makes life less lonely on the road.

Offer help

Always offer help to your co-workers. Maintaining a good relationship with people on your unit is always nice because you never know if you’ll want to come back or sign on permanently. Never burn your bridges!

Cancelling a contract

Don’t cancel contracts. It is not good for your reputation, and you may make yourself unhireable to sister facilities.

 Have fun!

Have as much fun as possible! A new city means hundreds of new things to do with new friends! Go out there and explore!


Make sure you have at least 1-2 years of experience before you go out traveling. Sometimes you don’t know what kind of unit you’re getting yourself into, so the more experience you have, the better.

 Have a positive attitude

Adopt the mentality: I can do anything for 13 weeks. I have worked some amazing contracts and some not-so-good ones. However, none of it matters because there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope these tips helped!

Travel nursing has been one of the greatest experiences I have ever had, and I have become passionate about helping others do what I did! It is a great way to enjoy life, work, and see our beautiful country. 

We hope that these tips for traits of travel nurses have been helpful. Are there any traits we missed? Comment them below. If you would like more information or tips for travel nurses, check out the articles below!

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

Join The Gypsy Nurse Nation

Discover new travel nurse jobs, subscribe to customized job alerts and unlock unlimited resources for FREE.

Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab

By The Gypsy Nurse

August 28, 2021



Making Long-Distance Relationships Work as a Travel Nurse

This article was provided by Health Providers Choice.

Long-distance relationships tend to get a bad rap. Often, this occurs because we’ve been part of a failed one! However, not all long-distance relationships are doomed to fail — and just because you’ve decided to embark on a career as a travel nurse doesn’t mean your current relationship will fail. There are steps you can take to make sure your relationship not only stays healthy but also that you and your loved one grow as a couple and as individuals.

Connections are key

Managing relationships from afar can be difficult no matter if it’s with a romantic partner, family member, or close friend. Not having your loved ones nearby can make you feel lonely and sad, especially in a brand-new city where you don’t know anyone.

Despite these difficulties, maintaining your connections back home is important while on assignment. Personal relationships are critical for happiness, and neglecting them can put a damper on your mental health and your job performance.

Physically seeing loved ones can be difficult while you’re busy on a travel nurse assignment. Instead, you’ll need to find other ways to connect from afar to stay in touch and continue to grow together while you’re away.

Ways to bond with loved ones from afar

While face-to-face connections are often easier and of higher value to us, there are many ways we can connect with our loved ones with miles between us. Here are a few simple ideas forbuildingd on your relationships andstayingy in touch, no matter how far away you are.

  • Make a schedule to talk. As a travel nurse, your schedule might be opposite from your loved ones and can keep you quite busy throughout the week. Identify a time that works for both of you each week and schedule a phone call or video chat. This way, you have something to look forward to and it’s less likely you’ll be too busy to talk.
  • Do things together. You don’t have to be in the same room as your loved one to do things together. For example, there are numerous websites that let you synchronize TV shows on streaming services, so you can watch TV with a partner while on the phone. You can also play an online game while voice chatting, or even share a daily routine like breakfast.
  • Send care packages. Who doesn’t love getting a surprise package in the mail from a loved one? Pack a few surprise items and ship it back home to your family or friends to let them know you’ve been thinking about them.
  • Hand-write letters. Snail mail is still popular, especially when you’re apart from loved ones. Sending a hand-written note can be a thoughtful or romantic gesture your loved one will appreciate even after you return.

Growing together while apart

One of the most important things to remember when in a long-distance relationship is that it requires a higher level of trust, communication, and thoughtfulness. You need to be open and honest about your emotions and discuss things that are bothering you to work through problems.

This higher level of communication, as well as the solitude you experience, will make both you and your loved one better people. Long-distance relationships give you the opportunity to explore parts of yourself on your own, learn how to be self-sufficient, and grow into someone new. Once you return from your assignment, you and your loved one will better understand yourselves and what it means to be in a loving relationship.

With patience, attention, and bonding activities, you and your loved one will make it through your assignment and be stronger because of it.

Are you searching for a GREAT Paying Travel Nurse Position?

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab

By Gifted Healthcare

August 27, 2021



Travel Nursing Tips: Maintaining Your Long-Distance Relationship on Assignment

This article was provided by Gifted Healthcare.

Travel nursing offers amazing adventures, great pay, and valuable professional experience, but travel nursing assignments can occasionally cause conflict in romantic relationships. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but this doesn’t make long-distance dating any easier!

Whether you’ve been with someone for years or recently met someone before your assignment, there are ways to make things easier on you and your partner.

Read on for a list of tips and strategies to maintain your long-distance relationship while on assignment.

Make a Game Plan

Planning is important in a long-distance relationship. Before you leave for your assignment, talk about what you expect from each other while you are gone. Outline your needs, wants, and boundaries. Setting standards will prevent a lot of worry and stress.

Do you like texting throughout the day or checking in by phone? Are there certain times of the day you are more available to speak? Will you take a trip to see each other during your assignment?

Once you make a game plan, you’ll both have a better idea about what to expect while you are away. That way, you won’t have to stress about your partner not responding to your texts or phone calls and vice versa.

Communicate Creatively

The physical limitations of long-distance relationships can be difficult, but you can avoid feeling like you’re in a rut by getting creative with your communication.

When you arrive at your destination, giving your partner a “full tour” of your new housing is a fun way to make them feel like they’re along for the ride. Small, thoughtful updates about your day will let them know they’re on your mind. If you’ve established specific times of day to communicate, that doesn’t mean you can’t be spontaneous – send a link to a song you both like, snap a picture of something silly, or talk about what you’ll do during your first date once you’re back home.

Try scheduling your longer catch-up calls ahead of time. Having a skype date or phone call to look forward to can make those long shifts fly by.

Share Experiences

Thankfully, technology has made long-distance relationships much easier than they used to be. There are still ways to share experiences, even if you’re halfway across the world from your partner.

Try picking a show that both of you haven’t seen to watch while you’re away. Scheduling evenings to watch it together and discuss new episodes is a great way to stay engaged and connected. You can do the same thing with movies, articles, or books.

