By The Gypsy Nurse

August 9, 2018



Maximize Your Travel Nurse Housing Per Diem

What do you do when the rental housing market is very tough, expensive, or limited availability?  How do you find something affordable so that you can maximize your travel nurse Housing Per Diem?

One of our Network Group members Amy Sherman RN, recently shared her experience and gave The Gypsy Nurse permission to re-print and share with you here on

My $236 Bedroom

Amy attests that “Every single thing in the photo was purchased from Craigslist or thrift stores (including a foam mattress in pristine condition!) This is what you can do when you take an unfurnished apartment and the stipend.”

$164 Living Room

Amy says that it took about two weeks to fully furnish her unfurnished apartment.  “I was on a mission.”  She also convinced her landlord to rent the apartment short term by agreeing to leave the furniture at the end of the lease. It’s a win-win for both the renter and the Landlord.

 “I love hunting down bargains, it’s like a scavenger hunt to me. Plus, I get to see a lot of the city.   – Amy”

What a great way to explore!

Another member travels with an air bed. She uses her totes as nightstands, TV Stand and end tables. Yet another member states that she spent about $80 on furniture and then negotiated with the landlord to pay utilities in exchange for the furniture.

Finding affordable temporary housing can be a very stressful part of this job. To be successful at it you have to have a lot of tricks up your sleeve and know what resources are available. These are just a few examples of some of the resourceful things you can do to make the most of your housing per diem.

Check out these great resources to maximize your stipend:

Furnished Finder –

Airbnb – 

Do you have other tips? Please share them in the comments.

We are excited to share and learn all the tips we can to save a little money and enjoy the adventure.

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Since just recently joining The Gypsy Nurse, I have had so many questions answered about the world of travel nursing. This has been an excellent resource!
—Meagan L. | Cath Lab