Remind Yourself It’s Not Permanent

Even though it may seem like you’ll be apart forever, it’s simply not true! If you experience conflict, miscommunications, or you’re just feeling blue, remind yourself that your assignment will come to an end.

While it’s not a good idea to obsess over how many days remain until you’re back home, it can be useful during particularly rough days.

There are so many ways to stay connected to loved ones while you’re a travel nurse. With a little effort and honest communication, travel nursing can help you learn about yourself and your partner in exciting ways, allowing you to cultivate an even deeper connection than the one you have.

Maintain Friendships with Others

You may be tempted to spend every free moment talking to your significant other, but this can cause feelings of isolation and loneliness. Maintaining independent friendships outside of your relationship is important.

Don’t miss out on opportunities to bond with your coworkers or new friends outside of work, even if it means taking a rain check on that Skype chat with your partner. If your significant other wants the best for you, it will make them happy that you’re making friends.

Be Flexible

While it’s important to set and maintain standards and expectations for your relationship, don’t let a change of plans stress you out. Keep an open mind and try to remain in the present, as your assignment won’t last forever. Plus, your partner will appreciate your flexibility – it will let you communicate that you are confident in your relationship.

Invest in Yourself

The bottom line: the quality of your experience is up to you. Perceiving your travel nursing assignment as an opportunity rather than an obstacle is the best way to enjoy your time away from your partner.

Make plenty of time to focus on your own interests. Explore your new city, take on new or forgotten hobbies, and invest in your own happiness. Spend your time in ways that will eliminate future regret about your awesome nursing adventure.

If you develop the ability to be satisfied on your own, staying in your long-distance relationship will become more meaningful – because you’re truly choosing to be with the one you love.

Looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. Found an assignment but need housing? Click here to view our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

Join The Gypsy Nurse Nation

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab

By Matt Guenther

August 26, 2021



Tips For Finding Short-Term Travel Nurse Furnished Housing

Travel nurses are real explorers and adventurers. This is why many see it as a special profession, as registered nurses get to take their skills on the road.

But, this has a few challenges on the way. After obtaining a position from a hospital, the next step is to find the right housing, and it can be very stressful.

So, if you are looking for some advice and tips, you have come to the right place!

About Travel Nurse Housing

Where do traveling nurses stay?

This is a question that many first-time and new travel nurses ask, especially after securing an assignment. While some companies provide lodging and accommodation for travel nurses, others offer stipends instead.

If you have a housing stipend, you will be the one to find and secure your housing. The good thing is there are several options available on the market. All you need to do, though, is to know the best ways to apply to locate the most appropriate housing for you.

Top Travel Housing Search Tips

Here are some tips that you may find helpful in your own search:

  • Make a List of Preferences

One of the first things you need to do is make a list of all your housing preferences. In doing so, you will streamline your options, enabling you to arrive at the most fitting selections for you.

You may also want to include in your list some of the things you are looking for within the community.

  • Utilize Online Platforms

While you must take a personal visit to your potential temporary homes and areas, you may want to start your search online.

Several online platforms intended for temporary and travel nurse housing are widely available on the internet. Take advantage of all the features and tools in these sites because some even have virtual tours, allowing you to see the spaces remotely.

  • Consider Vacation Rental Websites

As noted, there are numerous available online platforms for housing today. But, instead of prioritizing those popular and in-demand sites, you may want to check those that offer vacation rentals, too.

The reason being is that these options are usually more fitting and applicable to travel nurses. This is in consideration of the fact that the term of stay is only temporary.

  • Be Wary of Cons and Scams

Although the online world provides a lot of convenience and efficiency, cons and scams are also apparent. You may want to take extra precautions when you are dealing with potential landlords and homeowners virtually.

Ensure that you are in deals with credible individuals and housing selections. As much as possible, do not shell out any amount of cash if you have yet to prove the authenticity and credibility of the transaction.

Types of Short-Term Housing Options For Travel Nurses

As a travel nurse, here are the most common available housing options for you:

  • Furnished Apartments

As the name states, it is a housing option wherein the place already features everything you will need in a home. Usually, such homes for travel nurses entail monthly terms.

  • Co-living Spaces

Co-living spaces are a cost-effective housing option. You will, most likely, get to live with another travel nurse and share all expenses.

  • Extended-Stay Hotels

Extended-stay hotels are very popular among travel nurses. This is because of the amenities available in hotels, like housekeeping, breakfast, and fitness centers.

Top 5 Housing Sites for Travel Nurses

Searching for the right housing can be overwhelming. This is especially true if this is your first time doing it.

Worry not, though, as there are now various online tools and platforms that may help you. Sites like Cash For Homes, and other realty-related pages, are great avenues to check.

But, for a more tried-and-tested option, these are the top five housing sites that every travel nurse may utilize:

  • Airbnb
  • VBRO

There are a lot more, too, if you widen your search vicinity. But, checking these given sites will already do.

Find Yours Today

All in all, searching and securing housing for your next travel nurse duties can be, indeed, challenging and overwhelming. But, with the right steps and guidance, you will arrive at the best options.

Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. Already have the assignment but need help finding housing? Click here to view our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

Join The Gypsy Nurse Nation

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab

By LRS Healthcare

August 25, 2021



Reasons You Should Take a Rural Assignment

This article was provided by LRS Healthcare.

Healthcare travelers land their next new adventure every day from coast to coast, but not every single one is in a major U.S city. Many take fantastic assignments in smaller cities surrounding major cities or even choose to take a more rural route. Traveling to the countryside can be fulfilling to any traveler if you look at the opportunities and doors it may open.

Explore the big city on the weekends

Most rural towns have a major city within a few hours of accessible by car or train. Connect with our travel experience team to hear more about what the city near you has to offer to plan a fun long weekend. You can experience city life from time to time while still enjoying the perks (and pay) of a rural assignment. Maybe you’re able to make it into the city for a concert one night or a farmer’s market on the weekend. The opportunities are endless when you can live the best of both worlds (city life and rural life)!

More broad clinical experience

Most rural travel assignments allow you to build your resume with a wide variety of experience versus sticking to one specialty area at a big city facility. There may not be a full staff of physicians, allowing nurses and staff to have more autonomy or more responsibility. This allows you to gain deeper knowledge in your career through hands-on experience. Expanding your area of knowledge will help you better handle situations you have not come across before. There’s also a wide variety of patients’ conditions that will come through a facility. You don’t see the same type of patient every day, and it can help you become a more well-rounded professional.

Slower paced and less stressful

Living outside of the city limits often allows for a lower number of the patient census. This means that hospitals are not at full capacity 100% of the time but may see spikes in patient numbers during peak seasons such as the winter for flu or respiratory issues. A rural assignment could be the answer for your next assignment if you’re coming from a level l trauma facility and need a change of pace or if you’re trying to avoid burnout from a high-volume facility.

Patients who truly appreciate your work

Facilities in smaller population areas gain a closer relationship with their patients. This allows a traveler to adapt to the facility faster by potentially seeing patients throughout their care more than once or twice. Community members appreciate someone coming to their “small town” and taking the leap of faith to provide care to a group that they may have never interacted with.

The facilities in the more rural areas need fantastic healthcare workers ready to provide care for their community and keep them safe and healthy, just like people in the city. You can gain more insight and experience in your career, enjoy the best of both worlds, and know that your work is truly appreciated when you’re doing your part with a smaller population. Ready to look for your first or next rural travel assignment? Give us a call or reach out to us to see what LRS Healthcare has to offer in your favorite state or region!

Are you a travel nurse looking for your next travel assignment? Click here to view our job board. Do you have your next assignment lined up but need housing? Click here to view our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

Join The Gypsy Nurse Nation

Discover new travel nurse jobs, subscribe to customized job alerts and unlock unlimited resources for FREE.

Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab

By Furnished Finder

August 24, 2021



Ways to Get Creative When Looking for Travel Nurse Housing

Right now, rates for travel nursing are at an all-time high. However, the cost of real estate has also swelled over the course of the pandemic, and more nurses than ever are leaving permanent jobs to chase crisis rates. All of these factors combined have led to increased costs for short-term renters and may make finding travel nurse housing that much more stressful. 

Keep in mind that this is why Furnished Finder is a great resource right now–since you don’t have to pay things like booking or cleaning fees through the site, you will automatically save a chunk of money by using them to find housing. In addition to using Furnished Finder, here are a few other ways you can find housing that fits your budget during this hectic time in healthcare.

creative housing

Creative Housing Tips for Travel Nursing

Option One: Consider a roommate.

If you are a stickler about your housing budget and are struggling to find the right fit in a private space, look into rooming-in at someone’s house or find another travel nurse who will be living in the same area who is willing to split a place. One huge positive of the influx of traveling healthcare professionals is that you will almost always be able to find a handful of people starting at the same facility in the same timeframe. Be sure to reach out to travel nurse housing groups to try and connect with other travelers who might be willing to share a space with you!

Option Two: Look into hotels.

Did you know Furnished Finder actually has a whole page dedicated to hotels that cater to long-term occupants? These types of hotels are often overlooked by travel nurses because they assume the cost will be too high, but you might be surprised by how affordable they can be.

Don’t forget to ask about how taxes work in your assignment’s area as well, because you may be entitled to a refund on taxes after a stay of at least 30 days. This, combined with the fact that you get cleaning services, linens, and items like toilet paper provided, can really make a hotel stay make sense.

Option Three: Splurge a little. 

While you may not want to spend more money on housing just because you are offered a crisis rate, keep in mind that those rates are high for a reason. Not only is the hospital desperate for help, but they know resources in the area are stretched thin across the board.

Look at it this way: you are likely going to work the hardest you ever have in some of these hard-hit areas. You will also be making 3-4 times more than your typical travel rates and most likely coming off far ahead of any normal assignment. Consider taking a little stress off your plate and opting for one of the nicer or larger homes over on the Furnished Finder housing database, and giving yourself a nice relaxing place to come home to after working your hardest. 

It can seem like an overwhelming time to be in healthcare, but remember that these rent prices (and these rates!) won’t last forever. Eventually, the crisis rates will die back down, more nurses will go back to permanent jobs, and the availability of short-term rentals will go back to normal. Until then, take a deep breath, make sure you are choosing a safe, clean place to stay, and don’t forget to remind yourself how awesome it is to have a lifestyle that can adjust with whatever craziness is going on in the world.

We hope you found these creative housing tips helpful. Do you have any creative housing tips to share with fellow travel nurses? Comment them below.

Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. Need to secure housing for your assignment? Click here to view our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

Join The Gypsy Nurse Nation

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab

By Medely

August 23, 2021



Six Essential Packing Tips For Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment

This article was provided by Medely.

Check out these essential packing tips for new and long-time Travel Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals.

Planning to leave for a new travel nurse contract is exciting—deciding what to pack is not. So, how can you anticipate what you’ll need for the next few months, pack as lightly as possible, and avoid spending extra money on basics when you get to your new location?

Packing well is an art that shapes your particular needs and the things that are important to you. However, there are lessons we’ve learned along the way that can help you get your essential packing list under control. Here are six essential packing tips for travel Nurses and Allied Professionals to help you get ready.

Six Essential Packing Tips For Your Next Travel Nurse Assignment:

1. What to know before you go

Travel assignment benefits can vary, so find out what you’ll need ahead of time. If you’re using company-provided housing, confirm if household items are provided. Furnished accommodations often include basics such as cooking utensils, dish towels, bedding, and small appliances (i.e., hairdryer, iron)—but if yours doesn’t, you won’t want to wait until you arrive to find out. If you’re using the housing stipend to find your accommodation, you may need to bring some household supplies with you.

Hospital uniform requirements can vary, so ask for guidance around details such as scrub color and fabric type if scrubs are not provided. It can also be helpful to ask about the hospital’s typical indoor temperature; you’ll want to make sure the scrubs you bring are warm and breathable enough to keep you comfortable.

Finally, research local weather trends for your entire assignment. Weather and temperatures can vary dramatically over a few months, and you may need to plan a wardrobe with layers so you can adapt.

2. Prioritize any must-have personal items

Some personal items, like a toothbrush or shampoo, can typically be found regardless of your location. But, a quick replacement of specialty pieces is not always possible. Very personal items are one-of-a-kind, so be sure to pack anything that could be difficult (or even impossible) to replace.

These items may include:

  • Nursing license and professional documents (although if you work through a service like Medely, you’ll have access to your credentials online)
  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Birth certificate
  • COVID-19 vaccine documentation (or weekly negative COVID tests)
  • Social security card
  • Any prescription medications

It can be helpful to create digital copies of important documents so you’ll always have access, but sometimes the originals are necessary.

3. Choose smart clothing items that are color coordinated and flexible

Packing clothes for 12+ weeks can feel daunting—until you realize that you’re going to spend much of your time in scrubs. So don’t feel too anxious about it!

Here are a few pro tips:

  • Coordinate the colors. This is essentially a small capsule wardrobe: A collection of a few outfits that can be reconfigured into a bunch of varying styles.
  • Plan for comfort at work. Bring one or two pairs of comfortable work shoes and scrubs.
  • Prep for the season ahead. It can be a challenge to plan your outfits so far in advance but keep your needs for the coming season in mind—whether you’ll need a swimsuit, a cozy sweater, or a pair of warm winter boots.
  • Find multipurpose items. Look for articles that can be used in more than one way, like a scarf that can double as a wrap on a breezy day or convertible clothes designed to be worn in multiple styles.

Some seasoned travelers have little room for “just in case” items, but if you’re struggling to leave something behind, consider this: How hard or expensive will it be to buy a new one? Some items can be costly to replace, but others may be easy to find secondhand or as a rental.

4. Keep things organized

Particularly if you’re taking shorter assignments and moving around more often, it can save time and effort if you keep your belongings organized with storage containers or packing cubes.

Consider organizing your stuff by needs, such as:

  • Things you’ll need as soon as you arrive
  • Work-related clothing
  • Kitchen and household items
  • Dress for later in the season
  • Sports and exercise-related items
  • Electronic devices and other tech-related essential items

This packing strategy can help you keep track of where things are and what you may or may not need to unpack right away.

5. Leave some space for the comforts of home

Is there really room for things that will make your space more comfortable? The reality is that, even with the best experiences and adventures, it can be tough to be on the move and away from the familiar constantly.

Consider bringing a few small items that can capture the spirit of the home, such as:

  • Locally-made condiments, such as syrups, jams, or spices
  • Scented items, such as soaps, candles, or essential oils
  • Locally-produced textiles, such as pashminas, sweaters, or socks

If you have the space, some travelers like to bring favorite personal items like pillows. They’re bulky, but if it helps you get a better night’s sleep in a strange bed, it may be worth the tradeoff!

6. Personalize your essential packing list—and keep editing it

Ultimately, the things you bring with you on your next travel nurse assignment are a personal selection that will likely vary as you travel more, gain experience, and figure out what’s essential to you.

Take stock between each travel nursing contract to reassess your essential packing list, then remove items you never use as well as anything you thought would be essential but isn’t.  

Want to make sure you haven’t missed anything? Check out The Nomad’s Packing Guide for Travel Nurses for more suggestions.

We hope you found these essential packing tips helpful. If there are any that you have found helpful, comment below. Are you looking for your next travel nurse assignment? Click here to view our job board. Have the assignment secured but need to find housing? Click here to view our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

Join The Gypsy Nurse Nation

Discover new travel nurse jobs, subscribe to customized job alerts and unlock unlimited resources for FREE.

Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab

By The Gypsy Nurse

August 22, 2021



Top 50 Labor Day Weekend Events

Labor Day Weekend marks the end of summer BBQs and pool parties. Don’t despair; there is still time to enjoy the last of the summer festivals and events before you have to don the jeans and sweatshirts.

Here is a State-by-state listing of things to do this Labor Day Weekend.


At the Annual Labor Day, Celebration, and Moon Pie Eatin’ Contest, Visitors can enter the state’s largest Moon Pie-eating contest and enjoy crafts and food. Located at Tannehill Iron Works Historical State Park, McCalla, The events start at 10:30 am and are FREE to attend.


Nestled in the heart of the Chugach Mountains, in the fertile Matanuska-Susitna Valley, the Fairgrounds are just an hour north of Anchorage. Over Labor Day weekend, the Fair provides a setting for Alaska’s last blast of summer, a showcase of Alaska’s uniqueness and beauty.


All-Indian rodeo, custom car show, volleyball tournament, strong man & women competition, baseball tournament, co-ed softball tournament, basketball tournaments, horseshoe tournament, bull riding challenge, royalty pageants, parade, All Indian Women’s Rodeo, food vendors.


The National Championship Chuckwagon Races are held Friday through Sunday every Labor Day Weekend at the Of Ranch in Clinton, Arkansas. An estimated one hundred fifty teams compete in five different divisions for the title of National Champion.


Millbrae Art & Wine Festival – Millbrae, CA – Sep 1 to Sep 2, 2018
Celebrate the last blast of summer with sun-splashed, Mardi Gras-style fun in the Bay Area.

LA County Fair – Pomona, CA – Aug 31 to Sep 23, 2018
93rd anniversary. Carnival rides, horse racing, live music, traveling circus, and more. Wine, Beer & Spirits Marketplace. Competitions including BBQ contest, photo contest, and landscaping competition.


New to Denver and need a crash course in all of the best food, music, and culture that the city has to offer?  Then check out one of the best Labor Day festivals Denver has and get a VIP ticket to A Taste of Colorado.


Celebrating its 156th year, Woodstock Fair, the state’s second-oldest agricultural fair, has tasty food, livestock shows, a petting zoo, free stage shows, a midway, go-kart races, strolling entertainers, plenty of vegetables and flowers, and much more.

District of Columbia gives a list of 10 significant Labor Day events. You’re sure to find one that fits your interests.


The NKF Annual Pro-Am Surf Festival is the LARGEST surfing charity competition in the world. ALL proceeds go to the NKF of Florida to support programs in patient services, research, public & professional education & organ donation. The festival also strives to increase awareness of kidney disease w/ an emphasis on prevention & support for organ donation.


Labor Day Celebration You deserve a break today! Come on out to Ft McAllister State Park for a relaxing and entertaining day for the whole family. Civil War soldiers will be firing rifles and cannons throughout the day… Find Out More


36th Annual Okinawan Festival, The Hawaii United Okinawa Association, presents the largest ethnic festival in Hawaii. The two-day festival celebrates Okinawan culture with food, entertainment, arts, crafts, and cultural activities. The 2018 Okinawan Festival will be held at the Hawaii Convention Center. Learn about Okinawan and Japanese culture at the Cultural Tent.


Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic– This family festival features as many as 50 hot air balloons lifting off from Ann Morrison Park each of the four mornings. 2012 marks the start of the Balloon Classic’s third decade of flight from Ann Morrison Park. This year, we’ll be celebrating nearly 5,000 exciting balloon flights from the venue that is truly one of Boise’s most spectacular locations.


Chicago Jazz festival Labor Day weekend brings a great tradition of America’s truly original music form, jazz. Location: Grant and Millennium parks. Free.

Check out these additional Chicago Labor Day Events


Sept. 1-5 AUBURN Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival – Featured are the Parade of Classics, an antique show, an arts and crafts show, a cruise-in, a decorator showcase home, a quilt show, a chocolate factory tour, and the Last Stop Cemetery Tour.  Location: Courthouse Square.

If expensive vintage cars aren’t your thing, check out these other events happening over Labor Day Weekend in Indiana (BTW: Indiana is Gypsy’s Home State).

8/29-9/1 – Tri-State Bluegrass Festival – Kendallville
8/30-8/31 – Steamboat Nights – Jeffersonville
8/30-8/31 – Latino Festival – Huntingburg
8/30-8/31 – Septemberfest – Dubois
8/30-9/2 – Farmers Pike Festival – New Castle
8/29-9/1 – Rock ‘N’ Rail Street Festival – Griffith
8/30-9/2 – The Earl Park Fall Festival – Earl Park
8/30-9/2 – Little Italy Festival – Clinton
8/30-9/2 – Ligonier Marshmallow Festival – Ligonier
8/30-9/2 – Marshall County Blueberry Festival – Plymouth
8/30-8/31 – Fishers Blues Fest – Indianapolis


MOUNT PLEASANT Midwest Old Threshers Reunion – Visit one of the country’s largest theme shows based on agricultural heritage. Highlights range from steam engines and exhibits to an 1850s village and craft items. Location: McMillan Park.

ELKHORN Viking Meet – This living-history event is performed by re-enactors from the United States and Canada. Stroll through the camp, watch the VikingHjem steel combat and Vikings in training, and view a replica of the longship Yrsa.  Location: Danish Windmill and the Immigrant Museum. Free.

Redneck Revival Adults only 21 and over. Lots of adult contests. An Old School Adult Outdoor Festival with many Acres of Camping, Music Performances, Entertainers, Vendor Lanes, Party Buildings, Bike Drag Racing Competition Fri-Sat, and occasional Adult Night Mud Bog Competition.


The Kansas City Irish Fest With over 30 bands on seven stages, heritage workshops and displays, comedy, genealogy, a massive children’s area, and so much more, there is no better way to celebrate Celtic Pride. Cowtown than Kansas City Irish Fest! Sign up for our email newsletter or follow us on social media and never miss a thing.

The 46th annual Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival will be held on August 31 – September 3, 2018. There will be 450+ arts, crafts, food, and commercial vendor booths. The festival will also include a carnival, contests, entertainment, authentic blacksmith, antique fire trucks, and much more. Free admission.


Kentucky is full of events over Labor Day Weekend. Everyone should be able to find something of interest.

8/30-8/31 – Elliott County Tobacco Festival – Sandy Hook
8/31-9/2 – Breathitt County Honey Festival – Jackson
8/30-8/31 – Daniel Boone Pioneer Festival – Winchester
8/30-9/11 – Heritage Days – Augusta
8/31-9/1 – Swift Silver Mine Festival – Campton
8/30-9/2 – WorldFest – Louisville

8/31 – Monroe County Watermelon Festival – Tompkinsville
9/1– Kentucky Music and Bourbon Experience – Louisville
8/31-9/2 – St. Cecilia Labor Day Festival – Independence


Satchmo Fest – Each year, this weekend-long festival celebrates Louis Armstrong’s life, legacy, and music. The festivities include a seminar series, jazz exhibits, a jazz mass and second-line parade, fantastic food, and a host of star-studded performers.

Held annually over Labor Day weekend in the French Quarter, Southern Decadence celebrates LGBT culture for six days in the city. Be sure to check out the special events throughout the weekend, like a Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, the Annual Official Southern Decadence Grand Marshals’ Drag Show, the Southern Decadence Parade, or one of the many parties the city.

Want to get away from the craziness of festivals? The Fly in Uptown, New Orleans, is the perfect place to spend Labor Day hanging out with friends, grilling burgers, and watching the sunset along the Mississippi River. Or pack a picnic and bring the family to Bayou St. John, City Park, or Audubon Park.


Blue Hill Fair – Blue Hill, ME – Aug 30 to Sep 3, 2018
An annual Labor Day weekend event located at 233 Elsworth Road in Blue Hill.  Features live entertainment, attractions, and exhibits for the family, plus fun contests and more!.  Describes itself as a real “Down to Earth” Country Fair.

Booth Bay Harbor Fest – Boothbay Harbor, ME – A 10-day celebration of local food and live music on the waterfront.  A food and fashion show.

Drop anchor in Camden for Labor Day weekend, when the harbor will be filled with the sails and masts of nearly two dozen windjammers and schooners. Friday, Aug. 31, brings the launch of Camden’s 25th annual maritime celebration, the Camden Windjammer Festival, which features the largest gathering of windjammers in the northeast. The festival offers two full days of family-friendly events, spirited competitions, and nautical exhibits that can only be experienced on Labor Day Weekend in Camden.


The 71st Annual National Hard Crab Derby & Fair will be a crab-extravaganza with crab races, crab picking, and crab cooking. Also, there will be boat docking contests, parades, games, rides, fireworks, arts/crafts, live entertainment, and of course – fabulous seafood!

Spend Labor Day Weekend at the Allegany County Fairgrounds for The Western Maryland Street Rod Roundup.  It’s three days of high octane fun in Cumberland.

Monty Alexander Jazz Festival, Easton Send off summer with the scintillating jazz sounds at this Labor Day favorite. This year features Dominick Farinacci and Shenel Johnson Friday, celebrating the ladies of blues. Saturday is jam-packed with the likes of pianist Matthew Whitaker, Harry Allen, and of course, the festival’s namesake, legendary Caribbean jazz pianist Monty Alexander.


Marlborough Labor Day Parade.  Marlborough has a proud tradition of hosting the largest and most prestigious Labor Day Parade in New England!

Gloucester Block Party Returning to Main Street for the 9th year running, the Downtown Gloucester block party series offers free entertainment and fun for all ages.  Each of the block parties has a unique theme with live music, street performers, a talent competition, children’s activities, dog shows, and more.

Great Provincetown Schooner Regatta This educational and sailing event honors the local maritime history and the great natural resources of the region. Promotes public awareness of the important role that Schooners and other historic vessels played in our economic and cultural history.


ROYAL OAK Arts, Beats and Eats– More than 200 performances on ten stages, a juried fine arts show, and local restaurants with some of the finest cuisine in metro Detroit.

The annual Marquette Blues Fest celebrates the best in blues. Catch the top blues acts from New Orleans, Memphis, Chicago, and St. Louis all weekend long in Marquette’s Mattson Lower Harbor Park. The festival will also have workshops, a wide selection of food vendors, and a beer and wine tent.

Labor Day Truck Parade & Ice Cream Social – Holland This annual parade brings the noise . . . and the ice cream! Since 2006, this event has grown into a heavily anticipated local event. Meant to celebrate Holland/Zeeland products and employees, this event is also a great opportunity to have some family-friendly fun in West Michigan.

MACKINAW CITY Labor Day Bridge Walk – Join thousands of pedestrians as they participate in this long-standing tradition. This is the only day of the year walking the Mighty Mac is allowed; participants are awarded a certificate of completion. Free.


ST. PAUL Minnesota State Fair – Twelve action-packed days are filled with agriculture, food, parades, horse shows, contests, a midway, and exhibits.

Boundary Waters Blues Festival & Dog Jam 3 Great Days of the Blues and a Sunday filled with the best of every music genre at the Long Branch in Winton MN, just 3 short miles from Ely. On the shores of beautiful Fall Lake.

Duluth-Superior Pride Celebrate pride in the Twin Ports during Labor Day Weekend. Duluth-Superior Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender. Allied, Queer, Intersex (GLBTAQI) Pride serves the Duluth-Superior area’s GLBTAQI community by celebrating diversity, promoting understanding, education, acceptance, respect, healthy living, self-esteem, and equality.


Memphis Food Truck and Craft Beer Festival – Foodies and craft beer enthusiasts everywhere are invited to enjoy some of the area’s most popular food trucks as they dish out fan favorites, such as Memphis style BBQ, American comfort foods, zesty tacos, sweet treats (ice-cream and cookies!), and a range of ethnic cuisines.


For those who love food, especially homemade pastries, the Greek Festival in the Central West End is a must on Labor Day weekend. This annual event attracts thousands of visitors who enjoy music, dancing, and some of the best Greek food you’ll find anywhere. The event kicks off Friday night with a special celebration in the beer garden, then continues through Labor Day.

Laclede’s Landing holds the Big Muddy Blues Festival. This outdoor music festival features more than 50 local and nationally known artists that will perform on different stages set up throughout the Landing.

St. Louis might not be the first place you think of when it comes to celebrating Japanese culture. Still, each Labor Day weekend, the Missouri Botanical Garden hosts one of the largest and oldest Japanese Festivals in North America. The event features traditional music, dancing, and storytelling in the Garden’s authentic Japanese strolling gardens. Visitors can learn about the art of Origami or attend a traditional tea ceremony. Another highlight of the three-day event is the chance to see a real sumo wrestling demonstration.


2018 Choctaw Nation Labor Day Festival & Pow Wow at Tvshika Homma, capital of the Choctaw Nation. The Choctaw Nation invites all visitors to enjoy tribal heritage activities, an intertribal powwow, Choctaw cultural exhibitions.


Since 1977 SeptemberFest has offered four days of entertainment, educational and artistic displays, a carnival, and Omaha’s largest parade. The festival runs for 4 days, ending on Labor Day weekend. The annual Salute to Labor has something for the entire family, from the Beer Garden’s musical acts to plenty of entertainment for children in the Kiddie Kingdom to a giant carnival midway for the entire family. SeptemberFest also includes arts & crafts, food, and several new unique attractions each year.

I couldn’t find much on Nebraska for Labor Day, but I do know that we have a lot of Agencies located in Omaha. If you’re in the area, get in touch with one of them and see what suggestions they might have.


The Nugget Rib Cook-Off will be going full tilt during Labor Day weekend. Get over to Victorian Square in Sparks to enjoy lots of BBQ ribs and Fixin’s, free entertainment, and lots of arts and crafts vendors. There is a free daily shuttle bus, saving you a big parking hassle.

Winnemucca’s Tri-County Fair is happening. Including rodeo, monster trucks, barrel races, carnival, and much more.

New Hampshire

Looking for the largest fun-filled family event in the Great North Woods? Look no further! The undisputed event of the summer is the Lancaster Fair that has been open for 146 years in succession. Thank you for joining us and making the fair fun!

New Jersey

Riverdale Food and Music Street Fair– WATERVILLE VALLEY “Just Ducky” End of Summer Bash The main thoroughfare of Riverdale will be transformed into an open-air pedestrian marketplace with non-stop entertainment, festival foods, local merchants and restaurants display their specialties, and a variety of family activities. Over 100 exhibitors, kiddie rides, and climbing wall, a special section with craft exhibitors displaying their handmade craft, pony rides and petting zoo, games, face painters, activities, and delicious food. Don’t miss JC’s Traveling Kids Shindig with kids’ games, rides, temp. Tattoos, sand art, face painting, kids’ entertainment, and much more!

The Boonton Fireman’s Carnival is coming to Morris County again for four straight days filled with tons of food, live entertainment, raffles, and a variety of games and rides. The parade kicks off Saturday’s festivities in the early afternoon. The last day of the carnival will feature a pig roast at 5:00 pm and a fireworks show at 10:00 pm to end the wonderful Labor Day weekend.

Something for everyone in this list of Labor Day events.

New Mexico

BERNALILLO New Mexico Wine Festival– Wineries offer customers an opportunity to taste and purchase New Mexico wines. Also offered are arts and crafts, food and music.

New York

Indulge in some Caribbean culture this Labor Day at the West Indian American Day Carnival. This celebration of Caribbean culture features marchers in elaborate costumes promenading down the Eastern Parkway to reggae and calypso sounds.  For spectators, tasty ethnic food and drink are also available. Favorites include jerk chicken, fried flying fish, rice and beans, and johnnycakes. Best of all, it’s FREE to attend.

Watch 300 unicycles roll around the city Thursday and Friday, or try it yourself at New York City Unicycle Festival, with unicycle sports, exhibitions, and races at Governors Island on Saturday and Sunday. Free.

North Carolina

Enjoy two nights of the music and dance of the Southern Appalachian region, including fiddlers, banjo players, string bands, ballad singers, buck dancers, and square dance teams. 48TH ANNUAL SMOKY MOUNTAIN FOLK FESTIVAL

Enjoy your time off in this town just outside of Charlotte. The four-day Mathews Alive Festival features amusement rides, games, live concerts, food, arts and crafts, a petting zoo, and more. Admission: free

The 72nd Annual Apple Festival This long-running festival features a street fair on historic Main Street, with live music, arts and crafts, apple growers, kids’ activities, special exhibits, food, and more. Plus, the King Apple Parade takes place on Labor Day. Admission: free.

North Dakota

Fort Union Living-History Weekend Every Labor Day weekend, Fort Union hosts muzzleloaders, buck skinners, and fur trade re-enactors. Black powder shooting demonstrations are conducted, tradespeople work in the blacksmith and carpenter shops and trade re-enactments occur in the trade house reception room. The highlight of the weekend is the Last Bell Tour. After the last bell is rung, closing the fort for the night, visitors are led through a series of scenes related to an event in the fort’s history.


MILLERSPORT Sweet Corn Festival– Enjoy hot buttered sweet corn served fresh on the cob and piping hot. Bring the whole family to experience a wide variety of delicious foods, large midway, tractor pulls, square dancing, contests galore, farm animals, historical exhibits, and top-name country music entertainers while strolling the shady Historic Lions Park. The proceeds from this four-day community event is a major source of income for over 75 non-profit charitable organizations operating all of the food and game concessions.


Choctaw Nation Labor Day Festival and Powwow- Vendors selling food and treats, more than 100 arts and crafts booths, various sports competitions, free concerts, cultural exhibits, children’s activities, Choctaw storytelling, and free carnival rides are highlights. Bring a lawn chair for seating.


Oregon State Fair– Concerts, magic shows, animal shows, and musical entertainment are offered, along with a carnival, pony rides, and lots of traditional fair food.

Check out these additional Portland & Oregon Labor Day Weekend Events: Concerts, Festivals, Parties, Food & Drink


Pocono Garlic Festival- This fun-filled event is a mix of the legendary Pocono-grown garlic, entertainment so good you’ll think you’re at a high-priced concert, a gaggle of gifted craftspeople and artisans, and lots and lots of great food-all of it liberally laced with garlic.

Here is a great list for a long weekend full of music, fireworks, outdoor happenings in Philadelphia.

Rhode Island

Food Trucks, Museums, and live music are all on the agenda over Labor Day weekend. Check out all the events happening here. 

South Carolina

Join the Chapin Labor Day Festival with a farmers market, 5K, food, and music.

You can extend your Labor Day weekend at the Upper SC State Fair with rides, food, and entertainment. This Fair goes until September 9th.

South Dakota

The South Dakota State Fair featuring The Beach Boys this year is fun for the whole family.

Happening the weekend before Labor Day, the annual Fall River Hot Air Balloon Festival should not be missed. Hot air balloon launch, festival eats, craft fair, and an antique car show.


With too many things to list, Nashville has some exciting events happening this Labor Day Weekend. Check this list for music, art, sports, and special events over the holiday weekend.


BBQ Cook-Off in Junction TX. Arts, crafts, music, food. This annual arts, skills, and music Labor Day Celebration offers relaxing fun, food, and entertainment for all ages with all interests. The event is held along the banks of the Llano River in Junction, Texas.

Kerr County Market Days & Hill Country Swap Meet continues to feature artists and crafters bringing their own original handcrafted jewelry, fiber, wood, metal, soaps, lotions and more. Hill Country Swap Meet a community garage sale and flea market with all types of merchandise.

Camp Eagle Classic Mountain Bike Festival Great biking and family fun. Zip line, river fun, and so much more.


Payson Golden Onion Days The onion is the king of this festival, including amusement rides, fireworks, a parade, arts and crafts, food booths, and a demolition derby.

Midway Swiss Days includes a chuckwagon breakfast, a 10K run, a parade, several music performances, and an enormous art and craft fair, which is a great place to shop for unique gifts, home decor, clothing, and more. Don’t forget to try some excellent pie and ice cream.


RANDOLPH New World Festival– This event celebrates Vermont’s Celtic and French-Canadian roots. Some 100 musicians and folk dancers from Northern New England, Canada, and the British Isles perform.

Whether you’re a fan of agrarian Vermont’s finest livestock and produce, a thrill-seeker who lives for carnival rides, or a food lover who craves the likes of jalapeno poppers, deep-fried cheesecake, homemade apple pie, and more, this is the place to be as summer winds down. The state’s most significant single event, the Champlain Valley Fair, is packed with enough exhibits, vendors, rides, games, and entertainment to keep all of its estimated 300,000 attendees happy.

Mount Snow Brewers Festival Enjoy brews from nearly 50 different breweries who are on-hand pouring their beers and ciders from 100+ other taps, plus live music, great food, and more.


THE PLAINS Virginia Scottish Games– One of the nation’s largest Scottish culture exhibitions, this event includes Highland dancing, piping, and fiddle and harp competitions. A British antique automobile show, a Celtic crafts fair, and a Scottish-breed dog exhibition also are featured.

Front Porch Fest is a 3-day family-friendly music festival in Stuart, VA featuring local, regional, and national touring acts. In addition to 30+ bands, Front Porch Fest features an array of children’s activities, yoga, campsite jams, on-site camping, delicious craft brews and foods, and more!


SEATTLE Bumbershoot: Seattle’s Music & Arts Festival celebrates the gamut of art forms, including music, comedy, visual arts, literary arts, theater, and dance.

Washington State Fair- Kicking off on Labor Day weekend, this 20-day fair will grace Puyallup once again with food, rides, and entertainment.

Oak Harbor Music Festival features more than 30 bands playing all types of music on two stages, beer gardens, food vendors, and arts and crafts on Whidbey Island. It’s also free.

West Virginia

Clarksburg West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival – Thousands descend upon Clarksburg to celebrate a little bit of Italy in the hills of West Virginia. Enjoy Italian food, a pasta cook-off, a parade, craft booths, a bocce tournament, concerts, a wine garden, and children’s entertainment.

Historic Rowlesburg, W.Va. will host its annual Labor Day Weekend Festival from Friday, September 1 through Sunday, September 3, with the famous Ox Roast held on Monday, September 4.


Wisconsin State Cow Chip Throw– Approximately 40,000 people attend The Wisconsin State Cow ChipThrow each year. The current Wisconsin Cow Chip Throw state record is 248 feet. Two stages of free entertainment, arts and crafts fair, 5K & 10K Run, and much more! Friday night and Saturday of Labor Day weekend.


The Fort Bridger Rendezvous is a mountain man rendezvous celebrating the Fur Trade Rendezvous Era that occurred in the Rocky Mountains between 1825-1840. It is one of the largest mountain man gatherings in the nation. Held the first weekend of September annually at Fort Bridger, Wyoming, this Mountain Man Rendezvous is an experience your family will be sure to remember for years. Come and experience historic Fort Bridger at its best!

The BHRC Labor Day Rodeo in Meeteetse is a tradition of over 100 years, and we love to finish off the weekend with our traditional rodeo.

Jackson Hole has an entire weekend lineup of events happening.

DISCLAIMER: These events were curated by the Gypsy Nurse staff.  We do our best to validate the information, but cannot be responsible for its accuracy. Always check with the contact information shown for each event sponsor for the latest information before making plans to attend. 

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab

By Dan Matthews

August 20, 2021



How Can a Travel Nurse Cope With a New Culture?

Traveling can be a fun and exhilarating experience, but the situation complicates itself quite a bit when it’s for work. Travel nurses have the opportunity to spend time in far-off locales, both nationally and internationally. Still, due to frequent travel and professional commitments, they may find it difficult to integrate themselves into the local community.

Fortunately, there are ways for travel nurses to cope with cultural shifts while prioritizing their mental health and professional responsibilities. Whether you’re preparing for your first assignment as a travel nurse or you’re a seasoned pro, you can always pick up some new tips to help integrate you on your next mission.

Become a Tourist & Practice Community Integration

As a travel nurse, you’re likely filled with wanderlust, eager to explore new people and places. Your profession allows you to do just that, so before arriving, it’s wise to do a bit of research, just as you would before going on vacation. Travel is a privilege, and just because you’re visiting a location for work doesn’t mean you can’t soak in the culture and landmarks while you’re at it. For instance, traveling nurses on assignment in Raleigh, NC, would be wise to research some of the top activities in Raleigh and the surrounding areas.

Attending local concerts on the weekend or finding a favorite coffee shop will help you feel more at home and provide the opportunity to meet locals and out-of-towners alike. You can also keep your adventurous soul alive as a travel nurse by spacing out your assignments to allow more time for independent travel or forming lasting bonds through a nursing unit potluck. While on the go, making your living quarters as cozy as possible will help you avoid homesickness and feel at ease in your temporary home.

Adapting to Cultural & Regional Differences

Working as a nurse, you’re likely accustomed to meeting people who come from all different walks of life. It may feel a bit different when you’re plopped in the middle of an unfamiliar culture, but the key to coping is recognizing the beauty of cultural and regional differences.

Understanding a patient’s culture can also help you better meet their needs and understand their behaviors, whether they’re a dying Hindu who wants their bed moved to face the East, an American who wants to be the first to know their diagnosis before any family members, or a Japanese who refuses to be housed in room number four (in Chinese and Japanese, the character for the number four is pronounced in the same way as the character for death).

Between and even within regions, work culture can be highly variable, as can communication styles. Observing and asking questions can help you better understand your role in the hospital and what is expected of you as an employee.

Keeping an Upbeat Attitude

Embarking on a career as a travel nurse can mean you have some important questions hanging over your head: Should you buy, sell, or rent a house? How do you plan to maintain relationships with loved ones while you’re off on assignment? What are your long-term career goals?

Amidst all the uncertainty, a positive attitude can work wonders. By taking some time to plan out your living situation and long-term goals, you set yourself up for future success. Some travel nurses decide to buy a home in one of the best cities for a travel nursing career, including locations as diverse as Washington, D.C., and Honolulu, HI.

When it comes to maintaining personal and familial relationships back home, nurturing long-distance family relationships is an important component of keeping you grounded and in good mental health. Staying in touch while traveling doesn’t have to be challenging with proper coordination, regular video calls, and frequent reunions.

Maintaining a curious, respectful attitude and gratitude for your opportunities will allow you to adapt more easily to the new cultures you find yourself navigating as a travel nurse.

Are you looking for your next travel nurse job? Click here to search our job board. Do you have your next job secured but need housing? Click here to search our housing page.

If you are a new travel nurse or looking into becoming a travel nurse:

Travel Nurse Guide: Step-by-Step (now offered in a PDF Downloadable version!)

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab